Update to Customer Care Situation & Challenges | Cases older than 14 Days



  • Peter MalastPeter Malast Member
    edited January 12

    It's crazy to pay another 45€ for a delivery if your order is over several hunderds and after that you have wait on something what is available on stock, probably my first and also the last order.... I will wait a few more days to see if the order moves if not it's time for a change - Moza or simuCub

  • Hello to you, I would like to know Order 1883392 on Dec 26, 2023 6:09:00 p.m., I would like to know if other orders before this date are late for delivery or not? and if there would be a way to see a date somewhere the status of the order remains "The order is in process" we arrived on the date which was planned by the site, I will remain patient hoping that my order arrives in person

    Thanks for reading Fanatec and future Racer.

  • Still not received my steering wheel ordered on Black Friday. I hope that when I receive my steering wheel, the warranty date will also be postponed.

  • Hi

    My order is 1883725 - Purchased on 27 Dec. it’s a birthday gift for my son whose birthday is in 1 week. please can I have an update when this will be delivered. Atleast an update or let us know. thanks

  • 13 décembre 2023 21:16:00

    Numéro de commande:


    Pas de nouvelle ni de fanâtec ni UPS…

    merci de m’indiquer une info… cela commence à faire long…….

  • Order number: 1838989

    Date: 24 Nov 2023 19:29:00

    On Fri, Dec 15, 2023 i received an email letting me know there was an error with the actual stock of the item and i had two choices:

    • wait until march to receive the new stock or
    • cancel my order now, receive a refund and a voucher for 25% off any combination of products in your next order valid until april '24.

    I chose option number two to get the voucher but i got no confirmation or the voucher, the order has the status "Handover to warehouse"...

    Contacted Fanatec support via email 10 days ago and still no response.

  • Order number: 1826863

    Date: 24 Nov 2023 09:17:00

    My order still "in progress"... Availability of QR2 was 5 January. Any information i can get from my order please?

    Contacted Fanatec support via email and still no response.

    CAN YOU PLEASE REPLY TO ALL OF US ASAP! You seems that you want to lose all your clients!

  • order number 1768817 placed on 17th October. This is just a joke at this point. Sent numerous emails, I was getting replies at first but now nothing. I received my Black Friday purchase but it is useless without my initial order of the CSL DD bundle. Can you please give me any sort of update to this. Thanks

  • Nuno FerrazNuno Ferraz Member
    edited January 17

    Order nr: 1854068

    Placed on 26th November

    Order Status: Handover to warehouse

    This was due to be available on December and then it was delayed to 17th January. I received an e-mail on 8th January saying that my order was currently being prepared for shipment. But today, 1 week and an half after (17th January) I still haven't received a tracking code from UPS or had received any package at home...

    Any news about it? Hope it is not lost or forgotten...

    PS: And I had to pay for the full order as I got no reply to my e-mail complaining that my 10% voucher from 2022 BlackFriday stock issues, got expired some days before making 1 year!!

  • Hello everyone,

    I wanted to share my recent experience with Fanatec, considering the current delivery challenges many of you are facing. I placed an order on January 10th and, to my surprise, received part of it just a week later, on January 17th. Given the ongoing issues highlighted in this forum, I was prepared for a much longer wait, so this was a pleasant surprise.

    However, there's a slight hiccup. One of the four packages, specifically the one containing the steering wheel, has been delayed. The last update from UPS stated, "Due to operating conditions, your package may be delayed." While it's frustrating, I understand this delay isn't on Fanatec's end, as they did ship the package.

    I wanted to express that, despite this minor setback, I'm overall pleased with how quickly the rest of my order was processed and dispatched. It's a testament to Fanatec's effort to manage customer expectations in these challenging times. Hoping to receive the final package soon!

  • Order number 1797512 placed on 18/11/2023.

    Order Status : Hander Over to Warehouse (has been for a month)

    I really want to know what is happening to my order as there is no update email or anything like that. It’s been almost 2 months and I have spent a lot of money on this order. I’m wonder if I made the right choice of buying from here instead of going to one of their competitors. Could I please have an update of what is actually happening to my order please.

  • I have received 25% off voucher today.

    There is light at the end of the tunnel, boys and girls! Hang on!

  • Order number 1851147 placed on 25 Nov 2023

    Current status: Handover to warehouse (08 Jan 2023)

    Location: Berlin - Germany

    I would like an update on my order. It has been almost two months since I placed the order, and I have been waiting for it to be shipped since then. The email update I received stated that the order was handed over to the warehouse and would be shipped within 5 working days, but nothing has happened since.

    Many of us have learned the hard way that ordering from you was a huge mistake. I ordered these items as Christmas gifts and am still waiting for them to be shipped. There is a Daytona 24h event this weekend, and after two months of waiting, we will be missing that as well, which is a once-a-year event!

    Could someone please inform me about the delivery date, so I can at least know when I can give these very late Christmas gifts?

  • I'm waiting for an order to be processed for 7 days now. Im from Holland. When I read this post these orders should be shipped within a day. But I guess also EU orders have tremendous delays atm?

    What I do not understand is why you want to sell everything yourself. Wouldn't it be far better if you choose a partner in every country and let them sell your products. This way you get a few very big orders to that company and you have to do a single shipment. The company in the country will handle the rest. We have a few platforms here like coolblue and bol.com in the Netherlands which are great platforms to sell products on. I really wonder why you guys even with these huge problems of over 8000 requests you still want to ship everything yourself to every country. If you have a company jn the uk that sells your products then you would have 1 order to declare at the customs and after that all your products will be distributed within the uk. This would reduce such extreme workloads on your warehouse... I really don't understand the way you are doing things atm. Customers aren't happy. Your workers are not happy and it's a big mess this way. When products are all ready in the country of the buyer it will also be possible to shop it within 24 hours to the buyer. Bol.com in the Netherlands even has a same day delivery service. This would be so much better... Hope you will look into this option.

  • One more thing. Stop accepting orders if you already are so far back on delivery. Stop accepting new orders and first fix all the orders you have right now. Then get your shit together and accept new orders. Its no use to piss more people off then you already did.

  • Jan 11, 2024 1:45:00


    still zero communication whatsoever. Can't reach anyone by phone, email, chat, etc. I don't care if it takes a bit to ship, it just all says available and no one is responding. Thank you!

  • 1845759


    6/9 packages received mid-december but useless without the 3 remaining..

    no news from contact form

    pretty shitty that you quick deliver new orders instead of deal with 2-3 months pending ones

  • Has your order bin shipped yet trying to figure out how long i will have to wait I ordered my ready2race bundle on the 21st of this month and got mail they have 7 day delay

  • Andrea VirziAndrea Virzi Member
    edited January 28

    Good afternoon, on December 16th at 2.11pm a purchase was made on your site the "csl elite STEERING WHEEL MCLAREN GT3 V2" the payment was successful, attached you will find the transaction recorded by the bank app in your favor , but to date the product has not yet been delivered, the order confirmation has not arrived so we do not have an order number and as you can see in the other attachment it is not even among my orders on the profile opened on your site at the time of purchase I kindly ask for explanations about this and when it will be possible to have the product purchased by me or a refund of the payment in order to place a new order, given that 1 month has already passed since the purchase. The order was placed from Virzì Andrea's account

    I have already requested assistance several times but you have not yet responded, I have been waiting for your response since January 6th

  • Order#1817778

    Ordered DD1, QR2 and clubsport steering wheel RS on November 22, 2023 with the QR2 being preorder item available December 15, 2023. My order went to "handed over to warehouse" status on January 8, 2024 and has not shipped as of January 28, 2023. I get delays but 20 days to box 3 items and ship is excessive.

    Why haven't my ordered items shipped?

    Are my items actually in stock awaiting to be shipped or is this just to not allow me to cancel?

    When can I expect my $1100 USD order?

    I think we have all waited long enough. Let's get this stuff shipped and delivered already!

  • il 16 dicembre alle ore 14:11 è stato effettuato un acquisto sul vostro sito il "csl elite STEERING WHEEL MCLAREN GT3 V2" il pagamento è andato a buon fine, in allegato troverete la transazione registrata dall'app della banca a vostro favore, ma ad oggi il il prodotto non è stato ancora consegnato, non è arrivata la conferma dell'ordine quindi non abbiamo un numero d'ordine e come potete vedere nell'altro allegato non risulta nemmeno tra i miei ordini sul profilo aperto sul vostro sito al momento dell'acquisto. chiedete gentilmente spiegazioni in merito e quando sarà possibile avere il prodotto da me acquistato oppure il rimborso del pagamento per poter effettuare un nuovo ordine, visto che è già trascorso 1 mese dall'acquisto. L'ordine è stato effettuato dal conto di Virzì Andrea

    Ho già richiesto più volte assistenza ma non mi avete ancora risposto, aspetto la vostra risposta dal 6 gennaio

  • il 16 dicembre alle ore 14:11 è stato effettuato un acquisto sul vostro sito il "csl elite STEERING WHEEL MCLAREN GT3 V2" il pagamento è andato a buon fine, in allegato troverete la transazione registrata dall'app della banca a vostro favore, ma ad oggi il prodotto non è stato ancora consegnato, non è arrivata la conferma dell'ordine quindi non abbiamo un numero d'ordine e come potete vedere nell'altro allegato non risulta nemmeno tra i miei ordini sul profilo aperto sul vostro sito al momento dell'acquisto. chiedo gentilmente spiegazioni in merito e quando sarà possibile avere il prodotto da me acquistato oppure il rimborso del pagamento per poter effettuare un nuovo ordine, visto che è già trascorso più di 1 mese dall'acquisto. Ho già richiesto più volte assistenza ma non mi avete ancora risposto,se non con una patetica mail automatica che non risolve niente del problema creato dai vostri sistemi !!aspetto la vostra risposta dal 6 gennaio!!!!!

  • Buonasera,

    io ho chiesto l'ordine il 27 novembre 2023, n. ordine 1857146, pagamento effettuato ma non ho ancora ricevuto niente. Doveva essere un prodotto da usare in un campionato su assetto corsa competizione e dopo due mesi non ho ricevuto nessuna notizia di un prodotto già pagato.

    resto in attesa di un Vs cortese riscontro

    Cordiali Saluti

  • Olso what about our warrentys if our shipments are late for months or warrenty should be extended

  • Fanatec,

    Order #1900154 - January 16th

    I would like to understand why my order was returned on January 26th and understand what to do now? Please I need your feedback.

    Best regards.

  • Hi, I have cancelled order 1829015 more than a month ago but still hasn’t received the refund and the 25% voucher. Could you please check on it and send a specific answer and not just a general email with no information in it? Best, István

  • Order number 1747523

    i placed this order on these 21st September 2023 i have had no update on the order and no it says it has been returned please can I get some help

  • Dear Fanatec, I write in reference to order number 1898473, which was placed on the 14th January. At that time, all items were in stock and you provided a lead time of 4-7 days processing. Since this time, I have emailed you twice and heard nothing of my order. I appreciate that your warehouse move has caused significant disruption, however you could at least show me common decency and reply to my email/request. Please process my order, as you promised when you toom my money and provide some update asap. Regards, T Unwin.

  • edited February 11

    Toujours en attente de mon "ClubSport Formule V2.5", commandé le 24/11/2023 23:37:00. No 1843574. Selon un E-Mail de Fanatec, mon produit sera en stock qu'à partir de mi-mars 2024. De plus, le lien d'annulation de ma commande via le E-Mail reçu avec bon de réduction -25% n'est plus valable ou ne fonctionne pas.

    "4 mois d'attente" juste S-C-A-N-D-A-L-E-U-X car votre produit était prévu à être livré dans les "4 à 7 jours".

    Maintenant, qui me garantie que mon volant va arriver en mi-mars 2024 ?!? et comment vous faire confiance pour une nouvelle commande ?

    Franchement, très très déçu de cette société FANATEC.

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