Black Friday Orders | Shipping Update 2



  • That’s not correct. From official site it’s still no official informations about that. The infos are just here in this forum by users who getting some emails. But officially there was no informations dropped by Fanatec!

    so don’t believe that everybody in the world read this forum. This isn’t the truth. And this is why fanatec can handle their customers like a peace of ….

  • I am not talking from everybody in the world.

    I am in this Forum and everybody here should know! If you get an mail you have an official statement from Fanatec. I am also affected.

    It was an Bug and it was certainly not on purpose from Fanatec. Shit Happens, life is going on.

  • My order 1839418 from 24th of nov. is still not showing any tracking number... Is there anything to do????

  • Let me share a few more thoughts.

    Fanatec itself has published statistics and total revenues from BF, however we do not know the net profit of that revenue and it is very small compared to the published income.

    On top of all that, on Friday the 24th, they made (how they called) the mistake they did. Related to the CSL DD/V2,5X, where at the BF price of €480, you put €80 pedals in your basket and got a €150 discount, so you got the pedals for free and were honored by €70. Then we have the more frequently mentioned CS uhub V2/caps/APM and V2.5X/caps/APM.

    I believe there were thousands of those orders in total. And now I don't want to waste too much time trying to calculate, but it is very likely that they canceled the financial profit of the entire BF. It may not be bigger, but it is significant in relation to profit.

    I believe that they are aware that they should have fixed it correctly for the users, but with all the backlog of customer support and warehouse, they probably estimated that they could not do it in such a way. And maybe they still decided they didn't want to. I do not know. I believe the next decision was damage control.

    I think that they consciously went to cancel all orders, knowing that this is against their ToS and all EU and non-EU laws, counting on the fact that a very small part of users will subsequently claim their rights. And as for reputation, they practically didn't have much to lose.

    Regarding completley shipped orders with receipts. They themselves wrote in the last email that they discovered the alleged error later on Friday and corrected it. However, they sent the invoices in a day or two after, so they agreed to the conditions and offers that they themselves offered on Friday. And more than 14 days have passed since that day, and they have absolutely no right to cancel those orders anymore.

    The total biggest bundle discount for the biggest so-called glitch is 71%. On Black Friday itself, where their biggest discount was 83%. And they didn't have a missprice item, but offered an additional discount on BF at the checkout. So they didn't offer an obvious error price for an individual item, instead they offered a BF discount that was less overall than the biggest discount they had that day.

    On the other hand, it doesn't even legally help them that they will return the money, because they no longer want to give you an offer on items that was current that days, so that order must absolutely be fullifield as it was created at the time of ordering. And Fanatec knows that, but it calculates that this will happen to it in maybe 10% of situations. And maybe they are right.

    Financially a better decision, reputationally very bad, but worse than everything as it was and so far they couldn't do it anyway.

    P.S. In my opinion, those who received order confirmations and did not have completely shipped status have the same legal rights. But I emphasized the examples from the invoice, because they are still as clean as a tear.

  • Just for info....

    Is there a single customer in Europe that received a tracking Number for anything different from the button cap stickers from BF offers?..i mean, someone with a tracking Number for a 2.5x F1 wheel or a v3 pedals bundle for example..i'm curious..

    Otherwise i start thinking we have to wait a new cargo from china, if It do not stuck at Suez. I really think they have just a little number of item in the warehouse..

  • edited December 2023

    I received my BF podium advanced buttons module 3 days ago, from 23/11. I'm in France

  • edited December 2023

    Hello, it says that my order has been cancelled. Can someone tell me when I will get my money back?

    Or what happens next? Or do I have to make sure I get it back myself.

  • F1 v2.5x with button caps but without(!) APM. Ordered 24.11. But no tracking number or anything on the ups site or email whatsoever.

    Just wait.....

  • you look at it this way too.

    do you think Fanatec had all the products that everyone bought in a couple of days in stock?

    I believe they had maybe 1/4 of everything ordered.

    rather, you should think that they need time to make/assemble all the ordered products in the factory, and only then deliver them to people.

  • Hi,

    I did not ordered the v2.5x but a CSL DD GT3 Ready to Race bundle (no discount besides the regular bundle price) and the BF bundle with CSL load cell and power module and pedal thingi.

    The order switched to „completely shipped“ Right After the invoice came in via email.

    then, at Thrusday evening around 7pm, I got several SMS from UPS.

    currently, the estimated delivery is set for tomorrow (Monday).

    I‘m located in Germany.

  • Ion CirciuIon Circiu Member
    edited December 2023

    Ordered both, 2.5x F1 wheel and v3 pedals on 24th late in the day. Says completely shipped but no tracking number, not even on UPS with the reference tracking.

    I think the culprit is the wheel, as pedals are still available in shop. This could be also one of the reason they cancelled the glitch orders. Just some assumptions, cause this is all we have.

    Haven't seen so many confirmed deliveries of orders from 24th onwards that have the wheel. The few I've seen, it feels like most were in US.

    As said before by someone else, it could be some damage control. Even if the contacts are now binding, they will just deal with them at a later time.

    There are high chances they oversold on the F1 wheel, not just that it was a good offer by itself, driving some high demand, the glitch brought in even more demand from people who didn't necessarily planned to buy it.

    They had to come short for some of those orders, so they made the obvious choice, throwing the glitch in people's faces. By the time (some of the) people will take action, they'll get new productions in.

    Everyone is aware scalpers jumped on that offer, but to generalize like this is outrageous. Can't understand what is happening, this could have been dealt with so much better. Outside of the offending email for those cancelled orders, the lack of transparency keeps everyone anxious.

    Will we get the order? When will we get it? Will we get a tracking number? Will we be available when the UPS knocks on our door? What if the order gets sent back? How long to sort it out if the reply to an email is more than 2 weeks? Is it still 2 weeks considering the flood of emails they got after the cancelled orders? Would it be wiser to cancel and look elsewhere? If so, how long till you get the money back? Is any one able to answer those questions? @James, can you? If so, should we believe it considering the "exporting of the 24th November orders is finalized" is a blatant lie?

    Mostly everyone is able to be patient, but we need to have our expectations aligned. More so, the way you (FANATEC, not you James) are dealing with this, makes it so much worse. Someone in the management pulling the strings is plain dumb. Because all this is not the result of a lesser function. Anyone less then management would have had the door shown to them by now and the things would have turned in a different direction.

    People are empathetic as long as you are honest with them. A situation like this could gather the community around you instead of driving it away if you deal with it wiser.

    Hope this gets sorted out soon for everyone involved, customers and Fanatec employees, and a lesson is learned for those responsible of the decisions so far.

    And yes, people spam the forums and you're emails just to try and blow some of that steam. Posting some updates more often could help with that.

  • Some people here saying that the csl dd and F v2.5 was a glitch too. That is wrong because 70 euro discount came from this bundle. Otherwise it will cost 550 and not 480. So people have to not worry about it. This was a Black Friday Deal on their side.

  • It was, i made all the calculations on the price, and the bundle whitout pedals was discounted but fanatec says when u add pedals to a base and wheel, the fanatec dd gets 150€ discount, and i got the v2 pedals whit the csl dd and the v2.5 for 525€ and found a bug where u could add qr1 for free, as many as u wanted.

  • Same problem here, ordered a CSL DD+2.5x+V3 pedals on 24th late in the day. Order says completely shipped but no tracking number, and cannot trace it on UPS using the order number.

    I am most certain that the 24th orders sorted out was a lie, or he was referring to the fact that all of the 24th orders are approved with the status completely shipped, because I saw a lot of people with orders from 24th and even older that have no tracking number.

    This was a poorly organized BF, I don't know who was the "smart" one who decided to have a BF with the existing problems with warehouse/shipping. They could have postponed the BF deals until they sorted with the other issues they have.

    This most certainly will be my last order from Fanatec. Hope I won't have any issues with the products (if I received them) so I won't have to send them for RMA. Most probably when I'll need something more, I'll sell my setup and go with other company. I don't need PS/Xbox support so don't care about that.

    I really hope they will see that all of this caused a bad reputation and in the future they will communicate with customers more often in situations like this and show them a little respect (customers are the reason that they came this far).

  • Yes because the discount was for this bundle. It's a bit confusing because other discounts are not showing on invoice like v2,v3 pedals and f1 v2.5x wheel. There you see the endprice.

    So it's wrong when people say they get pedals for free. You get the bundle discount and the R2R discount. Otherwise the 479,95 Deal where no real BF Deal if you get not the R2R Discount.

    In my eyes this orders are completely save.

  • If you choice the CSL DD WRC Wheel 8nm Bundle and add pedals you get the 150 euro csl DD discount. Still today

    Otherwise fanatec had exclude this bundle from the R2R/csl dd discount.

  • i´m too. the problem is my mother is in hospital and i can not stay at home all the time. If UPS did not inform me, maybe the things will be stolen or send back.

  • edited December 2023

    Fanatec, please tomorrow on Monday shipping numbers on the order site and serious sending a courier.

    On Tuesday, I report a chargeback bank.

    It is also a smart to keep our money for weeks instead of taking a loan for production...

    My orders are



  • I've made the exact same order as you, and receive the "completely shipped" email the same day as well 😁

    I added the QR2 30 Nov pre order to the DD2, for 2 reasons:

    - insure my DD2 order if the product becomes out of stock quickly,

    - give me the possibility of canceling order, in order to group the items because I had a lot of things to buy, and unfortunately people had to multiply orders with the way the offers were put on sale this year.

    I've ordered 16 items...

    The problem with the QR2 30nov pre order is that the date of availability of this article changed almost daily, going from Nov 30 to Dec 8, then to Dec 15, to Dec 28, and even to different dates in Jan.

    In short, I have no idea when these parts will be available, and when they will be shipped to us... what bothers me is that without the DD2 which will be shipped at the same time, everything else is useless to me .

    I really hope they meet the deadlines for this QR2...

  • Maybe Fanatec need a Chinese team to solvie these problem.In China ,express always deliver in half or one day after placed an order .

  • My November 20 order which included the limited F1 wheel with APM and the V3 pedal set is still showing no change in status. However when I processed this order the QR2 was supposed to be available on December 8, 2023. I've been checking my account every day and before today it didn't change and anytime prior and now it shows the QR2 being pushed back to December 22, 2023.

    For those of you with the QR2 as part of your order you should check your availability date of the QR2 for your order.

    My order is a US order and everything but the QR2 was in stock at the time of my order according to the website.

  • Still waiting for my Monte Carlo Order Nr.1810588 which was ordered Nov.21.

    "Shipped" since Nov.28. Still No Tracking number or listed on UPS via Reference...What a mess...

  • Thanks man.

    Same here. Order on 11/21. QR2 was available at the time of the order and then delayed to Dec 15th, then Jan 5th and now Jan 3rd… everything else is available

  • ciao vincenzo sul sito ups metti il numero d'ordine fanatec e ti trova i pacchi !?

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