Community Event and Community Manager

in Blog
I would like to introduce you to Dom Brennan who works as a community manager for us now. He moved from the UK to Bavaria and is a simracer who knows what he is talking about.
Dom will also be active in this forum from now on and help you with answers. He is also building up a real forum with help section and guidelines how to set up your Fanatec product in a game.
This year we are celebrating 20 years of Endor/Fanatec. As we take any chance to make a party we will celebrate that on the 25th of August in Landshut.
Such a party would not be complete without our fans and customers.Therefore we would like to invite a couple of you to celebrate with us so it will be a community event.
We will put our old products on display as well as showing the latest Podium DD wheel bases. You can even compare them with its most important competitors both in a racing simulation as well as with test tools to measure torque, smoothness, acceleration, etc.
So who would like to come to Landshut?