Black Friday Orders | Shipping Update 2



  • I waited patiently 2 weeks, I don't like how Fanatec is dealing with this issue but guess there is nothing we can do but wait as we can't even cancel our orders. Today I was planning to start taking measures against them but something magical happened.

    I ordered on november 24th and I just received the first of 5 shipments from UPS, it's a quick release. Still waiting for the base, the wheel, the pedals and load cell and no tracking number is displayed on Fanatec website. I managed to track all my items by the QR package label and they should be delivered on december 13th. The wheel I bought is a Formula 2.5x and I live in Italy, so I guess EU customers are going to receive their Formula 2.5x wheels soon.

    The bad point is I see the warranty expires on november 27th 2025, I know they say warranty starts from the delivery date but I wonder what will happen if something get broken on november 28th 2025.

    So, aparth from being disappointed by Fanatec and how they manage deliveries, price bugs and warranties, I can say something is happening.

    Hold tight guys!

  • I ordered mine on 24th November @ 15:26 CET. Invoice is dated as 29th November. Im based in the UK, but likewise I have not seen anyone in Europe receive theirs either.

    The only items in this order are the wheel + the included QR1.

  • Ordered on Nov. 20th and my order still shows as "completely shipped". I understand this means its been sent to the warehouse for shipment but can we get a better update on when we can expect these to be shipped? I am traveling abroad for the holidays and I am starting to worry my order will not be here by the time I leave.

    Order Number 1805356

  • Based in UK, placed order on the 20th of November, shipped 23rd of November.

    UPS of course returned to sender on the 30th of November due to missing invoice....

    No reply to my support ticket yet after 12 days.

    This thread says they're now handling orders from 25th/26th. However, what is happening with the RTS orders and why are they not looked at?

    Even a customer wide update of "we'll check RTS orders in X week" would be more helpful than the complete silence....

  • Same here, F1 V2.5X + QR1

    I have two friends, one from Croatia like me and one from Germany, who also order same wheel (one add stickers) little later than me and they also got nothing

  • I still did not get DD2 from BF ordered 17.11.2023 on fanatec page it is completely shipped from date 28.11.2023 but until now i did not recieve anything nor have a tracking number...

  • I ordered a DD2 on 22.11.2023 and it changed to completely shipped the same day. Still no tracking number and still no DD2!

    Has anyone received a DD2 from the BF sale?

    Im UK btw.

  • Hello guys,

    This whole discussion comes down to managing customer expectations and mainly COMMUNICATION. We have 6 new pages on this forum since the weekend, now it's almost 5pm in Germany and we haven't heard a word.

    Any company, that wants to work with e-commerce needs to know how to communicate clearly with the customer and tell them when the purchase will be delivered. That's the basics.

    Now when we are talking about purchases worth hundreds or thousands of euros, that's another conversation. We are all trying to behave like adults and be patient, but Fanatec's behavior so far has been disastrous.

    Let's see what happens in the coming days.

  • mettendo il mio numero d'ordine mi escono 2 spedizioni consegnate 2 in consegna oggi 1 in transito , senza mettere cap e nazione altr non mi trova nulla .. mah

  • Good morning, I try on the forum because I have no answer to my e-mail... I place order 1808497 since the 21 november and still in progress. Thé pedals CSL v2 is in stock. What is the problem ?

    Best regards.

  • So just the question what kind of QR-Code do you use for tracking? I am not able to deal with UPS tracking, because for me should be the same delivery window as you because of the date of order. The company sits in Germany and I live there so I am more than suprised that in the EU the delivery is progressing.

  • I'm also in Italy, I ordered on November 21st but to date I don't have any information and I haven't received anything yet! I ordered a Bundle with CLS DD + MCLAREN. Everything was available.... it's my first purchase from Fanatec, very bad experience!

  • edited December 2023

    25.11. - F1 V2.3X + CLS DD 5nm (bundle) ; V3 bundle ; button caps and QR1 ; WITHOUT APM GLITCH

    28.11. - Boost kit + CLS load cell bundle ; QR2 Base side ; button caps

    Both Invoices are dated 29th November

    Croatia - did not received anything yet.

    I am so sad that I missed DD2.

  • Znam neke nase koji su dobili, ali naruceno na pocetku BF tjedna, ponedjeljak mislim, dobio je i tracking broj, nikakvog problema. Nakon toga nitko nista. Jedan momak iz Slovenije ne narucio bundle slican tvome, isto nista.

    Nekako mislim da je nesto jebeno zapelo sa ovim F1 volanom i da on koci sve 😁

  • edited December 2023

    Order took on the 28th November. I just looked in my tracking with the reference number of my Fanatec Order, and something appeared !. However, i don't have anything appeared in my Fanatec account yet. So, keep looking in the UPS site with your Fanatec order number if you have anything.

    Today is the 10th business days after my order, so Fanatec is on time for me with the delay they told us on the blog.

    Hopefully, UPS will not take a long time to deliver me !

  • On November 18 I ordered a DD1 and a BMW GT2 steering wheel and on November 24 I ordered an F1 v2.5 steering wheel. I still don't have a tracking number.... I live in Switzerland can anyone tell me if they are in the same situation? I can't wait anymore I spent 1500€ on this site to wait this long????

    please fanatec respond to my email or the messages I left you on your Facebook and Instagram

  • My order was placed on 24 Nov 2023 23:31:00 (Nov 25 my time though, I think we are +1 compared to Germany, here at Finland). Order number 1843xxx.

    Only ordered the 2.5 X wheel. It was processed/completely shipped on Nov 27, but no updates since then.

    No message from Fanatec nor UPS, no shipment label created (nothing found from UPS with order no and destination FI).

    Thankfully I'm in no rush as my league is on hiatus at the moment and I have a working McLaren wheel to play with - but it still sucks and I totally understand everybody who are waiting for their PAID goods to arrive.

    And even if I'm in no rush, I'm still checking the status many times per day :-D the delay is not acceptable - it would be, with transparent communication, but as we all know, that is too much to ask for...

  • Well mate, read some of the posts above yours and you'll get a bigger picture 😁

  • edited December 2023

    Ja isto mislim da je nesto sa F1 2.5x volanom! Jer pazi, u petak popodne/navecer ga nije bilo vise za kupiti. Pisalo je da je sold out. I onda se ponovno pojavio u subotu. Ista stvar je bila i sa ovim zelenim F1 volanom koji je isao u 2023 primjerka. Pojavio se nakratko u subotu, toliko kratko da je na checkoutu vec nestao. Ali zao mi je ovog DD2 uhh... CSL DD je tu samo dok ne izadje DD+ pa ako se pokaze da je ok, njega na sljedecem BF :)

  • Hello guys, same bad situation here. Order on website 24th november 3:30pm (formula 2.5 + kit boost 8nm + pedals tuning kit+ load cell pedal). Shipped status on 29th november. No news anymore and nothing on UPS website with my order number. Living in France, EU.

    What is crazy it's looks like there no logical first in/first out or region based situations. For example, some french people already get order with formula 2.5. I think their warehouse is in big trouble and/or stock probleme... When reading differents situations, it's difficult to estimate a potential delivery delay, it's look like so much random !! Very disapointed by Fanatec.

  • Daniel HoferDaniel Hofer Member
    edited December 2023

    Ordered 25.11/2023, 04.12.2023 label created and still not given to UPS today (11.12.2023). What is wrong with them? Sorry, but this is unacceptable. 

  • With QR I mean Quick Release. I received the Quick release and the package label shows a tracking number. I searched for that tracking number on UPS site and then I found all the tracking numbers related to the shipment. Without receiving at least one package i wouldn't be able to find any tracking number.

  • So, people from EU who receive this BF F1 2.5X wheels actually exists? Or those orders are from before BF?

    FFS, that makes no sense 🤷🏻‍♂️

  • Hi.

    I placed an order on Friday November 24th. I have to say I got worried when I didn't get a tracking number after 2 weeks. The odrer status is still "Completely shipped" and they have withdrawn the money long time ago. They do not respond via their contact form and you cannot call them either. But on Friday December 8th I received one of 3 parts and today December 11th I got the last two things from UPS. It's a Christmas present for my son, so the Christmas here in Denmark its saved :)

    Best regards

  • Yes it exists 😅 they ordered during black friday. No sense indeed... And very frustrating !!

  • Mislim da je to moguce jer dosta ljudi otkaze narudzbu pa se oslobodi nova kolicina ili pak stanje na skladistu ne stize pratiti stanje na webshopu, to je potpuno normalno, narocito pri ovolikom obimu narudzbi.

    Ali, svejedno ne mjenja cinjenicu da nece slati narudzbe po redu kako su zaprimane, pogotovo ako se radi samo o jednom artiklu. Ja sam na jednom, ti na pet, sedam, deset. Lakse rijesis jedan nego dok skupis sve tvoje

    I zasto nema nikakvog traga da je ups zaprimio? Ok, nema trackinga, guzva je, ne stignu se baviti slanjem brojeva, ali bi morao postojati trag da je posiljka zaprimljena. A ocito nije. A ako danas, 17 dana kasnije nije, onda jebiga, kad ce... 🤣

  • If of 60000 order 1/3 added the v2.5x wheel because It was a very good deal, at the time the last one will receive the order the wheel will no longer be supported by any simulator...

    My think Is, how Is it possibile in 2023 to have such a crap order management software, how they manager the stock, with an excel file???

  • I’ve placed an order on the 24th of November, I’ve gotten a tracking number on the 29th and the products have serial numbers attached to them, however it’s almost been two weeks and the parcel hasn’t been picked up by UPS. I understand people not having tracking numbers and waiting for them as such, as those orders might not be processed yet but having the tracking number and the serials for the products while the parcel hasn’t moved in 2 weeks is a bit concerning. What’s keeping the UK orders from leaving the warehouse and being actually shipped? I know many UK based customers are having the same issue so some clarification on that would be great.

  • Ordered on Friday 24th from Italy. Still waiting for a tracking number.

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