ClubSport DD+ Update



  • I think it’s time for a new update!

  • The video is really interesting, it addresses multiple topics and I find it extremely sincere. The main focus here is the DD+; it mentions that they had signed contracts with Sony and, therefore, all the necessary permissions for the product's sale, but it points out that what they lack is the "technical license". It comments that Sony conducts exhaustive tests on each button to ensure its proper functioning in their system, which I find very positive, as it assures, through an external company, that the product does not have mass defects.

    On the other hand, it mentions that they expect to resolve this situation during this same February, but it does not confirm that they will send anything this month. However, it does affirm that once they obtain approval, they will start shipments immediately, since they have all the necessary DD+ in stock.

    Personally, I consider that there are great chances of resolving this situation in February, especially because if the financial director mentioned the same thing recently and the CEO reiterates it in this video, it is quite probable, although it is not a confirmed reality. This only increases my enthusiasm for this product; I hope to have it at home soon.

  • ScSc Member

    Does anyone know if this interview was shot before the last shareholder meeting where T.J. mentioned that DD+ approval will be finished mid February?

  • ScSc Member

    Thx mate…so first half of February sounds realistic since he mentioned that approval can be given even before this this video goes online

  • So, I canceled my standing order for the dd+ since I sold my dd1.

    Got my money back on the 4th business day.

    Then ordered the dd pro.

    Today, I re-ordered the dd+.

    Fanatec must love me by now.


  • Good news incoming next week, hopefully tomorrow 🤞🏻

  • Brilliant minds think alike. My original DD+ order was on Dec 9. After the announcement of the delay with no eta I canceled and bought a used DD Pro, like new for $350. I have been real happy with it working well with no issues on X Box and PS. A few days ago I got into iRacing. I will probably do all 3 platforms. I also reordered the DD+ today. Maybe the video upped my confidence a few notches. I need to get on Amazon and order some patience, I ran out on the last round. Good luck on your order,

  • This man lies more than he talks. He says that the Japanese are very strict, and he is right, so much so that they would never deviate 2 months from a previously agreed date.

    They say they are number one on the Sony ladder.....jajajajaja.... you forgot Logitech and Thrustmaster, they sell quite a bit more than you.

    He says there are other department reading support mails....this is already the last straw. Why haven't you created new email accounts to try to separate technical support questions from the typical "where's my order" questions?

    Take care of the Japanese, they are the present and the future of your business. At least take care of them more than you take care of us, your customers.

  • don't salute the Thrustmaster, they sell plastic toys what may not last long at strong hands

  • Order number 1807000

    Advanced Paddle Module & QR1 not received since 20th November 2023. As of 5th February 2024 both are in stock on website according to Fanatec would ship in 4-7 days.

    i have received 1/3 of my order on the 1st of February 2024 after receiving email 24th January with new invoice number stating sending part of my order.

    No contact from contact form online, telephone lines unavailable, online chat unavailable, just no information what so ever.

    where is the rest of my order why take my money and make excuses on you tube videos Thomas clearly lying saying all customers were offered a refund when that is not true.

  • I'm not talking about quality, I'm only saying that sales of Playstation products of both Logitech and Thrustmaster are much higher than in Fanatec. So Fanatec are not in the top of Sony's ladder

  • Beside of the underlying message throughout the whole interview "It's not our(my) fault" he is trying to avoid answering the real question. Why do they need so many sales? It would be easy to reduce the selling at any point.

    From my understanding there was already an issue with high volume before BF. Knowing that they're boosting sales with very good deals. And no, they're not loosing any money with overselling products.

    I understand why the stock price floored completely. The trust is gone. Unfortunately seeing this interview does not give me any confidence investing in this company.

  • Allan LehtlaAllan Lehtla Member
    edited February 5

    i doubt you buy you kid DD2 either, those company's focusing younger generation players, so they momys and dadys can but those cheap stuff for they children

    fanatec does lowered the CSL DD price last year, closer those cheap stuff , what is in general good thing

  • there is one thing tho, fanatec runs out stuff what they should not, because how you sell a steering wheel when you not even have a QR

    and that makes a delays. what is not a good thing

  • CEO says they’ll send DD+ soon as they get approval & also says Sony has gave them approval . So it be nice to know what’s going on

  • v1n2v1n2 Member

    CEO said, they have the license approve but there is an additional technical approvment ongoing.. and they ship them, when this is also finished..

  • v1n2v1n2 Member

    Hi Will,

    i just watched your video about the Monte Carlo Rally Wheel. Showing the FanaLab Software at the PC shows, that you test it on a DD+.. Is it still the pre-series Prototype Base you tested in your Review 2 months ago or did you sent it back and already receive a series produced as announced in the DD+ Review video? If so, any difference you found?

  • WITHOUT DEFENDING FANATEC. Your understanding of that man's words is quite peculiar; when he talks about being first on the list, he is not referring to selling more than anyone else. He's talking about licenses, about the current licenses that are in process; he's precisely talking about how this license process is the first on the list. Your comment shows a resentment that I understand perfectly, but before venting bile, try to analyze

  • edited February 5

    Correct, that's what i'm saying. Fanatec is by far not the company that sells the most PlayStation compatible peripherals, not even simracing bases.

    For the same reason, they are by far not the highest priority when processing a license or performing quality tests. Sony had already planned that in advance, simply fanatec has lied in the dates or they have been too optimistic.

  • even a two-week official update cannot be guaranteed. unbelievable

    i guess they're planning to enjoy the Spring Festival lol

  • What's that even supposed to mean? Nowhere did they say they were going to give us an update in two weeks. They said

    "we do not anticipate receiving the license for the first product on the market, which incorporates Sony's new security electronics within the next two weeks"

    That's our minimum time frame for a license, and implies they believe it to be longer.

    As far as another update, they said

    "we will continue to keep you updated on a shipping date as soon as the details are made available to us."

    Obviously, the details are still up in the air, so no update.

    I haven't been waiting as long as most of you, as I didn't know. However, that doesn't mean I'm not looking forward to it as much as the rest of you. I'm constantly on here just waiting on news, but it will come when it comes.

  • they said "Currently, we do not anticipate receiving the license for the first product on the market, which incorporates Sony's new security electronics within the next two weeks." so now, two weeks later, they should tell us what's the current situation.

    i know there's a video but that's not official, just like the pre-agreement they had with Sony.

  • They also said once they had more details, they would let us know. I want the update also, but it's not going to come until it does. I do have high hopes that this will be resolved this month.

  • bro, i'm far away from radical. considering their CEO took that interview before 2/4 (the date i saw that video), asking for an official announcement can't be more normal.

  • Allan LehtlaAllan Lehtla Member
    edited February 6

    I could also describe little differently about sim race stuff who still not knows the difference .

    Logitech G29 = Milk

    CSL DD = Lemonade

    Clubsport DD = Beer

    DD2 = Whiskey

    note. you to can add the Water those drinks tho and make them weaker, this functions by default exist at sim race Equipment

  • Another day and another nothing else regarding product send.

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