CS BMW M3 GT2 wheel: What mode to use for PS4?....with CSL Elite PS4 base

Hi. I just recently bought the Clubsport BMW M3 GT2 wheel and going to use on the CSL Elite for PS4 on Playstation 4 console.
Going through the hardcopy QuickGuide that came with the wheel under the section "PC/PS4 MODE" it says the following:
Playstation 4 needs no special mode. The wheel has to be/stay in PC mode. (I find this strange).
......However in the PDF QuickGuide manual I downloaded from the product page (see pic attached) it says:
In order to switch between modes simultaneously press and hold the two buttons highlighted below, for one second.
The wheel base LED indicates the active mode:
- Red indicates PC mode
- Blue indicates PS4 mode*
- Purple indicates compatibility mode*
* Not applicable for every Fanatec wheel base. Please check the individual user manual of your Fanatec wheel base.
Since the instructions differ I would like to know which one to follow. Remember it's for using with the CSL Elite PS4 base.
Follow the newer one (online) and change the wheel base into blue PS4 mode.
Thank you very much Maurice. I suspected that would have been the correct instruction but just wanted to be sure. Cheers. And thanks for the speedy response. Going to attach my new wheel in a while and give it a go.
Hi @Maurice , with the wheel attached when I powered on the base it powered on on PS4 mode (blue LED light on base)...I guess it remembered the mode I'd been using previously.
Is it still necessary to press the two indicated buttons on the BMW M3 GT2 wheel to put that on PS4 mode or would it already be in PS4 mode as indicated on the base's LED?
If I am not mistake, there is no need. The wheel is like a "remote control for the base".
So when you press the buttons combination is like pressing your mode button on your CSL base.
And the CSL PS4 base starts on blue always unless while palying around with the drivers you have unticked the box that says always start on PS4 upon start up.
Thanks Alexandros.