Feedback and Support for the Fanatec App



  • Sorry idk how to share this TrayApp 0.41 Zip maybe you can ask Maurice Böschen if he can put the TrayApp on this page

  • hmm, but are you talking about Fanatec applications? I have it installed... currently version 0.43

  • Next week there is a new driver update I heard with a new trayapp included and there is also coming a new app for mobile i think, so better wait for this and when it's there remove all previous drivers including trayapp and install the new driver and tick the box trayapp when installing and also download the new app for mobile. This will solve most problems

  • That's good news. I'll just wait until the new driver arrives. I find this function so cool that I don't want to do without it any more. I'll be happy when it works again :)

    I'm a bit careful with non-official download sources when a download link is shared in the forum.

  • It's not non-official it's a legit fanatec trayapp download, I downloaded this also because i had problems with the tuning menu but now it is fixed because of this. That's why i think that it can help with your problem also. It's not for sure if the new update will come next week

  • Ralf BellRalf Bell Member
    edited December 2023

    My FritzBox 6690 Cable transmits in 5 + 2.4 GHZ mode and my iPhone 14Pro and my PC connect to the same network via WLAN at 5 GHZ. My iPhone Fanatec App (0.1.12) only finds my PC with the Fanatec Tray App ( when I use the 2.4 GHZ mode of the FritzBox. Then "Tuning" works immediately in the iPhone app, i.e. my Podium Wheel Base DD1 and the Clubsport steering wheel Formula V2.5 with the current driver 454 are recognized. If I switch to "ITM" mode, Fanatec Tray App switches off, i.e. no connection to the iPhone Fanatec App. I use ACC 1.9.5 and iRacing as racing software.

    - Wheel Base Model: Podium Wheel Base DD1

    - Steering Wheel Model: Clubsport Steering Wheel Formula V2.5

    - iPhone 14 Pro: IOS 17

    - Driver Version: 454.

    - Intel i7 12700 KF

    - MSI RTX 4090 24 GB

    - 32 GB RAM

    - Windows 11 Pro

    It should also be noted that the latest updates are installed on all of the above devices. The complete Fanatec hardware (wheel+wheelbase+pedals) are properly recognized in the games (ACC + iRacing). In an earlier version of the iPhone Fanatec app, both "ITM" and "Tuning" worked perfectly.

    Does anyone have an idea ??

  • edited December 2023

  • edited December 2023

    I have been unable to link my iOS phone to my PC that's running the driver with the tray app. Looking for assistance. On the phone app I enter the ip address shown in the tray app from the PC. It shows there are no compatible devices found. Is there a solution? Thanks

    • Are you using the Fanatec App with Android or iOS? iOS
    • Which mobile device do you use? iphone 14
    • Wheel Base Model (product ID): ...CSL DD plus boost kit
    • Steering Wheel Model (product ID): ....McLaren V2
    • Driver Version: ....454
    • Base FW Version: ....
    • Motor FW Version: ....
    • Wheel FW Version: ....47
    • FanaLab Version: ....2.01.12
    • Tuning Menu settings File is attached
    • Driver/FanaLab installed on C: drive or else? all installed on C:
    • You can create driver log files on the settings page of the Fanatec Control Panel file is attached

  • edited December 2023

    If you report an issue, please provide the following information:

    • Are you using the Fanatec App with Android or iOS? Android 5
    • Which mobile device do you use? Samsung Note 3 Neo
    • Wheel Base Model (product ID): CSW 2.5
    • Steering Wheel Model (product ID): Porsche 918 RS
    • Driver Version: 455
    • Base FW Version: newest
    • Motor FW Version: newest
    • Wheel FW Version: newest
    • FanaLab Version: not in use
    • Tuning Menu settings
    • Driver/FanaLab installed on C: drive or else? C: (default installation folder)
    • You can create driver log files on the settings page of the Fanatec Control Panel

    The new driver 455 with the new Fanatec app for Android and PC did not fix the problem. The TrayApp crashes on the Windows computer as soon as the Android is connected. The display then continues to show "Waiting for Data". But then nothing happens. The TrayApp also no longer responds, even if you have disconnected again. I use the Game ACC and Automobilista 2 on Windows 11 23H2

  • edited December 2023

    Thx, the issue got reproduced. It happened on old Belt bases where the TrayApp crashes when it gets asked for the Firmware version check.

    Will be fixed in the next version.

  • Jason KouzanJason Kouzan Member
    edited December 2023

    When using my phone as an ITM hud. Everything works except the actual dashboard display screens. All the other ones including the temperature the torque Etc are just fine but the dashboard just says waiting for data the whole time when I'm in iracing. Any ideas? I can change all the settings on my dd1 without a problem too.

    • Are you using the Fanatec App with Android
    • Which mobile device do you use? LG velvet
    • Wheel Base Model (product ID): ...DD1
    • Steering Wheel Model (product ID): .... Podium endurance World Challenge Edition
    • Driver Version: ....454
    • Base FW Version: .... most recent
    • Motor FW Version: .... most recent
    • Wheel FW Version: .... most recent
    • FanaLab Version: ....2.01.12
    • Tuning Menu settings File is attached
    • Driver/FanaLab installed on C: drive or else? all installed on C:

    I'm not near my computer at the moment but I'll update this once I get my rig set up today.

  • edited December 2023

    Update to driver 455 which includes a new TrayApp which fixes the ITM issue you experience.

  • My FritzBox 6690 Cable transmits in 5 + 2.4 GHZ mode and my iPhone 14Pro and my PC connect to the same network via WLAN at 5 GHZ. My iPhone Fanatec App (0.1.12) only finds my PC with the Fanatec Tray App ( when I use the 2.4 GHZ mode of the FritzBox. Then "Tuning" works immediately in the iPhone app, i.e. my Podium Wheel Base DD1 and the Clubsport steering wheel Formula V2.5 with the current driver 454 are recognized. If I switch to "ITM" mode, Fanatec Tray App switches off, i.e. no connection to the iPhone Fanatec App. I use ACC 1.9.5 and iRacing as racing software.

    - Wheel Base Model: Podium Wheel Base DD1

    - Steering Wheel Model: Clubsport Steering Wheel Formula V2.5

    - iPhone 14 Pro: IOS 17

    - Driver Version: 455

    - Intel i7 12700 KF

    - MSI RTX 4090 24 GB

    - 32 GB RAM

    - Windows 11 Pro

    It should also be noted that the latest updates are installed on all of the above devices. The complete Fanatec hardware (wheel+wheelbase+pedals) are properly recognized in the games (ACC + iRacing). In an earlier version of the iPhone Fanatec app, both "ITM" and "Tuning" worked perfectly.

    Does anyone have an idea ??

  • So this means we have to delete old 455 driver and download the re-uploaded one, or does a update do the trick?

  • Correct, as explained in the post I have linked you need to uninstall the "old" driver 455 and re-install the re-uploaded new 455 version with the new TrayApp version

  • 👍 btw Does beta drivers get updates, 455 is beta wright? I guess not because we have to download a new version, but I do had to ask.

  • 455 is not beta, it is now RC (Release Candidate) and be official in the next few days.

  • Unfortunately I haven't received any feedback yet, so I'm posting this again

    My FritzBox 6690 Cable transmits in 5 + 2.4 GHZ mode and my iPhone 14Pro and my PC connect to the same network via WLAN at 5 GHZ. My iPhone Fanatec App only finds my PC with the Fanatec Tray App when I use the 2.4 GHZ mode of the FritzBox. Then "Tuning" works immediately in the iPhone app, i.e. my Podium Wheel Base DD1 and the Clubsport steering wheel Formula V2.5 with the current driver 455 are recognized. If I switch to "ITM" mode, Fanatec Tray App switches off, i.e. no connection to the iPhone Fanatec App.

    - Wheel Base Model: Podium Wheel Base DD1 (latest drivers)

    - Steering Wheel Model: Clubsport Steering Wheel Formula V2.5 (latest drivers)

    - iPhone 14 Pro: IOS 17.2.1 (latest drivers)

    - Fanatec Driver Version: 455 (latest drivers)

    - Fanatec App: 0.1.12 (latest drivers)

    - Fanatec Tray App (latest drivers)

    - Windows 11 Pro (latest drivers)

    It would be nice to get an answer, even if the answer is that it will be patched in one of the next releases

  • That issue should be fixed with the next Mobile App update.

  • is there already an approximate timing when an update for the Mobile App will come?

  • edited December 2023

    We actually just pushed the new Mobile App update v0.1.13+108 to Google and Apple for review, afterwards it gets pushed to the respective AppStores. Usually Google is a bit faster than Apple with the review of App updates but maybe you should see the App update right in time for christmas :)


    • Fixed 3-digit tire temps being cut-off.
    • Fixed DRI hint text which showed the hint text of SEN.
    • Updated the network discovery framework to fix 5 GHz WiFi issues.
    • Added new color logic for the RevBar: When the motor RPM threshold is > = 95% then the RevBar color now turns into a solid light-blue color and when the motor RPM threshold is > = 99% then the RevBar color now turns into a blinking red color.
  • Great app!

    My DD1 is hidden behind my monitor, so I absolutely love being able to see data from the display on my phone :)

  • Hi, 

    Thank you! It's working again :). I don't know why, but the installation routine or uninstallation of the driver 455 is really causing problems. Never really had any problems, but this time it was kind of bitchy.

    I had to cancel the uninstallation because it just wouldn't go any further. I rebooted and lo and behold, the driver was uninstalled after all. And then I installed the new version of the 455.

  • FYI: The aforementioned new MobileApp update v0.1.13+108 is now live on the Google Play Store and Apple App store :)

  • hi i have been having this problem for the last 3 weeks and cant figure it out, i have used the app before and its awesome but after one of the updates the fanatec tray app no longer shows the ip im supposed to enter on the app so i cant connect and use the app. it just says exit there is no ip in the tray icon anymore. anybody have this issue? please help everything, is updated i reistalled multiple times i even reinstalled windows idk what is happening everything else on my pc runs great. the screenshot is what shows when u right click fanatec tray app

  • Hi Maurice

    remember my post from 20 December, I downloaded the new MobileApp v.0.1.13 and it only works in 2.4 GHZ mode. This means that I have to switch my PC from 5 to 2.4 GHZ to be able to use the app. Maybe it will work with the next update. By the way, all drivers are up to date, if you have any questions I am available, also as a beta tester.

  • edited December 2023

    Did you tested the newest Mobile App version 0.1.13+108? Because that one includes a fix for it. It is fix "into the blue" because nobody could reproduce the issue so it might be that this fix does not fix it for you. In that case the Dev will need to have another look at the issue next year to try another fix "into the blue".

  • Yes, it's the 0.1.13 and I've downloaded it today in the Apple App Store. If your Dev needs more infos, do not hesitate to contact me.

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