GT DD Pro with Podium Steering Wheel Monte Carlo Rally

hello everyone.

I know the following question should be really obvious to some...but I want to make sure cause the shipping is very long...

I actually have a GT DD Pro and I'm looking to buy the Podium Steering Wheel Monte Carlo Rally.

I see in the compatibility setting that it's compatible with my base. But does it mean it's compatible straigth away without any adapter ? Or I need to have an adapter to plug the wheel to my base ?

Thank you


  • The GT DD Pro base came with the QR1 base side. If not already done you will have to upgrade your wheel base to QR2 base side (Type C) $69

  • Thank you very much Matthew :)

    Have a nice day

  • maybe the Rally Sweden Wheel will be available in near future. this one includes the CS QR, so you do not need upgrade to QR2 base side. But nobody knows if or when it´s available again

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