Update to Customer Care Situation & Challenges | Cases older than 14 Days



  • Order Number: 1755099

    Placed order for Jersey UK 30/09/23

    Made 'Shipment incomplete/not received' ticket 23/10/23

    It's now November and still waiting..

    Please send my order Fanatec.

  • Ord Number 1771600 ordered on the 20th October no contact from Fanatec since. Please can I have any information about my delivery and please do not answer with its completely shipped because I have no Tracking Number. If this is not sorted soon I will cancel my order. This is not something I want to do but the shambles you have created is getting me down

  • Order 1759389

    06.10.2023 - I place my order

    01.11.2023 - still no tracking number or any news from Fanatec. Im really disapointed.

  • Same as a few others on here I ordered 20th October, order number 1771935.

    On 23rd this moved to completely shipped and I received an email saying delays of 5 working days, that time has passed without any sign of anything being dispatched. I have checked UPS also as per other posts.

    No update from Fanatec either, unclear what is happening. Some suggestion of customs issues again in this blog, which seem to not be impacting any other businesses in the EU that I have ordered from recently. But unclear if this is the issue with my order.

    As others have said, this needs to be sorted soon, after all you already have my money!

  • Liam GannonLiam Gannon Member
    edited November 2023

    This kinda stuff just creates more issues. Why you didn’t just wait for it i don’t know. But placing two orders was kinda stupid, especially as you must have know it would be difficult to cancel one of the orders given the current situation with poor response times and messed up fulfilment of orders.

  • Order number is: 1764971

    placed on 12 October, status says completely shipped but nothing has been updated so far and still waiting for the tracking number and the label to be created with UPS.

    Items were all in stock when I placed the order. Thought I might have to wait a few weeks but it’s looking like it’s going to be 5 or 6 weeks at this rate.

    my suggestion would be to stop taking new orders and just deal with the backlog.

    short term gain shouldn’t take preference over long term irreversible damage to your brand.

  • Order number: 1767787

    Ordered on 15th October - received multiple email communications about customs issues and their subsequent resolve

    And today the UPS status is showing as Return to Sender:

    "01/11/2023 23:03 Returning to Sender

    UPS initiated contact with the sender to obtain clearance information. Once received, UPS will submit for clearance. / The package will be returned to the sender.

    Hamburg, Germany"

    Can you please provide the correct clearance information to UPS.

  • I cannot believe they're still doing this. With the sheer amount of Returns they've had for not including the required documentation (literally 1000's over the last few months) you'd think the warehouse staff would be veeeerrry careful to check overseas shipments weren't missing anything. I'm astounded it's still an issue.

    Happened to me back in September, and if my experience is anything to go by, it's already too late - that shipment is en route back to Fanatec, regardless of anything anyone says/does, where it will remain indefinitely. I would strongly advise you don't put yourself through it, get a refund and spend your hard earned money elsewhere (or at least wait til things have calmed down).

    Just to add - as I understand it, when these shipments get back to the warehouse, not even they know what to do with them. Say 100 orders are return because of missing paperwork at the same time as 100 orders are actually being returned from customers for other reasons. When they get back to the warehouse they're all on the same pallet, and as NONE of them likely have any invoices/order information included with them, they have to investigate each shipment one-by-one to ascertain why it's been returned and what they're supposed to be doing with it. It's part of why there's such a backlog. This is why I'm so amazed this is still happening, because the consequences for not sending out the right documentation are catasprophic.

  • Confirmed as delivered back to sender. I guess I'm not going to hear anything from Fanatec for a month and then maybe another order to be processed and another months wait. i guess we're looking at Jan/Feb delivery time?

    How is this acceptable?! Fix up! You're a business selling products worth hundreds/thousands of pounds and you can't pay for s

  • You're right - just confirmed as delivered back to their warehouse! It's an absolute joke. I would go elsewhere in an instant but right now Fanatec are the only company doing direct drive wheels for PS5.

    This is the commercial invoice they're getting so wrong - https://www.ups.com/assets/resources/webcontent/en_GB/invoice.pdf

    My only question is how can you get this wrong?!!

  • I know you were probably half joking but you might actually be right. My original shipment arrived back at Fanatec on the 2nd October, and despite being promised a next day delivery replacement on the 4th (which never happened) it wasn't until the 20th that a replacement order was created but that's also still not been shipped yet. Placed my original order on 30th August ffs.

    I guess because it's all automated. I heard that many of them do have that paperwork, but it's often blank or missing key information like a name and/or address - either way it would appear nobody is checking them before they leave the warehouse.

  • Ord Number 1771600

    So here I go again still no updates on my order from Fanatec, I realise you may have issues but some sort of Honesty is now required. I was advised that Fanatec was the way to go so I ordered over £700 pounds worth of equipment with your company. You certainly accepted payment quick enough as the funds left my account instantly. It has now been two weeks and not one word from yourselves about my order. This is unacceptable and I want some answers NOW. I have checked every day for updates tried to contact you via e mail (Complete waste of time due to time delays in replying to e mails from Fanatec. So I then tried ringing Customer Services, Oh my God guess what Customer services has now been suspended due to the back log in complaints via e mail. COMPLETE JOKE my first dealings with Fanatec has been a total disaster and I will not be waiting for delivery response I want answers to my question not fobbing off. I have also checked UPS Site as it seems you are unable to send customers notification of there equipment actually being sent out.

    Just a note for you from your own web site.

    Community: Our product management is very strongly influenced by the feedback we receive from all the communities. We listen very closely to the opinions of our customers or potential customers, in order to be able to react to demands expressed on a certain product and to deliver exactly that desired product to the sim racing community. Our short decision lead times help us in this respect, enabling us to reduce our reaction time to meet those demands fast. Moreover, we work closely together with the most important communities to arrange community tests and reviews, since no opinion could be more valuable for the entire sim racing community than that of an expert whom they know, have chosen and trust and who documents his assessment in a written or video form.

    Support: Customer satisfaction is not only our support team’s highest priority, but ranks among the highest within our entire organisation as well. We not only see solving any questions which may arise with regard to our complex products as our obligation but as a chance for us to effectively improve in accordance with the wishes of our customers.

    Not much of any of the above being adhered to is there please please sort this out either re fund me my money or tell me what is damn well going on by giving me regular updates.🤬🤬🤬

  • RE: Re: EU UPDATE: Your Fanatec Order - Customs Delay CRM:000017700009214

    Order 1768581

    16/10/23 Order placed

    20/10/23 Requested an update by email

    27/10/23 I was told my order would start moving by Monday 30/10/23.

    30/10/23 Nothing happened.

    02/11/23 UPS status changed to "Returned to Sender" Delivered on Thursday, November 02 at 9.51.

    I will not wait for my returned order to be processed unless that happens today.

    Please send out the replacement items by Friday 03/11/23

    I would also expect some form of compensation for the hours spent on this and the fact that Fanatec have my money in their bank earning interest.

  • edited November 2023

    Ordered on the 18/11, updated to completely shipped on the 19/11. Since then I have been keeping track of my parcels via reference and location and they have been sat at ready for ups to pick up for that entire time. I also received the emails of a customs issue and was told, we'll find out soon enough though I'm pretty sure incorrectly that the issues were resolved (judging by other peoples experience, that was a flat out lie because they are all being returned to sender I'm full expecting today or tomorrow for it to be RTS like everyone else's has been).

    I have paid for my items, so this is 100% your failure to honour my purchase and should not land in me having to go through reddit, your forum or anything that isn't direct contact with yourselves to try and obtain the information i need. You've failed us with a less than sub par service, to the point I'm sure a lot of people have been pushed to competitors products, or like myself are seriously considering it. I don't care if I'm waiting a couple weeks or a month, but never ONCE was it clear on your end that I would have to.

    18/11/23 Ordered 18/11/23

    19/11/23 Completely shipped

    20/11/23 Received an email about the customs delay 

    25/11/23 Received an email stating everything was sorted with customs and will be moving by the latest that Monday

    02/11/23 received a response to a 12 day old ticket, that basically said sorry, and the only thing they seemed to care about was that i hadn't been sent a tracking number.

    Through this entire time ive had no tracking information, no tracking number from yourselves or ups and I've even resorted to talk to UPS directly and they cant help me either. 

    When can i expect my items to arrive? Why don't i have ANY tracking information after over 2 weeks? This is not the way new and/or existing customers should be treated when buying items from yourselves in good faith!

  • Steve WatsonSteve Watson Member
    edited November 2023

    Order number: 1744524

    Order Placed: 20/09/2023

    @James - I still have not heard anything from Fanatec regarding this order. It was a R2R bundle, and has sat at "Label Created" since: 10/05/2023

    5:00 P.M - I understand there are a lot of customers who placed an order that they are still waiting for, however it has now been over 6 weeks delay, without much actual information provided.

    Please return to me with some information regarding this order (I have also submitted a sales/order enquiry email, but after more than 3 weeks of receiving no response yet, I am forced to write here).

    I remain in hope that you respond to this message at the very least.

    Thank you.

  • Order number:



    I placed my order on October 12th,

    The order status immediately changed to completely shipped. Probably still hasn't been dispatched yet.

    Still no tracking number. Sent an email to customer support a week ago, they replied 3 days later, saying sorry, blabla, contacted the warehouse about it, and asked me to be patient. Still nothing, so I sent them an other email, but no response yet.

    In 2023 if I order something from China it arrives in 3 weeks normally, but from Germany they were not able to dispatch the order in 3 weeks. When I placed the order I know they have some issues and have a week backlog, but this is unacceptable.

  • Just an update for people awaiting shipment to the UK. My order has started moving today. UPS have now received the packages. Fingers crossed the customs paperwork is in order 🤞19 days from ordering until packages were dispatched to UPS

  • Order Number 1748518 (5 Items)

    Placed on 23rd September then shipped on 6th October but returned to sender on 11th/12th October. Was told 3 weeks ago it would be reshipped within next few business days but nothing has happened. Can you get this sorted ASAP as it is totally unacceptable and the customer service has been truly appalling.

    As compensation I think you should pay the customs/VAT charges that will be due when you finally do send the items.

    If order is not reshipped and communication from UPS received by end of next week (10th Nov) then I will have no choice but to start refund proceedings through Paypal.

  • Well, my patience is already reaching the limit, it seems like a joke to me that customers like me are waiting for their orders, and there are people who, after me, already have their orders, and on top of that with the new items and prices updated later of the reduction of QRs.

    And not only that, we also have to wait for you to locate the items or solve your disaster. While they have us fooling around sending messages or revocation forms that are useless.

    If you are not able to meet the deadlines because of "your problem" do not transfer "your" problem to us and return the money NOW. Without having to fill out shitty forms that you are not paying attention to. Order that has not reached the customer within 30 days maximum, automatic return, stop teasing us.

    There are products for customers who are placing their order now, but us? Do we have to wait for the shit you've done to receive it? You are scoundrels.

    Refund me the amount of my orders 1744254 (September 15) and 1757020 (October 3).

    Every time I see a new post on social media, I see customers receiving their orders, promoting the success of the new DDs. Don't you realize that it seems like a joke to us? What are you disrespecting us? Who has the shame of having us like this?

    Bueno, mi paciencia ya esta llegando al limite, me parece una tomadura de pelo que clientes como yo, estén esperando por sus pedidos, y haya gente que después de mi, ya tienen sus pedidos, y encima con los elementos nuevos y precios actualizados después de la reducción de los QR.

    Y no solo eso, es que encima tenemos que estar esperando a que ustedes localicen los artículos o solucionen vuestro desastre. Mientras nos tienen haciendo el tonto mandando mensajes o formularios de revocación que no sirven para nada.

    Si no sois capaces de cumplir los plazos por "vuestro problema" no nos trasladen "su" problema a nosotros y devuélvanos el dinero YA. Sin tener que esta rellenando mierdas de formularios que no les estáis haciendo caso. Pedido que no ha llegado al cliente en 30 días máximo, devolución automática, déjense de tomarnos el pelo.

    Hay productos para clientes que están haciendo su pedido ahora, ¿pero nosotros? ¿tenemos que esperar por la mierda que habéis hecho para recibirlo?. Sois unos sinvergüenzas.

    Devuélvanme el importe de mis pedidos 1744254 (15 de Septiembre) y 1757020 (3 de Octubre).

    Cada vez que veo una publicación nueva en las redes sociales, veo clientes que reciben sus pedidos, promocionan el éxito de las nuevas DD. ¿No se dan cuenta que nos parece una tomadura de pelo? ¿Que nos estáis faltando el respeto? ¿Quien tiene la poca vergüenza de tenernos así?

  • WOW, I take a little comfort in the knowledge I'm not the only one with 'delays' and blatant BS.

    Placed / paid for 2 orders (1769759 & 1769753) on 18th Oct, 1 day later had a UPS tracking number thought great (knew the 2nd would have a slight delay as QR2 stuff), another day later received an email from Fanatec stating that the delivery had been delayed at custom's, OK I thought, can understand that, fast forward to numerous emails or rather automated responses and apparently my 1st shipment was held at customs', then it was UPS's fault as they have changed logistical companies / processes, then low and behold was told it would be leaving the warehouse almost a week ago, yet nothing's changed anywhere, i.e. tracking, automated responses / excuses.

    If your gonna BS customers, at least align the BS.

    Like other's, as the order's 'dispatched' I can't request a refund.

    This is my first experience with Fanatec and WOW, just WOW, I've order various electronic equipment from China 2 weeks later that Fanatec equipment, low and behold that's arrived some time ago.

    Anyone else tired / had enough of the generic copy / paste excuses of "we've changed logistical companies and it's their fault", grow up Fanatec, I assumed as youv'e been a market leader for some time your processes and logistics' would be mature and reliable, own it, simply own it and sort it.

  • According to their financial reports they have 35 million euros in loans due by October 2023 - December 2023 so explains why they are prioritising taking peoples money.

  • I got this email from Fanatec on the 31st October, but nothing has really changed.


    Hi Simon,

    I'm reaching out today to let you know I've had a closer look at your case. I can see we have a number of orders for which a label was created, but there has been no movement towards delivery. The wait has been far too long, and I am going to write to our contact at the warehouse personally to find out why this is the case. With this pressure, I hope to see movement later this week.

    I also wanted to take this opportunity to say we know these issues are completely unacceptable. While they have been tremendously frustrating for us as a team, we know that it must be even worse for our customers, who have less access to updates. You invested your trust and money in Fanatec and we have not met your expectations. This is something we recognize and are truly sorry for. For what it's worth, each customer affected by issues seems to have unique reasons for this - which is why it's taking so long to work through the backlog. This isn't meant to be an excuse, it's just an explanation. Our goal is to resolve each individual case.

    At any rate, I am optimistic that I can create enough pressure at the warehouse to see your case resolved sooner than later. Please keep an eye on your tracking numbers in the next days for status changes. You can find these in the Orders section of your Fanatec account.

    Thank you for bearing with us!


    Whats interesting to me here is that Fanatec staff do not seem to be in control of the warehouse and the warehouse / shipping company seem to be totally incompetent. They do not process orders in turn, they seem to cherry pick and ignore most. It's quite bizarre.

  • Order 1759560

    Still waiting for the re-shipping!

    Common Fanatec, it is shipment to Germany address from Germany. It should be done faster!

    All the details for the return package you have on email, even got tracking number which you did not sent.

  • James .James . Member, Administrator

    Hi David, the shipping date for the ClubSport DD has changed on the website because all units in our first production batch have already been allocated to customers. If you pre-ordered the ClubSport DD when availability was shown as November 7th, your delivery date should not change, so don't worry! If you pre-order the ClubSport DD now, the scheduled availability is November 14th. You can check the shipping date relevant for your order in your Fanatec account. 

  • Hi James, please can you give me some insight as to when UK orders might be back on track, I have waited 2 weeks now with no Info of it being shipped complete radio silence on my order 1773116

    When will this mess all get back to normal as I'm thinking of calling my bank and refunding my money

  • Hi fanatec,

    My order number was 1734600 on the 29th of August which I never received due to your backlog problems.

    On the 20th of October, I received an email regarding my purchase, saying that you will reship the order to me within 4/5 days time. A new order number was created which was 1771700. I feel disappointed and let down by you guys, this was supposed to be a birthday present for my son. It’s been over two months, I haven’t received any order and it’s shocking to see others who have ordered after myself and have received their orders.

    Could you please be kind enough to respond to this and let me know what will happen in regards to my order as it’s been quite some time and I’m starting to think I’m being scammed.

    Many thanks,

    Rui Gonçalves

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