BMW M4 GT3 vs Button Rally Module LEDs in Fanalabs/AMS2

I have the M4 GT3 and BMR on Universal Hub.

In Fanalabs, when i setup REV to percentage on the BMR everything works perfectly.

But on the M4, the lights miss about 30-40 percent of the time. If i setup the top three button LEDs on the left and the other three on the right. The first one always lights up, the second one usually lights up. And the third one fails the most often.

Originally I thought it was an AMS2 telemetry output issue, but the BMR never misses.

My other thought is that it's a driver issue. I know the Formula wheels are having Rev issues, but I don't know if that's related.

My concern is that it's hardware.

Here's a few more details:

Driver 455

Fanalabs 2.01.21

Base DD1

BMR on Universal Hub V2 with APM on QR2

M4 on QR2

Telemetry on AMS2 is set to 4. It doesn't seem to matter if it's set at any other number.


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