Mclaren GT3 V2 Broke in Firmware Update Loop?

Hi Guys, I am a bit Frustrated as I got all of my Fanatec Products quite recently, so they are all rather new.
I am now experiencing my very first Issue with one of them, to be Specific: The Mclaren GT3 V2 Rim.
I use DD2 Base with it, and also have the Porsche and Formula 1 2021 Special Edition Wheel, they are still working perfectly fine, it's only the Mclaren GT3 RIm having the Issue.
So this weekend, I have Downloaded the Following Driver Package:
It the 415.
Update of the Base itself went perfectly fine.
However, when i now connect my Mclaren G3 V2 Rim, the Firmware Update Pops up with "default.hex".
When running this, it throws no errors and seems to update Fine, however, it is like the Wheel doesn't actually "save it" ONce it's done, it looks like the entire DD2 shuts down and when it comes back up with the Wheel attached, the Firmware update Popups comes again.
From this point on, it will just be an endless loop. As Shown in my Video here:
I already opened a Support Ticket and they suggest to Rightern the Littel Screws, next to the Pins, i have already done that though as I found a Fanatec Page explaining that.
Something they also Suggested is to take off the QR Part of the DD2 and disconnect and reconnect the Cable.
However, I don't see why I should do that at the moment, because as I mentioned here and in the Support TIcket as well, my Porsche Podium and F1 2021 WHeel work perfectly fine as I played for Hours this Weekend on those.
I am really out of ideas right now and a bit frustrated as I don't think it is a Hardware Issue, I mean all of my Stuff is like only 4 to 5 Months old if at all ...
To me, it behaves like a Software Issue from the Wheel side? I mean I already tried the Flash even from a fresh laptop but its the same behavior as on my main PC rig ... it makes no difference at all.
Additional Info:
Wheel base: 686
Steering wheel: 41
When i first updated Via 415, in the meantime i have also tried the Beta Driver 425 in the hopes of getting this fixed.
Then it was:
Wheel base: 687
Steering wheel: 41
Steering Wheel 41 will only show up for a short time before the Disconnect happens and the Loop with the Firmware Update Program Windows as previously described and shown in the Video starts again. Otherwise it remains on 0.
I find it also Wierd that the Connection actually seems to be ok because the True Disconnect only happens as if the Entire Wheelbase Shutsdown and starts again after a couple of seconds booting up with THIS Rim, the other 2 Rims work fine, and dd2 by itself without any Rim also boots fine.
Sometimes If i just close down the Firmware Updater it will be stuck in a Wierd state, the DD2 Screen is totally black, however its not turned of, i can still Turn the Wheel and sometimes see it in the Fanatec App, however None of the button would work then. Also this doesn't happen all the Time as sometimes it would just say Wheel not Recognized, its really not consistent.
Hi Peter,
From what you've described it sounds like a hardware issue. The fact that your two other wheels work points towards the McLaren wheel having the problem but it doesn't completely eliminate the possibility that it is related to the wheel base, which is why support is making those suggestions.
Please continue to communicate with support and I'm sure this can be resolved.
[Fanatec Community Manager]
While searching through the Forums i found these 2 Videos:
IT really looks like exactly the same PRoblem i have.
Inigo Bernedo seem to have fixed it by doing the following, however i have trouble Understanding it:
Thanks for your help.
I have removed the steering wheel and manually entering the fanatec page, I have installed the firmware that was stuck, even if it was not the last. then i reinstalled the firmware on the single dd2 base.
then he asks me to put the steering wheel and tells me that his firmware is not up to date.
Then I manually search the fanatec website for the firmware of the steering wheel that I install, and it works ok.
Thank you very much for your help."
Hi Peter,
I have the same Problem with the Mclaren Wheel but i am using a CSL DD Base. did the solution from Inigo resolve your problem?
Unfortunately not in my case, but then again I didn't fully understand the Solution because as explained here:
I don't even have the Option to just downgrade the Wheel for example as i have thoroughly explained here:
I have actually opened a Tech Support Ticket in which they asked me to do absolutely ridiculous things like taking apart my DD2´s QR Part, risking even more damage. Even though I have said my other 2 Wheels work Fine without any Issues. However, I followed all of their Steps including installing their Beta 423 driver and my other 2 Wheels are Still working perfectly fine now (and hopefully will continue to do longer after having to fiddle around with the DD2´s QR mechanic.
Support said I should send in the Wheel for an RMA, what worries me more is, a couple of hours later they also told me they want me to send in my DD2, however, I refused to do the latter because then I wouldn't have been able to drive with anything, I mean at the end of the Day the Base has no apparent Issue with neither my f1 2021 edition Wheel nor my Porsche Podium Wheel.
So currently I have sent in my Mclaren V2 Wheel, Actually did that Today ( or i should say Yesterday by now), curious to see how long it will take and if they will be able to provide me with a functioning Product.
I'm new to Fanatec, all of my Fanatec Products are like 4 months old, the Mclaren Wheel bricking was quite a disappointment, but then again there are like almost daily! threads where a Wheel or a Base is bricked by going through their Update Process.
Hey Peter,
thanks for the quick reply. Support also asked me to send in my Wheel for RMA...
Could not use it once and its already broken and i dont have another wheel ... guess i will have to go 2 weeks without simracing ...
BR Tim
@Tim yea its a True Bummer, unfortunately, but going through old and also new Threads like this:
Makes it pretty obvious these guys are not the best in Terms of Software.
Same issue here. My wheel worked fine for a couple of days and then, suddenly stopped working during a game session and it started asking for a firmware update. When the update is 100% it restarts the wheel and then something wrong happens and it asks for a firmware update again. I wonder if they could provide us with an old hex file to manually update it, just in case.
Hi there. I finally figured out what the problem was. The black collar that holds the motor shaft went loose from factory and the shaft probably went off a little bit while I was driving. I noticed the gap between both pieces to be strangely long so I uncrewed the black collar and pushed the shaft into the hole and it went in like 2 or 3 mm. Then I screwed the black collar back and everything worked fine. Hope it helps for other people. Greetings.
New base, mcleren gt3 :(
At first check all pins. In our case one of pin was pushed back few millimeters back. It is not easy to see it if u dont know what to search. We pul it back but it was not stable. After this fw can be detected and wheel starts to work. Unfortunally it was temporary , after few mins of playing the problem was back. We go to connatct suport because it is really design problem of pintage.
SOLVED: This fixed it for me!!!
It was that black thing on the shaft that was a little loose, causing me to pull the shaft out of the base a little bit.
Also a lot of other screws got loose after using the CSL DD for a week. Maybe adding some mild loctite is a smart idea to keep everything in place.
Exactly the same issue with the CSL DD + Mclaren GT3 V2 and this fixed it! Was about to RMA the unit as I had no idea how to get around the firmware loop issue. Such an easy fix too, I spent hours and hours trying everything else, and turns out the entire issue can be fixed with just one allen bolt. You are a lifesaver Augustin.
If anyone from Fanatec sees this thread -- please add this information to a FAQ/Troubleshooting guide to save others from this headache!
Thank you Agustin!!!!!!!!!! That was it. How clever and observant of you to notice that. I had spent hours on drivers/reinstalls/etc and I would have wasted the weekend, and probably would have had to send the wheel/base in for support and be stuck driving my real-world toyota instead of the Porsche GT3. THANK YOU!!!!!!!
Same here. I think that Fanatec prefers users to attempt HW-related fixes—as with the McLaren's paddle shifters being stuck—even if they are no more complicated than assembling a table clamp. Thank goodness I saw this thread.
This saved me all the trouble of sending the wheel from greece. Thanks, mate. Perhaps fanatec could give you some present for saving us and them so much trouble ;).
Seriously, though, please give me your steam id so i can buy you some (cheap) game or sth....I feel like i owe you. Cheers :)
I have same issue