Fanatec situation is now mainstream.



  • you are on ignore from now, as well as your stupid friend johnny.

  • Shame this forum doesn't have an ignore feature.

    I looked for it as soon as I saw your posts were nothing but trolling.

  • it's simple. you just ignore me like I ignore you trolling fools who defend a thieving company that robbed people, a bunch of people.

  • You didn't ignore him for long. Literally responded to his next post.😂

  • It's not personal. Fanatec don't have a clue who you are. Fanatec don't care who you are. If they cared they would respond on here. You are spouting bile and vitriol because you're annoyed but honestly, you aren't special. You are just using toxic language with zero grounding because you feel upset.

    They don't know you. They don't care. It is a valid point that their service is below terrible but they haven't scammed anyone. They have just let thousands of people down. If it was a scam you couldn't cancel your order and get a refund.

    You just need to curb you wording and understand the language a little better to understand the meaning of the actual words you are using.

  • just saw their share price has halved this year and their current TTM shows a Net income of -18m EUR vs a positive position every other year.

    This is worrying as they clearly have a cashflow issue and might explain why they are selling products they 1. don't currently have stock of, and 2. selling products that don't even exist yet/have licensing to sell.

    Things might be worse than just bad customer service. Time to raise that PayPal dispute.

  • I think it was earlier in this thread that I suggested to people to take a look at Fanatec's public accounts. Their accounts lol like a company that is collapsing. The dad thing is I think they would be in better financial staffing if they were honest with their customers because I don't believe anybody believes any of their public release statements anymore.

  • that's what I'm saying at the beginning. they had to present an excellent financial report at the end of the year. that's why they made irresistible offers on BF to attract a bunch of people.

    I tell you people, save yourself if you can, because this is sinking


    why are you convulsing so much?

    I will say what I want because I, like many others, was screwed. they took my money, disposed of it and then returned it to me because I decided so. yes only after they have made good use of my money and me for their dirty thieving games.

    that. they are thieves, swindlers, scum, scammers and such people belong in court and in prisons. and not to do business and cheat people.

  • edited January 12

    @Zeko, do you know what convulsing means?

    Surely it's not a good thing when you get known for repeating the same thing in every thread regardless of what it's about.

    You really need to take a break from here and if looked you said you have canceled your orders why are you still here?

  • Still waiting on you to report them to the police.

  • you are something called a fart neither up nor down, or neither in nor out.

    you don't need to care about me. make your thing, I'll do mine.

    you post is a bit of a troll, because I see you only see my posts that concern this scumbag FanaSCAM. that tells you how flat your brain is. yes, because you follow the topics on the forum that are attached to you because of your nature of being hurt with this thieving company. that's where I live too. but don't worry, there are topics where I help in a different way.

  • There we go. Frazer tried to be reasonable, but that was a mistake as zeko is incapable of such behaviour.

    I'm actually starting to think they are being paid to stir up resentment. Perhaps by a competitor? Perhaps Fanatec themselves pay them to act like this, so visitors believe the situation isn't as bad as it looks. It's just the rambling of a sad little man.

  • Chris WoodsChris Woods Member
    edited January 13

    If you think that's bad, I got an email from them on the 29th of December saying this:

    "Dear customer,

    First of all, we would like to thank you for your patience and apologize for the delay in providing you with information on your recent Black Friday order. We understand that you have been eagerly awaiting an update on the shipping status.

    Due to the exceptionally high volume of traffic on our site during the sales event, there was a temporary synchronization issue between our website and warehouse management system. This resulted in an overselling of the Podium Wheel Base DD1 QR2. As we cannot process partial shipments, we are currently unable to ship your order.

    In light of these circumstances, we would like to present you with two options.

    1) Wait for availability:

    - We will resume production of the wheel base, so you can wait until it is available and have your entire Black Friday order delivered once everything is in stock.

    - The first units are expected mid to end of March 2024. Shipments are processed in the order in which your order was received (first come, first served).

    - Any other items in your order will be reserved until then. Partial shipments are not possible."

    So yeah, I expect it will be at least March or April before I get my DD1 base, wheels and QR2 wheelsides. Of course, I already paid my money to them... All I've received are the Clubsport v3 Pedals, which I ordered separately a couple of days beforehand because I wanted to split the total cost between two cards. I guess my old G27 is getting a few more months of use, because I almost certainly won't be seeing my main order until April at least. A real shame, because it's my first DD setup, and I was hoping to use it in in some simracing leagues this year. I probably would have bought Moza or Asetek if I'd known Fanatec were going to have such fundamental issues with order fulfilment.

    It's a quite unacceptable business practice to effectively treat Black Friday sales as a preorder, particularly when every indication on the site in November during the Black Friday sales were that the items were in stock and would ship in December.

    Either Fanatec had a significantly higher volume of orders than they were expecting, or they've had a serious issue with shipping or logistics from China, or they massively screwed up their manufacturing schedules. There's also the worst-case scenario that it may be cashflow issues, I hope not. I paid with a credit card so I have that protection at least if the worst happens.

    I feel like Fanatec are still not being honest with us as to the root cause of the recent problems. That's as frustrating as a four month delay to receive goods which were supposedly in stock.

  • Hello, be careful and don't forget that there is maximum delay to create a dispute and ask a refund with a credit card payment.

  • sad little Zeko thinks again he is on top of the foodchain and is more important than anyone :) lets see what the next response is see it on the next episode :D

  • Was watching a YouTube stream of the current sim racing expo in Amsterdam (I think)

    the live stream chat was hilarious at times, someone asked if fanatec was present, another replied fanatec will arrive 2 months after the event has finished 😁 (and no they were not present but it was a smallish event)

    even boosted media couldn’t resist joining in with a dd+ joke.

    fun days

  • can u give me a link so i can watch the event plz ? i would like to rewatch that stream

  • and you are idiot and moron, and you mom know that

  • Sikos „brain“ when trying to come up with a comment:

  • You mean “and you are AN idiot and A moron”

    Sometimes it’s better to just be quiet rather than prove your lack of intellect.

  • if english were my mother language, I would fuck you in english. but this is how you realized that you are a jerk

  • Mate I was only trying to help, and you brought my mother into it... Just saying.

  • then you better keep quiet

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