ClubSport DD+ Update



  • For me, my order is just the DD+ base. Nothing else as I ordered the rest earlier and got them last month so everything is sitting there waiting on the base to arrive. I got the email about the status change last week too so my status has been from last Wednesday early in the day to "handed over to warehouse" with no tracking number attached.

    I guess my three day weekend which I rarely get will be spent on other things rather on my sim rig. I work a lot so days off and 3 day weekends are extremely rare. Got my hopes up last week when I got the status change email and figured that my base would be shipped in a couple of days.

  • I'm feeling your pain Bruce, I am on the same boat as you. Ordered Nov 23rd, but I made a big order (everything else is/was in stock), and got the status change on Fed 7th "handed over to warehouse", and now its almost a week later with nothing else happening. I've been checking fedex shipment tracking, and my fanatec orders page practically every 20 minutes.... This is becoming unhealthy lol

  • I thought I would get everything that I ordered before the Christmas & New Years holidays so I didn't make any other plan. I received every other things before Christmas but they are useless without a wheel base anyway and it ruined my holidays.

    Hopefully, everyone who pre-ordered DD+ in the states gets tracking info today and receive their DD+ before the weekend.

  • Finally got tracking from FedEx. Says it'll be here Friday, but FedEx is usually a day late and im gone Saturday... :/

  • edited February 14

    I got a text from FedEx about a package heading to me. They have the item so it's not a created tracking number but that they actually have the package. According to the FedEx site, the label was created on February 10, picked up by them on Tuesday the 13th. Because I live so far away, it's scheduled for delivery next Tuesday as of now. Weight of this package is 27 pounds so this should be the DD+ as this was the only thing I ordered that I'm still waiting on.

    It's different how I got the notification. I got a text from Fedex instead and had to log into my account first then enter the tracking number from the text to get the information on the package. The Fedex site when I checked the tracking number had my order as the reference number.

    The tracking number isn't even on my orders page nor did I get an email from Fedex about the expected delivery. The item is originating from Coppel, Texas instead of California. It is coming from NXT Point Logistics. My products page also does not have my serial number yet but I think it will update later as it did with my earlier order.

    Hope this helps others. My order is United States order on November 27. My order only had the DD+.

  • Glad you got some news!!! As long as they keep shipping them is all we can ask. Hell I might eventually get my big order delivered before next BF.. I still have zero info other than hand over to warehouse.

  • I hope you get your order soon. I provided as much info as I could about my order and situation so others can gather the info related to their order and compare. Maybe I'll get lucky and my DD+ will get to me before the weekend. But now they are in Texas and I'm in Hawaii it might not. Might have had a chance if they were still in California but oh well.

  • Happy to see you have some movement Bruce, fingers crossed it arrives soon and is trouble free.

  • News about the DD+ in Germany. After 5 days "handed over to the warehouse" I received the sms with the tracking number late in the evening. Everything is to be delivered today. Before, you couldn't find anything about the reference number at UPS. Fanatec also did not give any serial numbers of the products in my account. But there is movement in the matter and you have to plan about a week in the warehouse before you get any updates. I ordered on November 24th.

  • Bart, thank you very much and I do hope everyone else gets there soon with little to no troubles.

    After I logged into my Fedex account and added that tracking number for reference and updates I got the email from Fedex. I don't know if what I did triggered the email or if it was delayed but I finally got the email from Fedex. Nothing still from Fanatec and no update to my order on the Fanatec website but I do think my DD+ is on its way to me.

    For those with US orders, I would recommend that you goto FedEx and search your order number in the reference search section to see if your order is on it's way. If you didn't use a cell phone then that could be why you didn't get an update from Fedex. In my case, I used my cell number and got the text which provided me the tracking number which led to all the info I am sharing.

  • DD+ was due for delivery today but UPS has an issue & now 24hrs delay 😭😭😭😭

    whats another day when you’ve only waited months 😂

  • j'ai une question, quand on fait une précommande pour un article (dd+) et que long commande d'autre article de stock , il les places de cote pour nous, en attente de la précommande ???

    merci et bonne journée à tous

  • US DD+ is available again.

    and my order still shows feb 28th...

    Learning from other experiences with (NOTa)FIFO. Cancelling (future feb 28th) one and ordering the available one "looks" faster 😂

  • Canadian order

    I'm in Canada and got a notification from USPS and Canada Post this morning that label was created out of Texas. Can only be my DD+ as i have no orders from any source at the moment. The wait is finally coming to an end :-)

  • I'm in the US and preordered 10/21.

    I also received the FedEx update shipping from the new Texas location.

  • Thank you so much for the update. I believe that your order date is 3 day earlier than mine but I don't see my tracking info yet.

    I just read a new Fanatec post talking about moving their US warehouse and possible delays. Hope that won't affect my order but another disappointment.

  • Hopefully the fact that all of these tracking updates are coming from Texas means things are going ok?

  • Have you tried doing a search on the Fedex site using your order number as a reference number? My product page as of this morning still had my order as handed over to the warehouse but I am tracking the package from Fanatec and it has left a Fedex facility in Hutchins, Tx as of this morning and on its way. What route it is taking or how it is getting there I don't know but for sure Fedex has a package for me that I didn't get any email or information from Fanatec. Another reason I would check with Fedex is that even though I have a Fedex account, the label was created and info received by fedex on February 10 at around 10am. This info is on the fedex site so somehow Fanatec must have transmitted that info to Fedex prior to shipping. I didn't get an email from Fedex at all until after I tied the tracking number I got via text from them yesterday to my fedex account. Your order if everything is available is prior to mines. I ordered my DD+ on November 27. If Fanatec is using FIFO methods then you should have had your unit shipped to you prior to mines.

    Hope this helps you find your order.

  • I think there is some consistency issues maybe if anything. You got a email from Fedex that your package was picked up but I didn't and got a text instead. The tracking number for my order is not anywhere in my fanatec order for the DD+ where as yours is. I also believe Seung's order is prior to mines but he didn't get any info on his order yet even though mines is probably later than his. I believe your order was a day one order and Seung shared he ordered a few days later. I ordered about a month after release and I believe mines is on the way to me now.

    So hopefully it's a consistency issue if anything, but changing locations or logistics doesn't seem to have solved some of the issues that Fanatec had prior. Also the delays in getting out these items once they were handed over to the warehouse could have been handled better with additional information provided. If there were delays due to large volumes of black friday items going out and tying up shipping slots then that could have been shared to alleviate some of the concerns of customers. Atleast they know why their items are not going out as quickly as they believe they should. Lots of frustration out there including on my part and I feel like if they were able to share a little more info it could have gone a long way to reduce the negativity out there. How hard really would it have been to post like we had 100 shipping slots available by Fedex and half went to clearing the black friday sales and 30 percent of the remaining slots went to the DD+ orders which is causing some delays. I know from the gpu shortages that EVGA was like that and shared some info to help customers understand some of the limitations they face when trying to get products out.

    Hopefully lessons learned by Fanatec but it remains to be seen. I coach and tell the kids that mistakes aren't always negative if you learn from them and become better and stronger because of them. This would be the case for Fanatec if they truly value their customers and learn from the challenges.

  • Just tried but didn't work for me. I'll try again later. Thank you for the tip anyway.

  • Now the DD+ is ready to ship at US site, however, I preordered at Jan 24 and need to wait till 28 Feb but not ready to ship? @Fanatec what is FIFO? Should you ship all preordered first?

  • Hope my order gets shipped today.

    Ordered 21 October in Australia and still no tracking number.

    Really disappointed

  • FIFO means First In First Out, but I still haven't gotten any info on mine yet. Pre-ordered Nov 23rd : S

  • edited February 16

    I know what is FIFO but I mean Fanatec not base on FIFO to ship the item. SO, @Fanatec, you are telling lie to the customer order the DD+ (ready to ship) or the customer pre-ordered DD+?

  • Have we got an update for all the people in Australia with preorders?

    Have people even received there dd+ in aus yet?

  • Damn Peter...

    My order still hasn't changed from "in process", no response to my support ticket yet either.

  • I just fail to understand why they aren’t telling us. Especially after sending the invoices and starting the warranty.

  • That's my thought too! like wth, why are you starting my warranty when I haven't had the product shipped to me yet?!

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