FanaLab 2.01.21 Public Release (prev .18 beta) - Post your Feedback here

How to report issues:
- List which hardware, driver and firmware you are using
- Cross check with other settings, games and wheels to see if it's a general issue or specific with to a game, wheel or setting.
- Is it happening with just one game (which one) or all you tried.
- Go into detail how we can reproduce the issue.
- Post screenshots or videos if needed.
- In case of a FanaLab crash, use the "Collect Logs" feature under "Settings" and upload them here.
Changelog of FanaLab 2.01.18 (since 2.01.12)
- Added Torque Mode and Max Torque Output support in the Tuning Menu page for the CS DD(+).
- Added new CarsList for iRacing (new: Audi R8 LMS EVO II GT3, changed: [Legacy] Audi R8 LMS GT3).
- Fixed empty LED / Display page on CSL Universal Hubs.
- Fixed CSL Elite Wheel Base LEDs not working properly.
- Fixed Pit Limiter LEDs overwrite Pitlane LEDs.
- Fixed LEDs don`t turn off in rFactor 2 game menus.
- Fixed RevLED % mode on Button LEDs not working.
- Fixed ITM and Vibration entries get deleted in the pws profiles when saving a profile without ITM or rumble capability.
- Fixed vibrations not working on USB Pedals when a Steering Wheel with rumble motors is attached to the Base.
- Separated Button LEDs in the pws profiles for different Button LED capable wheels like the BMW M4 GT3 and the Button Module Rally.
- Reduced the minimum height of the FanaLab window to 600px which fixes the issue where the bottom part is cut-off on some monitor resolutions with special Windows Scaling setting.
- Various other minor fixes and improvements.
Changelog of 2.01.19 hotfix
- Added new CarsList for R3E (new: Audi R8 LMS GT3 EVO II, Ferrari 296 GT3 (both GTR 3 and DTM 2023 variants).
- Fixed vibrations not working on USB Pedals when a Steering Wheel with rumble motors is attached to the Base or when no Base at all is used.
- Fixed new CurrentSettings.xml is not copied to Local AppData directory.
- Fixed not-working CDALP loading for FFS, SHO and MPS settings.
- Fixed missing ACP and CBP in Tuning Menu Profile Preview.
Changelog of 2.01.21 hotfix
- Added a function to fix broken profiles which got saved with .18 automatically to prevent FanaLab from crashing when loading one of those profiles.
Compatible driver version
This discussion has been closed.
Just in time for todays new FanaLab version 2.01.18 here is my latest profile pack.
The profile pack includes profiles for the Podium DD2 (which can be used with the calculation method described in the README files also for the Podium DD1) and it now also includes profiles for the upcoming ClubSport DD+ Wheel Base (which can be used "as is" also for the regular ClubSport DD with maybe some tweaks to the in-game gain setting if you experience too much clipping).
Note: These profiles ONLY work with FanaLab v2.01.18 or newer due to a change in the pws file structure which makes them incompatible with any older FanaLab version!
As always: Have fun with the profiles and as that was most likely the last release this year (dont worry, new profile pack will come in January already for the ACC GT2 cars) I wish everyone wonderful christmas days with your loved ones and a great start into 2024!
NIce wheel
thanks for the profiles maurice
what do you mean by tweaking with new cs dd is it only the ffb to my liking or also ndp etc. what is the calculation for a cs dd 12nm
There is no calculation as the CS DD+ profiles already use FFB 100, so not possible to increase strength for the lower powered CS DD. What I mean is tweaking in game gain strengths, no changes needed in the Tuning Menu, purely in game (maybe).
Ah oke thanks
So with the cs dd I can leave it to 100% and tweak it in the game?
in the profiles map for ams2 there is now profilecarlist file in it with the new profiles
When in ACC and I load the new profiles with my cs dd and have the ffb at 100% and the gain in game at 60% the base is clipping
What is better lower the ffb or lower the gain in game?
Is it okay to use Driver 4.54 with GT DD Pro and this Fanalab version?
If you have clipping, always reduce the ffb in-game.
Having an issue with the newest version, every time I close Fanalabs it resets all my LED settings that I have set, Flag LEDs, Rev Light LEDs all get reset. I have tried uninstalling and reinstalling Fanalabs and it still does it. Am I missing a step? The previous version would always save the LED settings even after closing out.
His profiles utilize 15nm tq which is what the CS DD+ produces but the CS DD only produces 12nm so there may be clipping :)
Wow that looks awesome on a Formula style rim!
Si When I set it to 80% and I leave the gain in game as it was. Than it suit be oké? Is that correct
Yes but better would be to use driver 455 as 454 has quite a few Bugs which 455 all fixes..
All bugs fixed? Quite a bold claim! Let's see if this proves to be correct - fingers crossed it's true.
All driver related bugs which 454 (or 453 and 452) introduced are (or at least should be) fixed with 455, yes.
This does not apply to the known Firmware issues though, just driver UI and Firmware Manager related stuff.
There is a bug when copying the actual CurrentConfig.xml from the XML folder of the installation directory to the Local AppData.
You can try to copy the file by hand.
However, the root cause will be fixed in the next version which is targeted for next week.
"Separated Button LEDs in the pws profiles for different Button LED capable wheels like the BMW M4 GT3 and the Button Module Rally."
Any news on the flashing buttons on the M4 wheel and Button Module Rally?
No news and not real ETA for this, no.
I am personally still pushing hard to get this feature done but it does not have prio atm.
Maybe next year...
Thanks for the reply, I will keep an eye out for the next version.
I need that wheel, it's looking really nice
FanaLab 2.01.18 Beta - Post your Feedback here
This update has resolved my issues with V3 pedals not vibrating with F1-23. But after updating Fanalab I also had to change the telemetry port in order to make it work. All set now!
Even odder that 454 (and 453) was released here designated as a full release (with 452 the RC) and 455 being described as beta. You've got this backwards, Fanatec.
452, 453 and 454 needed to be released as official ones due to product launches. Everyone agrees that these drivers were not good but they just needed to be released...
455 is targeted to be the next official driver (and the last one for this year) but this time there is no product launch involved so there is the required headroom to run a public beta test before the official release (how it should always be).
It seems to me that the anomaly of the LEDs and screen freezing seems to have been resolved. Right?
Dont know what you mean?
For me, the BME sometimes still freeze in ACC. And it's not connection problem, because when i hit the wall, or crash with other cars, the wheel have a big impact, and the BME working fine.
Sometimes just freeze in the straight's, when the wheel absolutely just standing.
I use ITM on DD1, and ITM on the BME, with different analysis.
Then the answer is no, that is not fixed as it could not be reproduced by anyone internally so not possible to analyze atm.
Maybe the USB hub can cause this problem? I now try to connect now the DD1 straight to the motherboard USB.
Edit: I was connect straight to the motherboard USB, and still freeze. Something with the ITM, or idk, but when i play hours with EA WRC, never freeze.
Please watch my video.
V3 pedals connected on PC via USB. Game Assetto Corsa Competizione.
Driver version 455 or 454 + Fanalab 1.69.7 Vibration motors works OK (oversteer, understeer, abs, wheels lock...)
Driver 455 or 454 + Fanalab 2.XXX Vibration motors doesn't work.
ACC game profile no setup needed in telemtry
You are absolutely sure you have 2.01.18 installed?
Because exactly this issue was tested very much and the fix included in 2.01.18 works for everyone internally and nobody had the issue anymore...
Please upload your Logs if you still have the issue with 2.01.18.