Fanatec Beta Driver V340 for CSL, CSW and Podium Bases (all wheels)
Marcel Pfister
Member, Administrator
Hello Everybody,
Changelog of V340:
A. Driver
1. Added functionality for upcoming products.
2. Added Wheel Center Calibration button in the Setting page.
3. Removed the MPS "Active - 11 positions (position 1 = OFF) for McLaren" in the Settings page. (this was there to workaround issues with older games that don't like constantly active buttons but now there is the MPS Tuning Menu setting Pulse to solve this)
4. Fixed issue that the WB FW shows 0 instead of wheel base current FW version.
5. Firmwares included:
- CSW V1 Base : CSW_Base_V658_rev1632_app (NEW)
- CSW V2 Base : CSW_V2_Base_V658_rev1632_app (NEW)
- CSW V2.5 Base : CSW_V2_5_Base_V658_rev1632_app (NEW)
- CSL E Base : CSL_E_Base_V658_rev1632_app (NEW)
- CSL E Base PS4 : CSL_E_PS4_Base_V658_rev1632_app (NEW)
- DD Base : PDW_DD_Base_V658_rev1632_app (NEW)
- EBLDC : CSLEWBPS4_CSWBV2.5_EBLDC_V22_rev335_app
- EBLDC DD10 : PWBDD1_EBLDC_V30_rev356_app
- EBLDC DD20 : PWBDD2_EBLDC_V30_rev356_app
- RMCL : RMcL_V30_rev38_app
- RFORMV2 : RFORMv2_V28_rev113_app
- WQR : PWBDD_WQR_V6_rev65_app
B. Firmwares:
- Fixed the issue where the base froze when changing tuning menus settings with USB command and stopped working
- Added AUTO mode for MPS setting of tuning menu for McLaren
- Removed TM entry APM from tuning menu when no APM is detected
- Fixed Clutch Bite Point displayed in a smaller font size on OLED displays sometimes.
- Fixed the issue of Soft Lock Endstop being too weak on CSW V1
- Added new power button feature for Podium DD
- Pressing the power button for 1 second, disables torque
- Message "Torque disabled by Powerbutton" displayed on OLED
- Pressing again for 1 second enables the torque again
- Accidentally increased time to shut off the DD to 5 seconds, sorry for that, will be fixed and further improved from how it was originally.
Known Issues:
- The "notchy" issue of CSW V2.5 and CSL E PS4 which some testers experienced is still under investigation and couldn't get fixed yet. I've attached motor firmware V20 which has less coil whine than V18 and less notching than V22 according to some testers.
- DD has new power button handling but the time to shut it off is longer than planned. You have to press and hold the button for at least 5 seconds until it shuts off. We will reduce this time and add a pop up message when you've pressed long enough.
If you report a driver or firmware issue, please make cross checks:
0. Update driver and FW separately to isolate an issue. Most likely it will be driver OR firmware.
1. Which driver OR firmware does show the issue
2. Which driver OR firmware does not show the issue
3. Check if you can reproduce the issue again if you go back to the version which seems to have cause the issue
4. Post the answers gathered from the questions above + a short description of the issue including the following information:
Wheel Base Model (product ID): ....
Steering Wheel Model (product ID): ....
Driver Version: ....
Base FW Version: ....
Wheel FW Version: ....
Thank you very much!
We hope for your positive feedback!
This discussion has been closed.