All new Fanatec software for PC – try out the beta here!

Marcel PfisterMarcel Pfister Member, Administrator
edited March 18 in Fanatec App (Beta Test)

Since its reveal at the Sim Expo last year, we’ve been hard at work refining the all-new Fanatec application, and it’s time for you to try it out.

This combines the Fanatec Driver / Control Panel and FanaLab software into one package. After extensive internal testing, we're excited to release the public beta, giving you early access to the next evolution of Fanatec software. A mobile version is also in development and will come later this year.

Key Features

  • Windows driver installation (required for using Fanatec hardware on PC)
  • Check hardware connectivity and functionality
  • Calibrate wheel center, pedal dead zones, shifter inputs, and more
  • Update firmware for connected Fanatec devices
  • Integrated software updates – no need to manually browse, download, and install updates anymore
  • Adjust Tuning Menu settings
  • Adjust ITM, vibration, and dynamic FFB settings achieved via telemetry signals
  • Detects the current game and car to load specific profiles automatically
  • Included LED profiles automatically loaded for many cars – no need to import and bind profiles manually anymore to have LEDs matching the in-game car
  • Possibility to import FanaLab profiles
  • Game shortcut launcher
  • Integrated App Tour explaining all functions
  • Multi-Language Interface

Upcoming Improvements

  • LED customizations to be added and reworked for better usability.
  • The existing mobile app will be overhauled and made compatible with the new Fanatec App.
  • Adding support for Assetto Corsa EVO.
  • Fixing an issue where the LED backlights of BMW M4 GT3, Button Module Rally or Gran Turismo Steering Wheel Extreme are turned off when launching a game.
  • Improving translations (additional languages possible in future).
  • Improvements and fixes based on your feedback in the Fanatec Forum, Reddit, and the feedback form.

Click here to download the new Fanatec App beta.

Fanatec App Download

Note: FanaLab is not uninstalled automatically

We recommend to close FanaLab while driving in a game to prevent that FanaLab and Fanatec App are both sending commands to the wheel base. Feel free to use FanaLab for adjusting LEDs and importing those profiles into the Fanatec App until LED customization is added.

Note: If you wish to return to using the Fanatec Control Panel

  1. Uninstall the Fanatec App
  2. Install the previous driver

Note that some functionalities and capabilities are still in development and there may be a few quirks and bugs – your feedback is incredibly valuable in helping us fine-tune the experience. We have created a form specifically for this:

Feedback Form Link

If you wish to provide further feedback, we encourage you to discuss the beta by replying to this forum thread.



  • Minimize to tray? Uninstall FanaLab?

  • edited March 18

    Coming in the future.

    For now it only replaces the driver but it does not fully replace FanaLab yet due to missing features of the Lab so it has to get used with the Lab in parallel for now for max. compatibility as it does not create any conflict to have both Softwares installed and running.

  • edited March 18

    It doesn't work on Windows 11 ARM.

  • edited March 18

    That's intended. ARM is a whole different architecture and programs are not compatible out of the box and the old Fanatec App and the Lab also were not made compatible.

  • Marcel PfisterMarcel Pfister Member, Administrator
    edited March 18

    ARM is not supported because it's a different architecture than normal Windows. We might bring support for it in the future if requested. Fanatec Control Panel and FanaLab were also not made compatible for ARM.

    Feel free to raise this request in the feedback form as well.

  • Marcel PfisterMarcel Pfister Member, Administrator
    edited March 18

    We had minimize to tray in a version some weeks ago but it didn't work reliable enough so it was removed until fixed. I bumped the task for it,

    FanaLab is not uninstalled because not really in conflict with the App. You can still use it to create LED profiles and import those into the App until the LED customization is coming to the App. Just make sure both are not running at the same time trying to send telemetry data otherwise the wheel might get the commands twice. A good point I should add to the instructions.

  • I deleted my previous answer by mistake.

    I had written more or less: I know the old software already didn't work on Windows 11 ARM but this operating system, on a Virtual Machine, is the only way Mac users with Apple Silicon processors can use Windows on their computers. I was hoping that this new version would install so that we could upgrade our Fanatec devices.

    In the past I have used a web-based firmware update tool from Collective Minds (when I used tyhe Drive Hub with an old Logitech G29 on Xbox), would it be possible for you to release a web-based firmware update tool for us console users who have Mac computers, or for those of us who use Linux? I'm not asking for drivers, I'm not asking to get my wheel to work on Mac... but at the very least to be able to update it so I can use it on Xbox.

    I recently had to buy a 99 euro mini PC just to update your devices and I would have gladly avoided this additional expense 😄

  • When will it be out for xbox ? When will we xbox user's be abel to use all the buttons,rumble motor's , rev licht, ....... Juste the things we paid for

  • I have iRacing working but it says no active game (im not using stam)

  • I run dual monitors. Samsung Odyssey Ark for main screen and a small 15 inch portable monitor to observe simhub and things. With new Fanatec dashboard recently installed this is happening. I relocated and resized the app to fit on my 55 inch screen, but whenever I toggles from say, tuning to dynamic ffb on the wheel base menu, the app goes into the 'tour screen', re-sizing itself and stretching out between my two monitors. I am unable to resize until the tour is completed. My monitors are not next to each other and reading the information is difficult. Upon exiting the tour, I have to reset the app size and location again.

  • And it happened! The first time visiting the ITM tab, the behavior was repeated (app location and size was overtaken by demo) by the fourth demo note, the button to advance was off the screen and could not be selected. The back button was still available, so I was able to hit that, return to the previous hint, and end the tour.

  • This Software will never be out on any console, it's PC exclusive.

    What you mean are enhanced Firmware Features for the Xbox which are scheduled for this spring. However, Note that ultimatively it will be up to game developers to implement the Fanatec Xbox SDK into their games so the wheel actually can use the enhanced features. And for now only Forza Motorsport has done this so even when the Firmware gets released this spring then you will only be able to use it in this one game anyway until more games have implemented the SDK which they got 1.5 years ago already.

  • Unfortunately this is intended and there is no other way to make sure the user can properly go through the App Tour.

  • Yes but you need to understand like kunos has a small team and the can't waste there resources like Microsoft but if fanatec still hasn't released it software it makes no sense as a business to do that release that software and they probably would have done it 1.5 years ago if it also was released 1.5 years ago i think it would need to be said in the description when buying from fanatec that it doesn't work as it was intended on xbox so that people know they will pay for a not 100% working product don't you think so ?

  • How do I adjust the break force % when I have my pedals connected via usb? The BFF option is showing greyed out to me here.

  • Ertan PrelicErtan Prelic Member
    edited March 19

    I totally agree with you. Fanatec should not blame anyone else but them. If they released the SDK and for another 1.5 year and still did not released firmware to support that SDK, you cannot call out developer for their part of the job. Product is not finished, so even that all developers added support in the meantime, for end users it would mean nothing! After supported firmware is released than we can point fingers in developers if they end up not supporting games.

    I just hope this spring we finally get that firmware support, I play a lot of Forza Motorsport, so for me even only that game will be good for the beginning.

  • Marcel PfisterMarcel Pfister Member, Administrator

    We know of that need and we have it on our radar, the goal of the beta version of the Fanatec App was to build the base for being able to have future additions like this but not everything can be provided at once and needs time.

    We are looking into two solutions

    • Firmware updates from mobile (e.g. phones)
    • And making at least the update part compatible to other OS

    This needs time because firmware updates need to be reliable and updaters were originally design for normal Windows OS

    I see that this is a very requested feature here and on the Reddit post and likely also will be requested often in the feedback form so I expect it to be prioritized high for future updates.

  • Marcel PfisterMarcel Pfister Member, Administrator

    The firmware capability is planned to be part of the next big bugfix update in Spring. The SDK got implemented into Forza Motorsport already and was showcased at last times Expo with LEDs and display working, however they haven't enabled more buttons yet which they want to in a future update. As soon as the firmware is available we expect more games to include it.

  • Marcel PfisterMarcel Pfister Member, Administrator

    I see there is an open task to improve the detection of iRacing for an upcoming update.

  • Marcel PfisterMarcel Pfister Member, Administrator
    edited March 19

    We had a similar issue with multiple monitors in internal testing and made improvements so it didn't happen again for us. Seems like the same issue can still happen with other monitor setups, could you show us how your monitors are setup under windows with their resolution and positioning, then we could try to reproduce and fix it.

    The resizing to at least 1080p is done to make sure the hints highlighted are visible on screen in the intended spot and not hidden behind scrolling

  • Marcel PfisterMarcel Pfister Member, Administrator

    Which pedals do you have? Then we can have a closer look and fix it.

  • Marcel PfisterMarcel Pfister Member, Administrator

    we are not blaming anyone else, Maurice said the firmware update to support it will come in spring so its clear that this is 100% on us.

    Guess its a misunderstanding because of the 1.5years he mentioned as well but this was not meant to blame developers because even when they implemented the SDK since then the features are only working with the upcoming firmware update which is like said 100% on us.

  • Marcel PfisterMarcel Pfister Member, Administrator
    edited March 19

    Is it grayed out or missing completely? Saw another report with the same pedals where it was missing completely so there is definitely an issue we will look into, just weird if its appearing differently for different users.

  • the software works well in almost everything.

    I can't set the brake pedal to maximum though.

    accelerator and clutch yes.

    the minimum button and the maximum can be done and it is grey

  • Hristo GoshevHristo Goshev Member
    edited March 19
  • edited March 19

    Pedals recognition has to be perfected (I own the Elite V2 and the app recognises CSL Pedals with Clutch Kit), and I can't find a way to adjust Brake Force [BRF]. In addition, I would fix the spaces (see image). Also, profile switching doesn't work for me if I have FanaLab closed.

    Okay, a reset for the Pedals tab made the software recognise the correct pedals set. However, if the wheel base is turned on while the app is opened, you need to switch it to Compatible mode first, and then put it back in PC mode to make the software recognise it. I hope I have been clear enough.

  • Hi All,

    @ronaldo Even on Fanalab you could not adjust BRF when connected via USB, I always used the RJ12 but tidied the rig and went with USB for firmware updated on the CSL Elite V2's, there was no firmware updates, I've just switched from profile rig to the Fanatec GT Cockpit so swapped back to RJ12 and all good again!

    Is anyone having issues assigning profiles to cars? I am trying to bind on iRacing, AC, AC EVO, LMU.

    Have used the button to import from Fanalab but when I bind them it does not stick at all, as soon as choose a different car or game they reset. Have tried saving the profile again with the binded, loading the profile, adding the bind and saving etc,

    Thanks, Bob!

  • Indeed, not possible through fana lab but possible from fanatec driver or however they call that app with the white icon. Problem is that I had to uninstall that one to install the beta version and I have no way to adjust the bff now. Maybe if I remove the beta software and reinstall the white app.

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