Podium DD1 PS4 Connection Issue...

Well, after a little help from the forum, I was able to get all the firmware sorted - thanks for that. Problem is however, it had nothing to do with the firmware. As I found out by mistake today - the reason the wheel is being disconnected for no apparent reason, is that it is physically losing connection to the base. Seems it was OK on day one, day two, a little worse, today - not usable. Disappointing to see this only a few hours into use. I added a link to the video of issue and pics attached of the connections. The male pin at about 4 o'clock looks a tiny bit shorter. Anyone see an issue?
Seems I recall some on the forum questioning the tightness of the wheel to the shaft and a bit of "unanticipated" play. Is this the result?
I have sent a third support request to Fanatec with no response - we'll see.
With the help from the forum - I think we all assumed the coupler had some sort of issue. Way to really test, was to swap the wheel. I managed to get a hold of another wheel - the Fanatec Clubsport (thanks eBay). Just put the wheel on the base an immediately noticed the fit was better. Tested quite a bit with no issues. Even managed to get a few SIM races in without problems. Video attached...
Furthermore - took a picture of, and compared the difference in coupler fit, left being the new blue PS4 model and right being that of the alternative red Clubsport model. Slides much further over the rubber and coupler is much closer to the retaining ring - not touching, but close - look closer to normal now? I will say that Fanatec got back to me today with the same thought process, so guess we'll try and get the wheel replaced. Will update again when the new wheel gets attached... Thanks all...
Good evening, I have a problem with the wheel of the podium Ps4, I go to the old flywheel mc laren, otherwise I could not do installation. In short I put the basic wheel, and it walked 3 minutes then blocked! Forced to turn off the base then turned on, and hop 3 minutes blocked and no buttons work! Still, he is well on the wheel. So I put the flying mc laren back, and no worries! Where does the problem come from, the steering wheel supplied with the base? Thank you!