FanaLab introduction

FanaLab is our new PC software that allows fine-tuning of Fanatec hardware settings and features. Before jumping into the action right away, take a look at the Game Profile tab to enable support for each game via the green buttons.
Please note: The software is currently in beta, and will see significant improvements over the coming weeks and months. The known issues listed below are being worked on, and should already be resolved in the next version.
You need to be running driver version 340 or higher. These drivers can be found in the beta drivers section.
V1.08 BETA Known Issues:
- rFactor 2 telemetry not supported properly
- The Tuning Menu setting “[SHO] Vibration Strength” can’t be adjusted using FanaLab and has to be adjusted on the wheel if the sequential shifter is mapped to the paddles on the wheel in driver settings.
- When using the Universal Hub with APM the Tuning Menu setting “[AP] Advanced Paddle Module” might not visible in FanaLab -> Restart FanaLab.
- Re-scaling the size of the FanaLab window might make the game list look weird. Fixes itself when scrolling.
We encourage you to experiment with all of FanaLab's features and report any bugs in this thread.
We originally designed this software for the Podium Series wheel bases, but as the development scope has grown, it now also supports the ClubSport Wheel Base V2.5 and CSL Elite Wheel Base +, as well as improving display functionality on all Fanatec steering wheels, plus improved control over vibration motors in compatible wheels and pedals.
With this new software, you’ll have another means of adjusting Tuning Menu values on-the-fly, with a wider overview of the settings compared to the wheel displays. You can save as many profiles as you like, and create an unlimited number of Tuning Menu presets. These can be assigned to automatically load when you launch your favourite sim from FanaLab, and you can export and share your best profiles with your friends.
We’ve also enabled new dynamic FFB effects driven by car telemetry data. At this stage, we’re including a speed-sensitive damper and an additional damper for driving in reverse, with more dynamic features to come, for example front suspension effects, countersteer effect, and Dynamic Force Enhancement. The speed-sensitive damper is useful for taming high-speed oscillation without needing to add too much ‘natural’ damper or friction, meaning that you can have a very active wheel at low speeds, and a stable one at high speeds.
In addition, display functionality has improved on all wheels, as FanaLab allows you to select what available telemetry data is shown, and the order of priority. The activation point for all RevLEDs can also be changed, and the new RGB RevLEDs and FlagLEDs allow for custom colours.
Planned for future updates:
Game Support:
- Assetto Corsa Competizione
- KartKraft
- Fixing rFactor 2 Support
User Interface improvements:
- Option to auto-start with Windows
- Option to start minimised
- Select favourite games to be on top of the game list
- Favourite games can launch through right-click on tray icon (as with Steam)
- Highlighting text of selected option for a better overview between text and sliders
LED improvements:
- More FlagLED options (Only wheels with RGB LEDs)
- More colors to choose from (Only wheels with RGB LEDs)
- Adjustable LED brightness (Only wheels with RGB LEDs)
- Optimised UI for a better RevLED overview
- Over-/Understeer vibration effects on pedals
- Countersteer Effect
- Front Suspension Effect
- Dynamic Force Enhancement
The background images make it difficult to look at / hard on the eyes, especially screens like the "Vibration" tab.
Aand the vibration on throttle&brake dont work with a suspension vibration setting enabled. got some 51 code in the display 1 time.
the gear & speed indicator worked fine on the Rim prior driver & fanaleds update.
i run DD2 and mclaren p1 rim + V3 pedals (updated all except dd motor fw) ill look more at it tomrrow. just curious if others have same issues