Introducing the GT Wheel Rim for your ClubSport Wheel

edited May 2014 in Blog
So what about another GT style rim with neutral branding and our modular button system?

The GT rim also shows the possibility to mount any smartphone (not included) on the (optiona) mobile phone holder. There are many free or paid apps available for Android or iPhone and they work with several important PC racing simulations like pCars, iRacing, Assetto Corsa or rFactor 2.

Now the biggest difference to other solutions is the integrated power supply so you can charge your phone and use it in long races.

Rene Rast shows in the video below how it works.

Available this summer for 349,95 Euro / USD (incl. tax / excl. tax)




  • Wow! I, like many others, was a little sceptical when news of the first few of these new rim styles began to appear. However, as time has gone on and little extra bits of information have leaked out, I've become very impressed with Fanatec's direction on them. This new GT rim is certainly on the top of my shopping list! I can't wait to see the full specs. I wonder if Thomas has anything else hidden up his sleeve that is yet to be revealed... 
  • I would really buy that wheel, as it is perfect, especially with the smartphone holder, for what I use it for.. but 350€ is way too much!! Guys what are you thinking? 250€ for the BMW Rim was already much, but this one hasn't even got a license of a real car!
  • Stephen LucasStephen Lucas Member
    edited May 2014
    I really hope for confirmation that we can buy the smarthub on it's own or at least buy one 'set' and then other rims.
    This wheel looks awesome :)
  • I would really buy that wheel, as it is perfect, especially with the smartphone holder, for what I use it for.. but 350€ is way too much!! Guys what are you thinking? 250€ for the BMW Rim was already much, but this one hasn't even got a license of a real car!'s everything but confirmed that this is a new system where you buy the hub/buttons with a wheel for 350 and then you can bolt any rim you want onto the hub. Thomas hasn't given pricing for the hub with out the wheels or the wheels without the hub, but I assume he's setting it up so ANY of the new rims with the hub unit is $350, and the price for the individual wheels will vary.
  • Andrew ClarkAndrew Clark Member
    edited May 2014

    This is getting really interesting now and I also saw a comment of Thomas @iRacing pertaining to possible future product lines and I am very pleased and think will be great for the viability of the Fanatec Brand. I can't wait and the fact these current QR items will be compatible with these future product lines we can purchase these what some might consider pricey wheel rims with a sound mind.

    I have no problem paying some more money but I need to know these products will be good for 5+ years and warranties to reflect that. Fantec support has always treated me well and really no reason for me to call their customer service into question but would also like to see an out of warranty repair service for reasonable price if ever needed.

  • edited May 2014
    Okay, that is it, I want one. Like others said the price is still a bit high but it looks amazing. 1 question, what is the diameter and weight of this rim? (as shown in the pictures)
  • Diameter is similar to the BMW and weight will be announced later.
  • I do like this rim, but can't get over the look of these button clusters all over the place.  They do not look realistic and more "toyish", which kind of turns me off.  Plus, the weight of all these things tacked onto the rim, must make these rims quite heavy, which effects the transfer of FFB.

    In terms of the phone display, this would make much more sense attached to the CSW base, so that the screen is static.  (Does not move, while the wheel is moving)  Also, this will also add weight to the rim, so attaching it to the base will eliminate that problem.

    I'm hoping these new rims are completely modular, so we could exclude all the button clusters.  Maybe just have the encoder button and nothing else.  In addition, I'm hoping the price is if you want all the bells and whistles.  Just the rim and maybe the encoder button should be in the $200 range.  Can't be more than the F1 wheel and BMW rim, which has all the buttons built in. (No need for all these clusters of buttons). 

    Finally, I really hope you will continue to develop realistic rims, that have the buttons built in.  The Porsche rim shown in the CSS video comes to mind.  

  • In a few shots of the other rims and their button enclosures and particularly in the picture of the back of this new rim I've noticed four small holes or indents, are they just screw holes for holding electronics/switches in place inside the unit or could they be some sort of additional 'clip on' and contacts to attach further buttons to each button box?
  • Attila UjvariAttila Ujvari Member
    edited May 2014
    I see no problem with the weight of this new rims. The buttons wont add much weight and you obviously can remove them...I would guess you can remove the shifter paddles too if you like.
    What remains is a very compact box where the wheel is mounted. This is really a beautiful and well thought out design.
    The phone mount and the USB power supply are genius. Love the new shifter design too.

    Well done Fantatec!

    ...oh and the price tag is more than justified in my opinion. A comparable wheel in function and quality would cost twice as much from other sim-manufacturers.
  • Ok that post basically confirms the button box to be modular.
    So I'm really hoping that the next post announces that all rims will be available at a cheaper price with out it. Or that means you've missed an opportunity!
    It means I won't be buying 3 rims when I get my Clubsport Base it means I'll be buying one at a push 2.
  • ...oh and the price tag is more than justified in my opinion. A comparable wheel in function and quality would cost twice as much from other sim-manufacturers.
    Lol!  You meant half as much right??  (F1 wheel = $179, BMW wheel = 249, including branding .....buttons included). 

    So, in your opinion, can you explain how the price is justified??  

    The only benefit I see here is for people that want to attach their phone to the rim. And even if there are tons of people who want that feature (I have my doubts), is it worth double the cost of the F1 and BMW rim to have it??  A little plastic case to hold the phone and a charger for an extra $170??

    There is nothing else that is unique.  We simply need wheels with buttons in different styles.  All this stuff tacked on is not "well thought out" in my opinion.  Just more stuff to come loose and more wires, etc, etc...  KISS principle is usually the best.  (Keep it Simple Stupid).  
  • For those that may not know, the KISS principle is a common saying in Business Management, to remind people not to over-think things. 

    It's not an insult in any way.  

    Just thought I'd throw that out there, as this is a global community and some may not have understood the point. 
  • ...oh and the price tag is more than justified in my opinion. A comparable wheel in function and quality would cost twice as much from other sim-manufacturers.
    Lol!  You meant half as much right??  (F1 wheel = $179, BMW wheel = 249, including branding .....buttons included). 

    So, in your opinion, can you explain how the price is justified??  

    The only benefit I see here is for people that want to attach their phone to the rim. And even if there are tons of people who want that feature (I have my doubts), is it worth double the cost of the F1 and BMW rim to have it??  A little plastic case to hold the phone and a charger for an extra $170??  
    Maybe they just sold BMW and Formula rim cheaper than they could have, as ClubSport Wheel was their new product line and they just wanted to boost the sales, give better momentum from the start. Only they now.
    It is nonsense to always complain about the price. If you can show us exactly that their profit margin is huge compared to materials, assembly and logistics and who knows what other taxes (I am no business person) all of us will probably support you, otherwise, pointless rant. Fanatec want start selling them at 200 or whatever other cost because few complain about it.
  • I would really buy that wheel, as it is perfect, especially with the smartphone holder, for what I use it for.. but 350€ is way too much!! Guys what are you thinking? 250€ for the BMW Rim was already much, but this one hasn't even got a license of a real car!
    Why are you guys always complaining about the price tag. 
    Go buy yourself a T500 and then buy a gt3 wheel from  Precision Sim Engineering for about € 1450,-
    Oh also a non licensed wheel.............
  • Attila UjvariAttila Ujvari Member
    edited May 2014
    So, in your opinion, can you explain how the price is justified?

    For me it's justified by the modular design and the customization possibilities.

    I can disassemble the buttons and the shifter, if I like. This will of course have a positive effect on the weight and therefore the FF response.

    Then, it seems to be pretty easy to change the rim itself, for a Sparco, Momo, or whatever aftermarket steering you like. However, the pictured rim looks to have an extremely comfortable grip.

    Also the shifter paddles seem to be fairly improved. They have a nice size and shape and are adjustable according to the photos.

    And of course the USB power connector and the smartphone holder, which I like a lot.

    The whole rim has a kind of raw industrial look...I love it (but of course this is personal taste).

    If I could, I would give back my BMW rim and pay an extra 100 Euro for this new rim, with a smile on my face.
  • Chris KunzChris Kunz Member
    edited May 2014
    Very nice. This one is right on top of my list.
    few questions:

    Is the rim covered with suede leather?

    Will there be a mounting option for a  separate Fanatec leds device?

    Will Fanatec release an app for smartphones?

    How can you see the setup menu?

    PS Love those shifter paddles as well. Wheel seems perfectly suited for my driving style (10 to 2). Top.
  • Sigh. If I were made of money, or made more disposable income. :(

    It looks awesome. I only have one gripe though. There are not any apps for Windows Phone to take advantage of the tach feature. 

    If I knew how to make apps, I'd...

  • AWESOME =)
  • Hi ich würde Gerne wissen wird es Möglich sein das GT Wheel mit  der CSR Elite  Base zu Benutzen .Es Wäre schon schön wenn auch an die Leute Gedacht wird.Habe 599€ Bezahlt für CSR ELITE. Plus 179€ F1 Rim . Ich hoffe das Fanatec von denen nicht verlangen kann nochmals eine Neue ClupSport Base zu Kaufen ? Wenn es nicht vorgesehen sein Sollte das die neuen Rims an der Der CSR Elite Base Nutzen zu Können. Dann Bitte direkt von Anfang  an Entsprechende Adapter mit Entwickeln Lassen. Weil das Seit ihr von Fanatec den Leuten die so viel Ausgegeben Haben schuldig .Ihr Habt ja Letztens Wenigstens das F1 Rim  Nach gezogen .Also BItte Weiter So Fanatec.
  • When will the phone holder be available?
  • When will the phone holder be available?
    Waiting patiently...
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