Fanatec Formula V2.5 thumb encoders too responsive... a solution ?
Norbert Mauger
Before buying this wheel I saw many reviews that agreed on one point : the thumb encoders were too responsive and useless as they can be touched unintentionaly while racing. I bought it thinking that I will not affected but... I am... :(
I might be wrong but there is no easy hardware solution and I was not able to find any software solution so far.
However, maybe a simple driver tweak could fix it:
- The driver does not report any activity to the software/API when the thumb encoder is used once. It just internally registers an "activated state=true"
- If no activity is detected within x sec (0.5... 1 or 2 sec) the activited stated is switched back to false
- If any activity is detected when activated state is true, then the driver can report a moveup/movedown input to the software/API
As a result, when assigning buttons in simulator options, we just have to move the encoder twice up or twice down.
While driving,
- any unintentional move will be discarded
- if I need to adjust brake bias for one click, I move the rotary 2 clicks. If I need to adjust 2, I move it 3 clicks...Etc. Easy and straightforward.
- The first "click" would act as a "awake from doze mode" actually :)
If any third-party software can do that, please tell me. Otherwise, a beta feature in the next driver would transform this wheel from good wheel to "must have" :)
That’s funny…..people complained about the encoders not being responsive enough and not registering inputs. So they fixed the problem in the firmware, and now you want them to step backwards, and make them less responsive…..SMH
All of which supports the case for making it a user- defined setting, rather than forcing it to be one way or the other.
I didn't know the whole history.... sorry about that. Maybe having an option would make everybody happy regarding their own personal use.
I did stumble across this in the past. It was a “hack” that someone did to help with the light detent of the rotaries.
Solution “cut off thumbs” problem solved.
You can change the function on the 2 dials on the face of the wheel, to use as an encoder or MPS. Doesn’t make sense to me to use a rotary dial with no numbers or indicators as a MPS. That’s just my opinion. The rotaries definitely could use a stronger detent, I think that would help with using them.
Just some positive feedback :
After realizing (thank to you and some other links) that thumb encoders have to be used as rotary without precise "clics", I end up mapping the left one to "change value" in black box settings in iRacing, and the right one (the one that was subject to unvolontary changes) to "change dash page". All is now perfect, it works like a charm and very quickly.
Thank you