ClubSport DD+ Update



  • Underwhelming..

    so 2 options.

    I send my yesterday received DD+ back and order the extrem bundle or I have to buy a "used" from someone else.

  • I am in EU (not UK) so on the "happy" side still behind ppls with november order. Thomas is a big liar. Avoid this company

  • When i finally get my tracking number i orderd on november 19 ?

    Has anyone who order at the same time got their tracking number or is it because the Podium hib in my order isnt available in shop.(In the orders tab it says it is available)

  • They wanted to give us options from the gate with DD and DD+, but forgot to mention "Super Secret Wheel". And they had a chance to come forward with this during video interview...

    Technical approval as Thomas said, for all the buttons. DD+ has one button. "Extreme" wheel has lots. So now we know that all delays because of the "Super Secret Wheel" and not the base it self.

    QR2 Lite... is there another scam that you need metal QR2 for 15Nm? if GT wheel is ok doing 15Nm with QR2 lite, even DD+ description says it will be limited to 8Nm (and same on QR2 Lite page). Just cut off that pimp and you will get full force, I guess.

    DD+ has same 3Nm difference from DD. like it as was with CSL. $150 for PSU "upgrade" to unlock.. plus $150 Sony chip/license. Kinda falls in places looking at the history. Now just left to learn that DD can do 15Nm (same motor, same board, same PSU). What plastic piece needs to be broken to make it 15Nm? :D We know it can do, but just don't know what it takes to get it working. That's when folks will go nuts :D

  • I say it's all bullshit

  • i would not compare this qr2 much with qr2 lite. metal is still a metal and it feels better

  • I haven’t had mine ship yet. In u.s. purchased on 11/25/23

  • I got kinda excited today when FedEx showed up, but they just had cat food...

  • Can someone tell me how long it is taking after fanatec sends the email that the order has been processed and will be sent, this happened on February 7 and they still have not sent me the tracking, I had purchased on December 12 from the United States

    Alguien puede decirme cuánto está tardando después que fanatec envía el correo de que la orden se procesó y será envía, esto pasó el 7 de Febrero y aún no me envían el tracking, había comprado el 12 de diciembre desde Estados Unidos

    Dear Mr Vilorio,

    The status of your order

    placed on 12/12/2023 has changed.

    Our warehouse is currently preparing your shipment. Once it has left our warehouse, your tracking number will be visible in your account in your order details. 

    Please note that no changes are possible at this stage.

    Enjoy your new Fanatec product(s) and happy racing!

    Kind Regards,

    Team Fanatec

  • I canceled my order in a rush yesterday. I changed my mind, so is there a way to undo the cancellation? I don’t want to get back of the line as i ordered it in january

  • @Fanatec @James

    I have used the 10% Voucher to pre order the DD+, if I cancel the preorder now, will the 10% Voucher can be reused again?

  • I orderd on 26.11 and get no shipping until now so be patience i think they doing their best and have a lot of preorders wich have to proces now. I am based in germany but i hope it does not take much more time for my order see yesterday on FB that people wich orderd on 24.11 get shippinh info yesterday.

  • I orderd in 21 of October, and no tracking number or serial number on my products. I ordered 6 items..

    let’s wait…

  • I ordered on Nov 7th and still no update on the order or tracking number. Status is still „Order in process”. I hope its a matter of days, but I start thinking if maybe Formula 2.5x affects delivery date although order was placed long before formuła 2.5 wheel black friday fiasco. I hope thats not the case.

  • I see Fanatec has changed the availability on the dd extreme.

    I have a standing order on a dd+, and never got the option to order the dd extreme.

    If it was an option, I would have ordered the extreme. but canceling the dd+ and waiting for 1 week and then order the extreme, will push me so far back in the line that I prob won't receive it before august. Changing a order is not possible.....

    I am so disappointed that they had to keep that a secret. Bouth should have been on preorder at the same time.

    In my case, I have the dd pro and the Porsche podium wheel with all the podium buttons and gear. And the dd+ on order.

    I want the wheel for the extreme as well, because I will be having 2 bases and only one wheel

    Not happy right now!!!

  • I’m in similar boat, a new customer to fanatec & i would have like the choice at the time of purchasing (dec 4th) DD+ to have option of DDx .

    I had zero knowledge of leaked wheel prior to launch of it .

    I had zero knowledge of the fanatec delivery problems prior to my purchase.

    apart from my DD+ rest of my stuff came on time or early, can’t fault fanatec there.

    I dunno if any of it works tho as I need my DD+ to plug it all into via ps5.

    as for the wheel, I watched Super GT review/promotion & when I Read thru his comments, one question was asked , if he’d return to McLaren wheel over the extreme wheel,his answer was YES!

    this comment made me feel so much better about not having it

    I have DD+ on way & I have McLaren wheel+qr2 & V3s.

  • I am so disappointed.

    I have written to Fanatec about changing my order. Their policy is not to do so. But I don’t care at this point.

    Slapping thousands of waiting costumers in the face with a new bundle, including the very product we are waiting for, and offering it as a 4 day shipping time is unacceptable.

    I have been talking highly of Fanatec. I loved their products.

    And now they just took a shit on me. 😢🥺😩😖🥺

  • Kevin McPakeKevin McPake Member
    edited February 11

    Check the forum post about the extreme , the CEO guy Thomas has msg’d about folk being able to cancel dd+ & reorder DDx, that might help u.

    there seems to be a severe lack of communication/understanding in the company if the CEO doesn’t quite know how his company is functioning in regards to the cancellation processes. A customer on here points out where it’s going wrong with how to cancel.

    his management team should be better in dealing with all this .

  • Yea, and wait another week? It takes the money 4-5 days to get back in my account. I feel I have waited long enough. This is not fair!!!

  • I even spent a lot buying the dd pro while waiting for my dd+.

    Extremely disappointed and feel like they spit on me.

  • You must have a lot more input than this now, to be able to draw conclusions so easily.

    First, people are different and have different tastes and preferences. Second, Steve is a huge fan of the McLaren steering wheel, even though objectively all his other wheels are much better. He has a Podium BMW GT3, he has Formula steering wheels, and he has been driving a McLaren with original shifters for years.

    Now, the McLaren is visually my favorite Fanatec steering wheel, it is one of the first steering wheels I bought. I would not and will never sell it, in fact, my McLaren is currently a 500 euro steering wheel. Carbon SMZ shifters, QR2, Lovelystickers, etc. I paid so much for upgrades just because it's my favorite steering wheel. Do you know how much driving I have with it? Not even half an hour. I still choose one of several F1/Formula steering wheels because of the overall impression.

    I haven't tried the GT Extreme steering wheel either, I hope I will soon, but I believe it would be used more often than the McLaren, and here, the McLaren is in the box, literally a new steering wheel with maximum modes, but I still have a somewhat lukewarm feeling with it.

    Some third person have completly diferent story and personal preferences. Thats how it is.

  • This will be interesting…..

  • I play in vr so I don’t need to to be amazing on eyes, I just need functionality & reliability . I think the McLaren will give me that. But I will purchase other wheels in future if all goes well with my fanatec stuff.

    im completely new to ecosystem & haven’t yet tried anything other than a g29. DD+ arrives valentines 💝

  • Anyone from Australia receive tracking yet? I placed my order late October

  • Mine is still in process.

    I note some of the items I ordered (BF deals) are now out of stock in Aus. I'm still unsure how the stock picking works but I assume since it's not yet sent to warehouse that none of what I ordered was reserved while in stock. I'm concerned I could be waiting indefinitely.

  • @Bart my order has been updated to sent to warehouse from Feb 7.

    Still no tracking.

  • I'm in Australia, ordered 20 Oct, no tracking yet.

  • Hello colleagues! 

    Congratulations to all of you who already have the DD+ at home. 

    I will receive it on Wednesday the 14th according to UPS. 

    I will use it on PS5 with ACC, EA WRC 23, GT7 with VR2 and Asseto Corsa "Normal".

    Do you know if the configurations for the base and each set are already posted somewhere? 

    Here in the forum it was said to put in the DD+ all the settings of the DD1 base or the Playstation Wheel F1, is it correct? Do we do it like this?

    I will post this in different sections of this forum to see if Fanatec people read it and help us by posting the setups quickly or answer us to enjoy this base in the games

    Thank you all in advance😊

  • US order.

    Tracking number has been added my order page. I should get an email from FedEx today.

    It's still in Label Created phase. Which is always what day 1 on FedEx shows.

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