Fanatec Beta Driver V344 for CSL, CSW and Podium Bases (all wheels)

Hello Everybody,
Changelog of V344:
A. Driver
1. Fixed issue that McLaren GT3 v1.0 able to select "ENC" as MPS Mode.
2. Added Tuning Menu settings page to the Driver UI.
3. Added functionality for upcoming products
4. Firmwares included:
- CSW V1 Base : CSW_Base_V662_rev1681_app (NEW)
- CSW V2 Base : CSW_V2_Base_V662_rev1681_app (NEW)
- CSW V2.5 Base : CSW_V2_5_Base_V662_rev1681_app (NEW)
- CSL E Base : CSL_E_Base_V662_rev1681_app (NEW)
- CSL E Base PS4 : CSL_E_PS4_Base_V662_rev1681_app (NEW)
- DD Base : PDW_DD_Base_V662_rev1681_app (NEW)
- EBLDC : CSLEWBPS4_CSWBV2.5_EBLDC_V22_rev335_app
- EBLDC DD10 : PWBDD1_EBLDC_V30_rev356_app
- EBLDC DD20 : PWBDD2_EBLDC_V30_rev356_app
- RMCL : RMcL_V30_rev38_app
- RFORMV2 : RFORMv2_V28_rev113_app
- PHub : SW_P_Hub_V1_rev113_app
- WQR : PWBDD_WQR_V6_rev65_app
4. Firmwares included:
- CSW V1 Base : CSW_Base_V662_rev1681_app (NEW)
- CSW V2 Base : CSW_V2_Base_V662_rev1681_app (NEW)
- CSW V2.5 Base : CSW_V2_5_Base_V662_rev1681_app (NEW)
- CSL E Base : CSL_E_Base_V662_rev1681_app (NEW)
- CSL E Base PS4 : CSL_E_PS4_Base_V662_rev1681_app (NEW)
- DD Base : PDW_DD_Base_V662_rev1681_app (NEW)
- EBLDC : CSLEWBPS4_CSWBV2.5_EBLDC_V22_rev335_app
- EBLDC DD10 : PWBDD1_EBLDC_V30_rev356_app
- EBLDC DD20 : PWBDD2_EBLDC_V30_rev356_app
- RMCL : RMcL_V30_rev38_app
- RFORMV2 : RFORMv2_V28_rev113_app
- PHub : SW_P_Hub_V1_rev113_app
- WQR : PWBDD_WQR_V6_rev65_app
B. Firmwares:
- Podium DD: Reworked Power Button behaviour
FFB dis-/enabeled by short press <1sec
>1 second press switches base off (with message on display)
FFB dis-/enabeled by short press <1sec
>1 second press switches base off (with message on display)
- Added functionality for upcoming products
Known Issues:
- Sorry the "notchy" issue of CSW V2.5 and CSL E PS4 which some testers experienced is still under investigation and couldn't get fixed yet. I've attached motor firmware V20 which has less coil whine than V18 and less notching than V22 according to some testers.
If you report a driver or firmware issue, please make cross checks:
0. Update driver and FW separately to isolate an issue. Most likely it will be driver OR firmware.
1. Which driver OR firmware does show the issue
2. Which driver OR firmware does not show the issue
3. Check if you can reproduce the issue again if you go back to the version which seems to have cause the issue
4. Post the answers gathered from the questions above + a short description of the issue including the following information:
Wheel Base Model (product ID): ....
Steering Wheel Model (product ID): ....
Driver Version: ....
Base FW Version: ....
Wheel FW Version: ....
Thank you very much!
We hope for your positive feedback!
This discussion has been closed.
Set my 4K monitor to 1080p and it's still the same ... I can't believe I used to play @1080p a couple of years ago Yuk!!!
The settings are active in your wheel as soon as you change it in the driver UI. No need to press "Apply".
Have a CSL-E V1.1 and no tuning tab.