European Shipping Delays – Update 2

Fanatec orders in Europe are currently experiencing delays and we sincerely apologise for the inconvenience.
As many of you have already heard, we recently started working with a new logistics partner. Our old warehouse simply could not operate at the high volume that our operations in Europe now demand, so this was an essential change. Unfortunately, during the transition we encountered several unexpected issues that led to a backlog in processing your orders. We have added more staff and temporarily doubled the number of packing stations to handle this situation.
Understandably, many of you want updates on tracking information and estimated delivery times and are reaching out to our team. They are responding to your questions in the order in which we receive them, and we rely on your patience while we work through the backlog.
You can find the latest updates in this FAQ article.
We take these issues very seriously, and we are committed to resolving them - it is our top priority to return to our usual turnaround time as soon as possible. Our team is working tirelessly to make this a reality.
Thank you for your patience.
Update 1
Due to the countless inquiries our support agents are completely overloaded and we have a backlog of several thoudand e-mails.
This affects all customers on all territories.
We absoluetely feel for you and thank you for your patience and support. As soon as we have an indication of when things go back to normal, we will post it here.
Update 2
We've made significant progress in rectifying Quick Release order mix-ups and shipping omissions. A dedicated team is actively working on these cases, and we anticipate all open shipments to be resolved by the end of the week.
Thank you for your continued support.
I am new to the fanatec group and my order is still out standing but reading through here I see ALOT of people are in the same position as myself and its been happening for months!
Its soooo hard to get any "REAL" information from Fanatec, all customers get are automated responses which are pointless tbh the whole process is flawed as why would an order show completely shipped if it hasnt shipped by doing this it will automatically increase customer traffic to you guys wanting an updating on tracking details etc. I wish i never placed my order and im considering getting in contact with the bank to see what can be doing as again failed / automatic responses from the company just gets customers backs up and frustration builds.
I head read multiple times customers orders have failed due reach the UK due to lack of required paper work and so order being returned back to you and getting lost in the already poor system. I hope this issue will be resolved with the new logistics partner but only time will tell when orders FINALLY leave you guys and actually make there way to customers.
to summarise, if things dont progress very soon ill be contacting the bank to look into not delivered items and seeking a full refund and in turn taking my business to a direct competitor who I hope will give me a overall better customer experience (anything is better than yours at this stage) and a product that actually reaches me.
I'm glad you're taking the shipping delays seriously, but when are you going to start taking the "error processing payment" bug on your website seriously, which is stopping people such as myself from even being able to place an order?!?
And maybe, just maybe, show that your serious about customer service and actually reply to your customers when they contact you
It's also interesting that I wasn't allowed to quote the original post from Fanatec in this thread, it just refused to post my comment until I'd deleted the quote box 🤔
Dominic, Thank you for posting the link.
The page just does not seem to reflect reality though... the delays in shipping are way more than 4 days. People are waiting 20+ days for goods to ship. I don't know if you guys just don't understand how big a problem you have, or if you are spinning it to make it sound better than reality.
You really need a better way for customers to cancel. The stated 6 days for reply to a cancelation request is too long and again not what's actually being experienced, it's way longer than 6 days. Customers have a right to cancel quickly.
How seriously are you really taking these delays? I believe you closed for two days this week for a holiday? If that is true, and the info came from Maurice so no reason to doubt it, then it doesn't seem like you are really making much effort to fix the issues.
If this is true, customers will quite rightly be amazed to find out that you chose to take a holiday for two days in the middle of the latest crisis. Actions are a better indicator of Fanatec's level of concern and commitment than a belated PR exercise.
You need to remember that this latest problem is not an isolated incident; complaints about slow shipping and unacceptable delays in support are longstanding. The issues are indicative of a really poorly run operation, rather than a temporary operational issue. I'd be much more interested in hearing plans to properly resolve the real problems rather than more lame excuses and details of the latest fire fighting and sticking plasters.
Amateur hour in Landshut!
I never said the whole company closed for two days.
I said that Tuesday was a legal holiday in Germany and that the Monday is a typical off-day for some people, not for everyone! In fact, our driver and FanaLab devs for example still worked (me included). Not helpful for the shipping situation of course though.
Maurice, stop with the nitpicking. Nobody cares if you were working.
Customers are interested in receiving goods that they paid for weeks ago and support for issue that notified the company of ages ago. It's clear that you think Fanatec can do no wrong. You are alone in that belief. Everyone else understands that improvements are essential.
Still waiting on what's happening with the BMW M4 GT3 owners, why are we getting ignored?
Please tell us what you will do with the orders that were sent back to you by UPS due to a lack of export documents. It has happened to countless orders to the UK, Switzerland and some other countries.
what else they need todo? you pay and not get your items yet, it means they to need send them out again with proper documents
'Despite adding more staff to handle the workload, we were still faced with roughly 4+ days processing time.'
I am today at 28 BUSINESS DAYS waiting for this delivery ! (Switzerland) - (With all items Available, Ready to ship')
This is simply NOT true.
There certainly was an error and that was placing an order in the first place!! its ok thou, please take my money and tell me its completely ship and ignore all forms of contact. I feel so bad for people who have been waiting longer than myself
Is there a similar situation with shipping delays on your US orders?
I can only answer for myself, but no. on US delays..ordered and have already received the QR2 Pro bundle, HOWEVER, being the very loyal customer I am, I am still waiting on my QR2 Pro wheel side that was included and paided for over a year ago with my BMW M4 GT3 wheel...
<sarcasm>in Fanatec's new revenue with that, so why honor your loyal customers with good customer service...that would not help make payroll.</sarasim>
So lucky in Australia place order shipped next day.feel for you guys in Europe cheers
Not me, I am getting treated the same as the European guys. Been sitting as order complete for a week but has not left the warehouse.
I ordered on the 30th of August. I'm in the uk and my order has been returned to fanatec on 02/10/2023 due to lacking the correct shipping documentation. I think the least fanatec could do is update us on our order and to sort some form of compensation.
I definitely want my order it's just gutting its taken so long and I still don't know what the outcome will be.
Placed order Wednesday arrives this morning Saturday here in Adelaide cheers
The shipping delays are understandable. What is unacceptable is the communication. The website says the shipping delay is around 4 days and a 'roughly a week'. The customer service delay is said to be around 3 to 4 days.
I bought my stuff around 2 weeks ago and sent an email to CS as I didn't think I received the correct discount and I've heard nothing and received no tracking number.
I've seen many horror stories way worse than mine.
People wouldn't be canceling and hating on you if you actually sorted your communication out. Burying your head in the sand and straight lying about the delay times in shipping and CS response is absolutely unacceptable. It's a good way to get multiple chargebacks from banks, credit cards and PayPal.
At this point, it's a disgrace to charge people for shipping.
Could this blog be made a sticky or announcement so it's always at the top while issues persist. Hopefully that would stop so many threads on the same subject 🤞
I’ve placed an order on 29th of August and I’m still waiting for a tracking number. It’s says completely shipped since the 1st of September. What a mess this is, I’m starting regretting to go with Fanatec, no costumer should be waiting this long for a product , that’s not very professional. I hope you guys are getting this sorted soon. Hopefully I will get my order soon 🤞
Ive placed a order on the 14th September and 26th and yet to have any update and any feedback from my emails ive sent out.
Only that's not true is it Armin? I got that email, the one that asks about if you still want it - I said yes I do and was told it was going out for 'immediate reshipment' via Express Saver. That was a week ago, and all that's happened since is 'nothing' - again! I'm fed up with all these empty 'words' being thrown around to give you the illusion that you're working on things when you're just not - you're simply concentrating on new orders for damage limitation and I've had enough of it.
Saying 'thanks for your patience and understanding!' in an upbeat tone does absolutely nothing either, in fact it just makes things worse - it's insulting. Things are not OK, and neither is the way you're handling the situation.
you mean at Monday or Tuesday when they had holiday ? gj really because they still have some delay with sending them out
Monday. Tuesday was the day off, so yeah I could expect a day delay but it's been a week now so that reason is no bueno
Further - the waiting isn't the problem, it's the constantly being let down. I can wait 3 months if my expectations are set appropriately, no worries at all. It's when you get:
status: 'completely shipped' but it isn't...
'you will have your tracking number shortly' then don't get it..
'we have a 4 day delay on orders'.. then 3 weeks pass...
'your order is in transit and will be with you soon'.. then sits at 'label created' for 2 weeks and UPS say you never sent it...
status: 'On the way' only to be returned to sender 2 days later because Fanatec didn't include paperwork
'Reach out to our team and tell us if you still want it' knowing full well we DO still want it and it takes your team 2 weeks to reply (I mean seriously, what was this all about anyway? Awful decision.)
'we are re-sending it straight away via express saver' then you don't - again
By this time 2 months have passed and you wonder why we're annoyed!
Hi Armin,
My order from 29th August came back to the warehouse on 2nd October.
No one contacted me and I am not getting any replies to my emails. So HOW do we have to proceed now?
You saying we will be asked what we want to do with the order, but no one is contacting the customers! and the contact form is not getting any answers either!
It shouldn't be hard to stick an invoice to the returned goods and send it back. Why now the customer should be contacted, I don't get it.
Note: I am not using my Fanatec Account here as I can't even log on the forum with it. (opened a ticket more than two weeks ago -> also no reply)
This is a perfect case in point to my previous two posts here, I feel you mate.
What do you mean once you get the information? Here is the information we are telling you our orders have been returned. Why not just put 1 person in charge of sorting this out and making it right?