Shipment of the Formula V2 starts in time

edited February 2019 in Blog
Good: We just started the shipment of the Formula V2 and therefore it is in time with the expected launch date

Not so good: Due to the strong demand we just sold out and have to put this product on pre-order again.

Along with it comes a new driver / firmware package 328 which fixed several small issues as well as improving the force feedback on Xbox significantly.

Development still goes smoothly for the Podium DD. All remaining minor issues can be fixed by firmware so that we can ship in April as planned. Please put in your order in time so you can make sure your unit will ship in the first batch.



  • Good news and thanks for sharing this info with the community. 
    Countdown for DD1. Meanwhile enjoying the CSL Elite with McLaren wheel
  • Thx for the update. Can't wait for my DD2 to arrive.

    @Thomas: Any news about the ClubSport Steering Wheel F1 2019? I'm asking because i'm still torn between taking the wheel or the voucher.
  • Got my tracking # yesterday, really looking forward to getting it
  • edited February 2019
    Thank you Thomas Jackermeier and team for the up-date. =D> :)>-
  • Got my tracking 10 minutes ago. Im really excited to have it tomorrow in my Hands and testing several Games with it. I think that will be great fun :D
  • @THOMAS Podium base ship on 30 april or receive on 30 april or before ? is it possible the senario of the f1 2018 LE repeat ? Good to hear only software issue. We can have the wheel before and fine tuned with updates
  • @Thomas Thanks for the update!!!! I can't wait to have my DD2 :)
  • Wheel on the way, but as this + DD1 are my first Fanatec devices I have nothing to do but look at it. :((
  • Looking forward to this! Related question: will there be alternate paddle colors available for the Podium Advanced Paddle Module? I think it's going to look pretty weird with the gold analog paddles and the red everything else on this wheel. Being able to replace the gold paddle tips with red ones to match would be nice.
  • Looking forward to this! Related question: will there be alternate paddle colors available for the Podium Advanced Paddle Module? I think it's going to look pretty weird with the gold analog paddles and the red everything else on this wheel. Being able to replace the gold paddle tips with red ones to match would be nice.
    Red and gold are the classic Ferrari colours. Nothing weird about it  ;)
  • Hey Thomas, will we be getting news on the Podium Wheel Rim series in April?  I really want a circular wheel but holding off for it.  Will there be a large gap between the DD1 shipping and the release of the rims?  Can't wait to use the two together.
  • Hey Thomas, will we be getting news on the Podium Wheel Rim series in April?  I really want a circular wheel but holding off for it.  Will there be a large gap between the DD1 shipping and the release of the rims?  Can't wait to use the two together.
    The steering wheels are actually all the same and there is no difference if you mount it on a ClubSport Universal Hub or a Podium Wheel Adapter which is essentially doing the same thing. The Porsche 911 Cup wheel which was shown last year will be available later this year.

    The Advanced Paddle Shifter Module with the analog clutch and magnetic shifter paddles will make a big difference but those will be available for the ClubSport Formula V2 wheels and the Universal Hub (Xbox) so you can easily upgrade the existing wheels.
  • So to make it short they are all ready but they sort the software before sending. 

    Please ship before 30th april ! and also when is there gonna be an unboxing ? we need to see the wheel in action. Everyday I come here hahaha. Not knowing the real date is making me die inside. wish so much it will be before since everything is pretty much ready. Go FANATEC GO <3
  • Hey Thomas, will we be getting news on the Podium Wheel Rim series in April?  I really want a circular wheel but holding off for it.  Will there be a large gap between the DD1 shipping and the release of the rims?  Can't wait to use the two together.
    The steering wheels are actually all the same and there is no difference if you mount it on a ClubSport Universal Hub or a Podium Wheel Adapter which is essentially doing the same thing. The Porsche 911 Cup wheel which was shown last year will be available later this year.

    The Advanced Paddle Shifter Module with the analog clutch and magnetic shifter paddles will make a big difference but those will be available for the ClubSport Formula V2 wheels and the Universal Hub (Xbox) so you can easily upgrade the existing wheels.
    Will the podium wheel adapter be released later this year with the 911 cup wheel?  I'd like to purchase that instead of the universal hub, but if it's going to be awhile I'll probably just buy something for the meantime.  Thanks for the info!
  • When will the LE 2019 F1 rim be revealed, will they get shown and available for pre order before their official release date? I’m really liking they red rim but don’t want to use my voucher on this one in case I like the colour of the new one better. Please let us know soon so I can place an order ASAP as I don’t want to miss this batch of rims and have to wait even longer than May 15th, which is after I get my DD1.
  • edited March 2019
    Development still goes smoothly for the Podium DD. All remaining minor issues can be fixed by firmware so that we can ship in April as planned.
  • Hi, hope to receive the wheel today as UPS promises. Quick question: Is the Driver version 328 pre-installed or do I have to download it?
  • Hi, hope to receive the wheel today as UPS promises. Quick question: Is the Driver version 328 pre-installed or do I have to download it?
    No driver ever is pre-installed because that is software which you need to install to your windows OS.
  • thanks for update ! 
  • Ivan HruškaIvan Hruška Member
    edited March 2019
    Will the podium wheel adapter be released later this year with the 911 cup wheel?  I'd like to purchase that instead of the universal hub, but if it's going to be awhile I'll probably just buy something for the meantime.  Thanks for the info!
    Same here, I would not like to spend money now for current universal hub if Fanatec is going to release Podium wheel adapter with some advanced features over the old hub, etc... 
    Moreover current hub does not look as good as I would like to. No rotary switches or toggle switches...etc. Just standard buttons.
    Everyone love carbon, so maybe some carbon looks? B-) and some LEDs? :) :-\"

    I hope it wont take very long after the DDs release.
  • Its there. And after a few hours of testing i only can say, its absolut awesome :))
    Processing, handling and materials are amazing. THX Fanatec for such great products :-c
  • Got my F1 V2 rim today and I must say it looks amazing, even better than I thought!
    I also ordered button decalls at Visual Control ( for the buttons of the rim.

    So thank you Thomas and thank you Fanatec for the new V2 F1 rim.
    Now I only have to pre-order the P APM shifters to complete the rim.

    @Thomas: any chance the P APM will also come in different colors? Perhaps in red to match the red V2 f1 rim?

    Keep up the good work!


  • Thanks Thomas for the DD1 update! Love it! Can't wait! Mid season steering changes should be .... fun. Lol
  • Thanks for the updates.

    Are you able to confirm whether the clubsport formula F1 2019 wheel will be shipping in May?

    I'd like to know as I still don't have a wheel for the DD1 and I would not want to wait too long after receiving it, presume early May. If we know the F1 2019 wheels won't be available in May then I would prefer to order the formula V2.

  • Thanks for the updates.

    Are you able to confirm whether the clubsport formula F1 2019 wheel will be shipping in May?

    I'd like to know as I still don't have a wheel for the DD1 and I would not want to wait too long after receiving it, presume early May. If we know the F1 2019 wheels won't be available in May then I would prefer to order the formula V2.

    Looks like it will rather be June / July. We will announce it very soon though and Podium pre-order customers with vouchers will get 1 or 2 days for exclusive pre-order availability before anybody else.

  • Thanks for the updates.

    Are you able to confirm whether the clubsport formula F1 2019 wheel will be shipping in May?

    I'd like to know as I still don't have a wheel for the DD1 and I would not want to wait too long after receiving it, presume early May. If we know the F1 2019 wheels won't be available in May then I would prefer to order the formula V2.

    Looks like it will rather be June / July. We will announce it very soon though and Podium pre-order customers with vouchers will get 1 or 2 days for exclusive pre-order availability before anybody else.

    Sounds good. But 1 or 2 days exclusive pre-order availability sounds a bit short to me.
    Just a suggestion or rather my thoughts:
    Every DD pre-orderer gets a 2 days exclusive pre-order time frame. Pre-orderer using their voucher for this wheel are getting additional 5 days, so their exclusive pre-order time frame is one week (naturally limited to 1 wheel per customer).
    This way every pre-orderer has a little bonus and those of them who really want the wheel, that formerly was meant to be the gesture of appreciation are having enough time.

    But I know, that would mean more work for you guys and I don't know if it's even feasable. So as I said, just my thoughts ;)
  • Thanks for the updates.

    Are you able to confirm whether the clubsport formula F1 2019 wheel will be shipping in May?

    I'd like to know as I still don't have a wheel for the DD1 and I would not want to wait too long after receiving it, presume early May. If we know the F1 2019 wheels won't be available in May then I would prefer to order the formula V2.

    Looks like it will rather be June / July. We will announce it very soon though and Podium pre-order customers with vouchers will get 1 or 2 days for exclusive pre-order availability before anybody else.
    Thanks Thomas
  • Received the Formula V2 and like it, thanks! Will it be implemented in F1 2018? So far no possibility to configure all the nice switches and extra buttons… So far, apart from the look and feel. no added value for the higher price tag...

    And where is the driver 328, so far I still only see the 327 RC...
  • Received the Formula V2 and like it, thanks! Will it be implemented in F1 2018? So far no possibility to configure all the nice switches and extra buttons… So far, apart from the look and feel. no added value for the higher price tag...

    And where is the driver 328, so far I still only see the 327 RC...
    Which platform are you using? On PC everything should work fine, also the Multi Position Switches work in Pulse and Encoder Mode. Only Constant mode needs a special implementation from gave dev and I think Codemasters is not really working on F1 2018 anymore and is focusing on F1 2019 so personally I don't expect a patch with full support... :/ Driver 328 can be found on the product page of the V2X in the download tab.
  • edited March 2019
    Which platform are you using? On PC everything should work fine, also the Multi Position Switches work in Pulse and Encoder Mode. Only Constant mode needs a special implementation from gave dev and I think Codemasters is not really working on F1 2018 anymore and is focusing on F1 2019 so personally I don't expect a patch with full support... :/ Driver 328 can be found on the product page of the V2X in the download tab.
    So, there will be a new F1 2019 Wheel, and the Formula V2 functions will likely NOT be implemented in F1 2018 anymore? So to sum it up: This product makes NO SENSE … apart from the look and feel, as I like to put it. And the additional money in Fanatec´s pocket...

    A professional approach would have been to clearly state what games on what platforms support what funcionalality when or won´t support it.

    I mainly play on PS4, focus on GT Sport, and a little iracing here and there...

    Found the driver, thx :-)
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