Where is my package?Where did the package go?
I placed an order at Fanatec Japan on 15 oct , and the website show that it has been "Completely shipped" on 20 oct.After that, I reveived an email told me that the tracking number will send in few days,but now , 27 oct,I still don't get my tracking number ,I am a player not in Japan,I need transport the package to my country,but the trasport company need tracking number to put the package into warehouse,or I can never trasport the package to my country.
I send an email to fanatec shop to ask the tracking number ,the reply is "We kindly ask you to keep checking your account for updates." on 25 oct ,5 days after my package has been shipped, and no more information until now,7days after my package has been shipped.I am worried about my package ,is anybody can help me?order number :1767324.
Until now my packages is still missing.
Same on my site.
Did an order on 29 sept. 2023, all parts were on stock. My UPS tracking number is visible under the order since almost 2 weeks (mail for conformation has been sent) and no conformation from UPS that the package have been picked up and will be shiped. Lables are created.
Sorry but this new logistics .... , it was way much much better before.
If someone from Fanatec will read that topic, my order 1752127 (rom 29.09.2023) and 1762575. The second one is the free Q2 replacement of my BMW M4 Wheel which wasn't really cheap, this one was listed under the order at 10 Oct. 2023 and still has no UPS tracking number.
I'm not really happy and the promoted timelines for the communication are longer then 7 days.
Bro, have you received anything so far?
My situation is similar to yours (not living in JPN)
I'm already worried about my order too…..
place my order at 27 nov , status change to 'completely shipped' at 28 nov, until now still haven't received tracking number, when did you place order ? do you manage to get tracking number ?
Chinese?我的东西已经收到了,订单里面说的“Completely shipped”意思是把订单发给仓库了,耐心等待吧,买了一次之后心态就平和多了。
兄弟,你等了多久才收到那个tracking number ? 心情很压抑,因为仓库那里没有tracking number 不能集运.
不用着急,没tracking number 就是还没发货,只要地址填的没问题就没问题,我10月15号下的订单,黑五之前才收到,然后发现黑五qr2公头打骨折,fanatec也不给退差价,太sb了。
至少有收到货就好了 ,QR2 很多人都投诉说没现货被延迟到一月份。