QR2 lite on GT DD Extreme

I’ve read that the QR2 lite limits the torque on bases but on the Extreme this is not the case when using the GT wheel.

My question is, when I fit another wheel, for example the McLaren using the QR2 lite it limits the torque. Why? If this has been tested for the GT wheel and is deemed to be ok then surely I can use the McLaren with the full torque?


  • Because McLaren has a detection pin which gets pushed when installing a QR Lite which then tells the base that it should limit the Torque.

  • Thanks for getting back to me. So would that be something I could remove?

  • Whether it's removable or not, at the very least you'll void the warranty or possibly damage the wheel.

    I assume you're swapping the qr2 lite off the extreme. If not, why would you have bought another lite when you should have known it limits the torque.

    Swapping qr's is a pain, and eliminates the convenience of hot swapping your wheel. Just pony up the cash, and do it right. Buy a regular qr2.

  • It’s not about the cash my friend. When I read the information regarding the QR2 lite on the extreme it states that the lite has been tested and you can use the full torque available. Now rightly or wrongly I assumed if I put another wheel on with the lite it would work. Fanatec themselves must have either removed this pin/peg to workaround it as I doubt very much they would pay the remoulding costs involved. So it’s fair to ask the question isn’t it?

  • That only applies to the GT Extreme wheel. The wheel was designed to be used for full torque with the QR2 lite. All other wheels were out well before the QR2, so were not designed/manufactured with this in mind

  • I appreciate that, however the wheel is capable of taking the load and assuming that the QR 2 in the Extreme isn’t modified other than the pin/peg, then the only thing that could cause an issue is the base. So with that in mind the Extreme has been designed to work with it therefore any other wheel……. In principle should be ok. That’s what I’m asking for. The literature states that the lite is ok on that base with that wheel so where is the limiting factor, is it the other Fanatec bases or is it the wheels themselves or is it a different QR2 lite.

    We can assume all sorts of things but unless we ask questions we don’t know facts.

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