Fanatec Driver 456 (prev release candidate) for CSL, CS and Podium (all wheels)



  • Steering wheel communication freezes.

  • So at this state there is no point to order GT DD Extreme because it´s not working properly with current software versions?

    It´s totally useless if it disconnets time to time.

    Why it´s even on the market if that not work correctly? I suppose there was beta testers before launch!

    Fanatec still have money to pay for software developers?

  • edited April 2024

    Yes, they have.

  • Good morning

    Yesterday I updated the ClubSport DD+ base to Firmware versions 455 and tested Forza Motorsport and it no longer makes the exaggerated vibrations, it doesn't make any strange vibrations in the menus, in the race the sensation seems a little softer than the factory one, which It was quite hard, it seems that something has been lowered there, maybe I notice it softer, but happy with the change without having to switch between profiles with and without force, all this on Xbox, on PC it already felt softer before, and now if not the same, a little more similar to the sensations with Xbox, but I still like the sensation on Xbox more today.

    I also tested the F1 23 on PC which had problems with the factory version and with the 455 it has the same problems, the default profile of the base tested in Bahrain for example, before the penultimate corner when you are doing one of the corners bottom changing from gear 6 to 7 in this same gear, while you make that turn, the base hits like the inexplicable ones in the last curves of Dubai and the F1 steering wheel LEDS stop and the force does not disappear but it happens as if 50% to 5-10% and the LEDS blocked, if you restart the base, when you reach the same curve again the same, with the factory FW, at the end of the Bahrain straight when you should start braking it already lost power much more exaggerated. The only SOLUTION to be able to play F1 23 on PC with the FW 455 is to leave profile 1, exactly the same as the default profile, but with the strength at 100% then lower the game to 50% or in this case to I liked it, and after going around it several times it didn't give me any errors.

    I also tried Need for Speed ​​Payback, it no longer suffers from vibrations when running the game like Forza Motorsport, so the vibration issue seems solved.

    I tried Assetto Corsa on PC and it was fine too, it was already working fine with the factory one.

    I was encouraged to try Dirt 2 from so many years ago and I was able to configure the steering wheel inputs, something that I couldn't with the factory one, it seems that if there was some compatibility problem in old games, I did have to lower the strength to 10% in the game having the base at 100% because with the F1 steering wheel that I had on at that time, the force was inhuman, it may have been solved, I will try some more like Dirt 3 or some other Fossil where it did not detect it like the Sega Rally from many years ago.

    I have uploaded videos on my Letro82 YouTube channel, I leave them linked below in case anyone wants to see the configurations I use in each game.

    I had the steering wheel on for several hours 5-6 hours without suffering any disconnection on both Xbox and PC, turning it off and on several times if necessary because it changed from one platform to the other, etc., it always started well and with complete normality.

    I updated the FW 455 without any steering wheel connected, and connected the USB directly to the PC in a USB 3.0 port, it updated everything the first time without any failure (I know that some subscribers had to retry the update up to 17 times , all attempts without closing the program, restarting the base every time it gave an error and retrying every time it started, until one of these worked) I updated it with the red light on, just as the base starts by default, when The update is finished, it asks you to connect a steering wheel if you want, calibrate it and if you have something else connected, also calibrate it or do it later.

    And for now this has been my experience with the update, what situation do you have the disconnections in? I mean what game, what active base profile, and with or without the Fanalab open?

    By the way @Maurice Böschen the accelerator vibrator test does not work, but the vibrator works in PC games if you have fanalab open, is that normal?

  • edited April 2024

    I have the problem with steering wheel disconnecting from first day when I receive the base (02.04.2024) and today I have tried the 456 patch for base and QR, the wheel already have latest firmware (maybe 456 don`t have steering wheel update?) So today i have done 19 min Watkins Glen without any trouble, but on lap 12 or 13 steering wheel disconnected on start/finish straight… Before 456 was installed the steering wheel was disconnecting after small crash, wall ride or even small wheel slide (when you feel tension in a turn) I understand that this is soft issue, not hardware and that piss me off. Not a cheap product with soft problems… make a hot fix or something.

    Can you please share your base FFB and other settings from fanatec control panel?

    Maurice, no offense to you. You are great! Our only sunshine in this mess :)

  • 456 does not have to be installed, you must put 455, I did it yesterday and in what was described above I have had no problems, except in F1 23 when I had to put the setup1 of the base forcing the FFB to 100%

  • ad vosad vos Member
    edited April 2024


    it is not the hardware, i spend this morning 4 hours of deinstall drivers en installing differend versions of the fanatec driver and now it works.

    With driver 456

    But this is not a normal way to updated drivers,

  • edited April 2024

    I just put 455 for everything. Base FFB 65% and in GT7 in game FFB to 4/10 and looks like it`s ok, but it`s almost like my previous DD pro... i`d like to use 100% FFB on base and 5/10 in game, but in that case i get steering wheel disconnected. I payd for 100% of FFB I want to use 100% :D

    Letro, can you share your base settings?

  • 1300 euros to only have problems, I installed several different drivers and firmware but nothing to do more and more problems, I wanted to change brand but I trusted the Fanatec hardware this is my third wheelbase but I really regret my purchases less problem with other brand which thinks of its customers and not of profits.

  • edited April 2024

    In order to maybe help you to give some tips on your issues it would certainly be helpful if you would also mention your specific issues instead of just ranting about how bad everything is...

  • Yes, I'm here for the steering wheel type 0, fw rim version 0 and the infinite update loop of my mclaren gt3 v2. The question is, could anyone downgrade the steering wheel fw with previous drivers? I know it is a known issue, but the last update of this post about drivers 456 is February 28 and from what I read it should be solved with the final version. Unfortunately I don't have another steering wheel to try and continue using my CSL DD. Making a rma is not a possibility for me because I live in Argentina and will be very expensive.. I want to exhaust all the possibilities but the truth is I'm a tired of these problems for a product that only have 6 months old.

  • No need to downgrade. Just simply ignore the update prompt and simply dont update as its already on latest firmware.

    Will be fixed with 457 sometime this month.

  • clubsport DD Extreme problem of untimely disconnection of any steering wheel, no more access to buttons or shift paddles and sometimes micro disconnections 3 to 4 times on a single lap of the circuit even when changing drivers several times and firmware the problem comes back all the time even on ps4 if the next update to 457 or 458 fixes the problem so much the better but I'm skeptical. (sorry for the google translation)

  • See the 22 pages of this thread where this issue is the most discussed topic.

    457 will fix it once and for all sometime this month.

  • edited April 2024

    We have to keep waiting, there is no option. I hope the 457 release date is soon and fixes this behavior.

    -Update: I put the base in compatibility mode (yellow LED) and connected the steering wheel, I did a fw flash on the base and the mclaren gt3 v2 was recognized again... the wheel shows correctly the version on the OLED screen but in The fanatec control panel appears at 0. I have to see how long it works...

    *Something to keep in mind: when I connected the steering wheel in this mode it recognized it as the csl p1 v2

  • hello Maurice.B,

    my clubsport dd+ has the disconnection problem that everyone is talking about so I didn't use it for almost two weeks and this weekend I played EA wrc without any problem for more than 6 hours. today the problem has returned but I wonder if the WQR stores information in memory gradually until it overloads. (google translate sorry)

    Full driver 456

    Cs DD+, formula v2.5, bmw gt2 v2, mclaren gt3 v2, clubsport v3, shifter v1.5, handbrake v1.5

  • Good morning

    I noticed with the DD+ that it is not possible to adjust the brake directly with the steering wheel LEDs like on the DD1, will this be possible in a future driver?

    Brake Force (BRF) - (default = 50)  

    This setting will allow you to adjust the sensitivity of your load cell brake pedal. If the BRF is set to 100 or MAX, then it will require the user to press the brake with maximum force in order to achieve 100% of the braking signal. Reducing the BRF to MIN will allow the user to achieve 100% of the braking signal with minimum effort. You can check the brake signal level in the driver (on your PC) or you can see it on the attached steering wheel LEDs (depending on the steering wheel type). 


  • edited April 2024

    Edit: this is a Firmware issue to be solved at some point in the future.

  • When entering a game menu while driving it can happen in some games that the FFB effect doesn't get canceled which results in the wheel turning to one side. (this got now fixed for the Podium DD but can still happen on the CSL DD. We will now apply the fix for the CSL DD as well)

    Is it ever going to be fixed? Has been going on for last how many... 6+ updates now?

  • edited April 2024

    Yes, it is still on the list to get fixed at some point in the future. Actually there was progress on this issue very recently so it wont take years anymore, just months.

  • hi,

    my friend uses the dd Clubsport + on PS5 with the latest firmware. His pedals (CSL) are not working correctly. The brake must first be applied 50% before a movement is detected. Does anyone have an idea what could be causing this?

  • Jordan LABBEJordan LABBE Member
    edited April 2024

    Quick update but almost 10 hours since i got back to 455 with just the wheel firmware from the driver 456. ( with firmware from 455 for the wheel, i had funky switch missclick/validation)

    No more problem, good feeling even after 2 or 3 hours straight

    I can wait till 457 and enjoy my setup.

    CS DD+ formula wheel (ps5)

  • Hi guys, How can I downgrade to 455?? I have the same problem with clubsport dd extrem, and I would like to prove with 455 (I'm on 456). Do you think is better wait for 457??. Last day I was playing with Assetto Corsa on PC and I lost the forcefeedback and I couldn't change the car gears. I was with the Fanalab open. With the Fanalab off seems that this issue is less common and i can play more time withouth problems. I'm very dissapointed with the product, I hope this problems were solved in the nex update 457. Sorry about my english, and thanks for read me.

  • Alberto,

    The procedure is written in the pdf inside the driver package from fanatec

    Uninstall 456 on your pc

    Download 455 from fanatec website ald install

    Open fanatec updater

    "Update" with 455 firmwares

  • Ok, thanks a lot Jordan!!

  • I was able to make my McLaren GT3 v2 work with version 456 (making it not enter the update loop).. I turn on the base in PC mode and when the calibration is finished I connect the steering wheel and move side to side (1 time) and immediately detects it... the OLED screen indicates the firmware correctly but in the fanatec control panel there is still the error steering wheel type 0 and shows available the update to fw v47 of the steering wheel, but I don't run the update... obviously I cannot change profiles using the steering wheel and make config changes, it appears blocked on the OLED screen but it is solved using the fanatec control panel. I hope it helps those who don't have another steering wheel to use like me.

  • Hi!! I have downgraded to 455 but the base didn't recognize the wheel. I have upgraded to 456 again without Fanalab open and I could finish a online race without didconnections (but i can't see nothing on the wheel screen, nothing about the rears or the velocity, only the setup menu).

    Maibe a Fanalab problem?? I will wait to 457 driver

  • Is it possible for an updated postion on the release of the next driver please - Fixint the fanatec Exteme DD+ loss of FFB and wheel interface.

    I have a DD+ extreme and its unusable due to dropouts.I have read that is the next driver in April, but I have to question is it? I have seen this metinoned since early march, with no fix in 426. Rolling back the driver is no real fix.

    Is the driver in testing? WHen is the next beta release?

    Require to have some thing more precise so I know if I am waiting or returning the wheel and pedals.

    I see more and more people having the same problem, yet I also see people recieving the wheel after I have and posting that they are having no issues, which tells me its a bad batch of base units/wheels and not a driver issue.

    If there is any more concrete info, can you please offer it on the next driver release

    Many thanks

  • There are no more concrete info other than that the firmware included in the upcoming driver 457 later this month will fix the steering wheel communication freezes once and for all.

  • edited April 2024

    Maurice, best guess on release date for 457? We talking a week, or more like end of April? I know there was a last minute show stopper as the release was originally scheduled for late March - but just curious if said issue was remedied, and if the plan to release the next FW is imminent, or a few weeks away most likely.

    BTW - thanks for all your responses, you have been awesome at answering everyone. Fanatec has taken a lot of heat over the past year, but commitment to the community such as yours is well appreciated - rest assured ;)

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