Telemetry fanatec in xbox

Hello, do you have any idea when or if you are working to be able to enjoy the telemetry and the buttons of the rings? Thank you.


  • nobody knows it´s requested for minimum 4 years now. i know how frustrating it is that you have wheels for 400 or 550 euros and you can´t use the features. and it is not helpful when Fanatec and Microsoft blame each other for that. it should be in interest of both parties.

  • Coming this year.

  • that would be really nice. because i know some people of my former F1 League on xbox, even with DD 1/2 Bases, who are waiting for it. Even if Fanatec make the most money with PC and Playstation User, it would be nice if a new Xbox compatible wheel coming in the near future.

  • We'll look forward to it, I'm excited about this answer. Thanks a lot

  • How do you know this news?

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