shopping cart showing a message of incompatibility!

Hi to all,
I have a Podium DD2 wheel base with QR2. I was planning to buy an addition Rally wheel, a shifter and a handbrake. Accoring to the description they should be compatible with all wheel bases of Fanatec. However, when I put the item in the cart I get following messages for every item:
"According to your order history, the selected Steering Wheel ClubSport Shifter SQ V 1.5 is not compatible with one or more of your purchased Wheel Base Podium Wheel Base DD2."
"According to your order history, the selected Steering Wheel Sparco R383 is not compatible with one or more of your purchased Wheel Base Podium Wheel Base DD2."
Only two examples... but that sound very weird... is it really like this??
Best regards,
Knowing Fanatec software development history I would not take it to serious.
Also calling the Clubsport Shifter SQ v1.5 a steering wheel shows the development of these compatibility messages is clearly not working...