Mclaren gt3 v2 problem

Hi everyone! in january my CSL DD starts with some disconnection issues and then I resolve that I have this problem, I attach the steering wheel Mclaren GT3 v2 to the wheel base and its turn on update mode and the led goes to every color.. the thing is I can't pass the update mode after flashing firmware, which does correctly.. When the base recognizes the steering wheel, it recognizes it as CSL P1 v2 and when you turn it off the wheel, things go back to the beginning. Can anybody help me?

Images in these links, the website crashed when I tried to upload them


  • i would try downgrade the steering wheel fw. but it sounds to me that something with the internal electronics of the McLaren wheel is wrong. which explains the disconnects before and the oled issues.

    if you have warranty i would open a ticket

  • Yes, it is still under warranty, now I sent an email to the support team... could you tell me how to downgrade the steering wheel fw?

  • if you are not familiar with downgrade i would not try. When base recognizes the wheel as a CSL P1 V2, a downgrade would not help. so it is really a case for the support. Hope you get answer soon from them

  • Thanks for responding mate! I look forward to a quick response from the support team.

  • Check and Tighten all the screws around the pins, this happened to me and tightening them up fixed it.

  • Yes Mick, I already did that and it didn't work. I was able to make the steering wheel work with the 456 driver version but I went back to the 455 which detects it perfectly now... I am noticing a looseness with my qr1 lite, the steering wheel has a slight movement once adjusted and that causes micro disconnections... I have to see how to solve that 😪

  • Hey Franco, since using 455 is your oled still working? mine won't even show the Fanatec symbol..

  • Mick! Yes, after installing the 455 drivers again I flashed the firmware, first of the wheel base motor and then of the wheel base... after that it gives the message to connect the steering wheel (if it is one of the list) and I connect my mclaren gt3 v2 and I moved it from left to right, after that it recognized it and let me calibrate it and also the OLED screen turned on showing the firmware data of the whole components. I solved the problem of the micro disconnection by putting electrical tape on the central guide of the QR wheel base side... Then I saw on the internet some 3D spacers to place there and "fix" this issue.

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