Fanatec Driver 456 (prev release candidate) for CSL, CS and Podium (all wheels)



  • Can someone please explain to the clueless what a showstopper is?

  • on my end with the f1 wheel and CS DD+ i installed all the firmware from 456, then downgraded the base firmware from the 456 one to 455.

    Still have freezes on the f1 wheel and ffb every few minutes, so the wheel is unusable.

    Then i switched to my mclaren v2 and the clubsport rs (i am lucky i have those) and haven't had a single freeze in high two digit hours of driving, mainly using the mclaren v2.

  • It was meant to be coming before the end of March but they found an issue and had to delay, originally said mid April but who knows. I get the wheel disconnect between 40minutes to 70 minutes normally so is making using iRacing difficult as I had to run to the pits in the gear I am stuck in or tow, turn of the base, turn it back on and run again. Not ideal and not helping my irating

  • CalvinCalvin Member
    edited April 2024

    Good morning Maurice,

    Nice to meet you and I'm new to this forum.

    My wheelbase (Podium Racing Sheel F1 for PS4) was being a "brick" after firmware updated with 455. Luckily, it could be recovered by 439 last night.

    May I know which most updated version would be safe to my wheelbase? 451 as advised on Page 22? or I better wait for 457? Would you please advise.

    I understood that it was discontinued, but I do love to play on both XBOX and PS platform.

  • @Gregor Showstopper - Something so bad that it holds up the release

  • Thank you very much, Darren ;-)

  • Hi Maurice u said me that 456 also fix xbox issue and ps mode freeze issue...(F1 PODIUM PS4 DD1 BASE)...i asked cause 457 is in late and i would test my montecarlo wheel....😊..can u confirm?? I install 456??

  • 456 fixes the Xbox Mode issue but NOT the PS Mode freeze, thats coming with next firmware in 457 later this month.

  • i wait 457 if is so near....last question....i have QR1 , i have to update qr firmware too o only wheel base and motor????? last driver 447 didn't have qr firmware....

  • edited April 2024

    QR Firmware has nothing to do with QR1 or QR2.

    Every driver ever released for DD has a QR Firmware but there was never an update, just recently now to ensure compatibility with new wheels.

  • Thought I'd add myself to the list of with the issue on my DD+. Wheel drops ffb and all buttons stop working. Seems to only happen when I'm in a race seems to be when cornering. Can be after a few hours but then constant after it's first drop out.

    I really hope this isn't a heat issue as that will not just be patched. I can see a mass RMA situation in the near future.

  • Ich benutze den DD+ mit dem Formula V2.5 X Lenkrad. Ich bekomme nach 2 Runden kein Force Feedback mehr und kann die Schaltriemen nicht mehr durch Paddel benutzen. Ich habe die Firmware 455 und die 456 ausprobiert, überhaupt kein Erfolg Brauche Hilfe

  • Please write in English according to the forum rules.

    THere is no help for your issue yet. It is a known issue, discussed in detail in this biiiig thread.

    A fix is coming with a new firmware included in driver 457, currently expected to be released sometime this month.

  • So my current drivers are fairly old, Currently running 373, and Fanalabs 1.47. Anything in particular I need to know before I consider updating?

  • Just wanted to add my 2 cents into the bucket, looks like this issue is already being worked on/will be fixed in 457?

    Received a DD Extreme recently, every X amount of time (completely random it seems) the base goes "limp" and while steering works, no buttons do. Rebooting the base does make everything work again until again X amount of time passes, rinse repeat. I normally have this only once a night, but last night I had to restart I think 6 times and it was a bit more irritating than normal.

  • Mathias RauenMathias Rauen Member
    edited April 2024

    @Maurice, some good news for a change:

    I've updated both of my DD+ Extreme to 455, and that solved many of the problems I've reported with the factory firmware.

    One problem remained, but I found a workaround. I think this may be good to know for Fanatec support, in case this question comes up in the future from other users:

    Basically in split-screen racing with GT7, only 1 of my 2 DD+ Extreme wheels was detected as a wheel, the other one was detected as a normal controller, with no force feedback at all. And here's how to solve it: Simply power off the wheel that is properly detected as a wheel, while being within GT7. In the moment when the wheel is powered off, GT7 will suddenly manage to detect the other wheel properly. Then turn the first wheel back on again and press the PS5 button to login again. Now both wheels work perfectly!

    I'm not sure if this split-screen problem is a bug in GT7 or in the Fanatec drivers. Sounds more like a GT7 bug, I would guess, but I'm not sure. But at least there is a workaround now, which works reliably for me.

    Not sure if maybe the Fanatec devs want to debug this to see if it's a GT7 or Fanatec driver bug? If it's a GT7 bug, maybe Fanatec could report it to the Gran Turismo devs? Considering that the DD+ Extreme is the official GT7 wheel, hopefully there's a little bit of collaboration between the devs?

    Anyway, for now I'm happy. I just hope that I will be able to make FullForce work with the same workaround in the future, once GT7 adds support for it.

  • Hey guys. I saw that the post for the 455 driver version is closed, so I walked over here. I updated the base firmware and the fanatec driver. After that, I can't find the profiles (S1 - S2 etc). Did they remove it or I don't know where this setting is? I remember clicking on a button and it would appear, along with the SHO - FFB SEN and other settings. I only see the settings options and no longer the profiles to create.

    Equipment: CSL elite and formula black steering wheel.

    Drivers: 455

    base firmware: 693

  • Will the new driver release fix the sequential gearing issue on ps4 Wrc wheel?

  • For the profile issue try and hold down the profile button for I think 3-5 seconds and you will get them back (did for me)

  • @Michel Aranjo Did you not read the message that made you wait 10 seconds before clicking on OK? It said that theres a new (year old now) settings menu (basic).

    To get the menu back to before, hold the settings button on the wheel for 3 -5 seconds. Or in the Fanalab, select 'Advanced'

  • I have managed to resolve my issues I believe. I decided yesterday morning, to just start over, wipe everything I have installed and start again. Trying to just roll back the firmware, flash the firmware with an older version kept failing.

    I uninstalled the Fanatec software, then re-installed 455. I again tried to install the firmware from 455 but was unable to do it. It failed just like the last.

    I exited the firmware updater and re-entered. I then just hit update on the update page without really looking at what I was installing out of frustration, expecting it fail again, and it installed. Could have been a worse outcome, but.....

    I managed 6 hours of un-interrupted racing last night and it was awesome. Some wheel functions are not working eg LEDs etc, but I can live with out those for now.

    Hope some of you with the same issues can find a resolution.

  • This is just more feedback in case it's any use to the devs, but I noticed much less issues with my base going "limp" if there was no other controller connected to the console. This only occurred to me twice last night, and that was the main difference. Could be completely unrelated, could be something already fixed in 457, but at least it's here just in case.

  • Is there any hope of seeing new drivers before this weekend?😫

  • Been racing for 6 hours tonight with one wheel freeze using base firmware from driver 455 on my DD+.

    The LEDs on the V2 wheel constantly stop working however. Looking forward to the driver so I can race in confidence and enjoy my purchase.

  • still no news for update 457?? It is unfortunate that it is the customer who must find solutions to your update problems???

  • April is still the best date we can give atm.

  • I'm Currently having trouble with my ClubSport Universal Hub V2 with the Podium Button Module Rally.

    If the Button Module Rally is plugged into the universal hub when my Podium Racing Wheel F1 (ie. DD1) is turned on then no steering wheel is recognized. If I disconnect the Button Module prior to power on then the Universal hub is recognized fine. I can then plugin the Button Module and it will be recognized but the center yellow dial only registers positions 1,2 and 3 and all others return 0.

    I'm using PC mode with the 456 drivers. Firmware Versions are:

    DD1 wheel base:

    Wheel base motor:

    Steering Wheel Hub: 2

    Button Module:

    Wireless QR: 7

    I have tried downgrading to 455 drivers and wheel base firmware  V3.0.4.3.reve816f8b but that doesn't help.

    Is this a known issue? or is there a fix available? Is any one else having a similar problem?


  • That the yellow MPS only gives positions for 0-3 is a known Firmware issue to be fixed at some point in the future.

  • i have a dd pro with the csw 2.5 wheel. iam on the firmware from driver 455. Is it possible to upgrade only the wheel firmware to from the 556 driver, and keep the base firmware from 455?

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