Le Mans Ultimate

Im trying to setup Le Mans Ultimate with a CSL DD, but I cant get the steering wheel angle right.
Is there further support already for the game?
Im trying to setup Le Mans Ultimate with a CSL DD, but I cant get the steering wheel angle right.
Is there further support already for the game?
Just set it in the Tuning Menu to Auto.
Hell no, please dont answer with "auto".
I use these
Had to change the file X:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\Le Mans Ultimate\UserData\player\direct input.json
With effects to 0, had the best experience on rFactor 2.
Even the use of peak is dependant on car in the game.
Well I answered what I use and I have no issue with steering angle when SEN is set to Auto, but you said you have issues with your SEN set to 900 so whats wrong about my answer with "Auto" when "Auto" works and your 900 does not work?!
Hi, can you post what settings do you use that work? For the love of me I can't find settings that feel anything but trash. I'm using csl dd 8nm
Fanatec profiles on LMU are wrong, they gonna be fixed in an update very soon.
Any info before then would be great. The game is unplayable at the moment with CSL DD 8nm, especially in hypercars.
i solved my issue by change the settings in json file.
It help me also steering is now great thanks
Can you please share your settings in fanatec and in-game?
Thank you so much !
Hello ! I am searching a Profile for DD2 for Le Mans Ultimate ?
Thank you guys !
LMU did an update today where the steering sensivity value should be correct, only for new players or when you reset the controller/wheel.
Dont assign the Brake Migration Forward/Backward to a button on the wheel, it makes the game going nuts because its receive a signal from base.
Also dont set the curb vibration strength, place it to 0, the base also go nuts and it has to be resetted ingame.
these are my settings AT THE MOMENT:
My torque strength in game is never 8Nm because its a dynamic value for Fanatec in the base, not a holding torque. It makes the feel more stable.
There is also a strength to choose by car/vehicle. These are more personal feelings which is best for you.
Make sure curb vibration strength is set to zero. Its a bug atm.
Does anyone have some good settings for the CS DD?
Thanks Jeroen 😉
CSL DD 8nm
Good setting for an "old" csw 2.5?
what mode you are using with your DD? Comp mode or PC mode?
PC Mode :)
Since I got the CSL DD two years or so ago, all sims work find in PC Mode, never used Comp Mode
And what about Steering Torque Sensitivity ? In the game description it must be OFF for DD wheels ? There is a big difference with 0 and 100. FFB is much more detailed with "0" but the wheel is very light when on the straights.... ? With rF2 i could set '0' on Natural Damping in the drivers and still have a solid feeling in the middle.
i'm ok with you.
I have difficulty regaining the sensations of rf2.
You will need to have fanatec's recommendations.
I have a DD2 I've tried the settings recommended above by setting the wheel to auto & 900 but it doesn't ever line up with the in game wheel?
I tired deleting the controller settings mentioned here: https://community.lemansultimate.com/index.php?threads/common-fixes-thread.157/
I am guessing this is a bug in the game?
I figured out what it was in the end I had Steering help on
Bonjour David Hewitt,
Pouvez-vous nous donner la solution pour le problème d'angle du volant please ?
Bonjour David Hewitt,
Pouvez-vous nous donner la solution pour le problème d'angle du volant please ?
The in-game description for that setting is wrong.
Fanalab beta has support for LMU, 2024-02-23-FanaLab-2.01.28.zip
In the le mans ultimate settings there is an assist called "Steering Help" I turned this off and it fixed it for me it might solve it for you but results may vary.
Maurice, could you send the DD2 settings you use in LMU?
By the way, I wanted to thank you for the great iRacing profiles... Great job.
When I try to use my CSL DD in PC mode, the game shows that it has a profile for it, but it doesnt work. It says its disconnected. Only way I can get it to work is to use comp mode. I saw others saying they are using PC mode. Am I doing something wrong?
with the CSL DD do you guys use the dynamic FFB speed sensitive enabled or disabled in fanalab ?
im trying to get rid of that gritty clipping feeling that i have