Fanatec Driver 456 (prev release candidate) for CSL, CS and Podium (all wheels)



    1. why exactly. I am running Base with the old QR and all i get is the lights are frozen after some minutes of driving. The FFB stays the same or is there a different risk using this variant of firmware combination.
    2. Ah and a slight whine at 16kHz from the base when turned on is worng, right? DD+ that is.

  • edited April 2024
    1. That's exactly why you should avoid as that firmware is causing these steering wheel freezes way more often than any previous firmware. Also why you still use QR Makes actually no sense to use new Base with old QR Firmware... QR is actually good and you should update as it fixes some other known issues of
    2. That's called coil whine and a known hardware issue, which can only be fixed by the support.
  • alright, thanks

  • You are crazy !!!

    I will only update mine after 5 or 6 months if they report no problems.

    I have been a fanatec customer since December and already have the experience of the RMA Customer Service.

    And as long as I have this product I don't want another similar experience.

    I will wait calmly.

  • You sure its the QR Firmware thats faulty? I installed 455 to flash the old base firmware on it and updated to 456 and the QR firmware to and after 5 minutes of driving the FFB was very cluncky and the pedals in like 4bit resolution.

    This wasnt happening with base and qr There the LED were the only thing to freeze and wasnt effecting the ffb or pedals.

    base and qr were totally fine in this regard. just an led issue.

    base and qr were a nightmare. i couldnt use buttons, ffb was half gone and pedals in 4 bit or so

  • edited April 2024

    Yes and no. The origin of the steering wheel freezes lays in the QR Firmware and will be fixed with QR Firmware in driver 457.

    However, Base Firmware increases the load on the QR and therefore makes the issue happening way more often that the previous Base Firmwares.

    I would say in your case its just best to simply wait for 457.

  • best would be to run the 455 drivers? with neither base and qr

  • edited April 2024

    As I said, at this moment Base Firmware from driver 455 is best for CS DD, combined with QR Firmware from driver 456.

    But as I also said..  I would say in your case its just best to simply wait for 457 which will fix the firmware related steering wheel freezes once and for all.

  • edited April 2024

    alright. becuase that wasnt working for my base i will go to full 455 drivers

    you can check out how it looked like ingame with the pedal traces and i wasnt able to press buttons

    this is right before it happened. when i went into 3rd gear.

    and that was base and qr

  • Mr. Maurice could you be so cool and at least let us know if you have managed to fix the disconnect issue from your current driver testing phase.

    I don't mind waiting until the driver will be released, of course the sooner the better.

    But at least an info on this particular matter would be a cool gesture.

    And another question please.

    Is it safe to say that it's not an hardware issue like the qr2 Wheelbase shaft USB connector being loose?

  • Was confirmed months ago that yes, the disconnect issues are 100% fixed for us in internal testing. Since months nobody internally had any disconnections.

  • 12:52 am and Mr Maurice still taking his time to answer my question, what a truly legend 🙌😅

    That's great news Sir.

    Thanks man that answer definitely made my night.

  • Hi Maurice,

    BME 24:

    So BME has issue w both buttons 8 & 9, not just 9, on PS5. 8 should be X and 9 Square. But both buttons are sending X first and then Square. You can see this in GT7 car tuning by making an adjustment to power or something and a press will activate the adjustment and then 2nd press will close then activate the hint. Normally X will activate and close. Square will bring up the hint box

    Either button does same thing

  • BME issues on CS DD are known. To be fixed at some point in the future.

  • edited April 2024


    Can you give me more information on the progress of the FORZA MOTOSPORT SDK?

    will they be INSERTED INTO 457?

  • edited April 2024


    Planned for sometime this year.

    Also it is no Forza Motorsport SDK, it's a general Xbox SDK (which is already ready and shared with game devs) and now the Base Firmware needs to implement the Xbox SDK features as well.

  • Hi Maurice. My DD+ is running on firmware included in driver 455. Recently it slowly developed a grainy/scratchy feeling while driving for 20-30 minutes, pretty sure the same as depicted in this post: Is this a hardware issue and needs a RMA or firmware issue that I can wait for future update?

  • The disconnects need sorting, watching big streamers qualifying for nations in GT7 to have lap times and races lost due to the driver issues...

  • It is a fucking shame that it take so long to get good drivers. 😡😡😡

  • You thing this is long? It's only been half a year since Clubsport release. It took them a few years to fix podium DD jolts/knocks. With nothing but promises that it will be fixed soon. So better get used to it ;)

  • So I had my CS DD+ for a month and a half. With Formula 2.5, used solely on PS5.

    I remember that when i was installing the firmware on the WQR, the 'please wait' stood there for a while, so i pressed 'flash firmware' if i remember correctly, this bypassed the please wait message and it continued with the installation succesfully. This was with 455 driver.

    All was very good until last weekend.

    Whilst i was driving my wheel (Formula 2.5 wheel) lost its ffb, buttons gone, LEDS off & shifters unresponsive, but i could still 'steer' the car left and right.

    At first it was giving me the issue maybe once in 30mins, then it became worse, started to have this issue every couple of minutes or even seconds.

    Today i updated the WQR FW with the 456 driver firmware. I also noticed the 'please wait' screen again, so i did exactly as mentioned above. Installed successfully, or i think it did anyway.

    Unfortunately after a 5mins of testing and driving, same issue came to haunt me again.

    Does mine sound like it also needs to wait for the 457 driver ?.... or could it be something hardware related..



  • Gökhan OgulGökhan Ogul Member
    edited April 2024

    @James Anastasi: Yes you have to wait for 457. This is a firmware issue, not hardware. On PC, you could disable Fanalabs currently for stopping data stuck overflow (that causing the freezing), but on PS5 you can't do it.

  • edited April 2024

    @Gökhan Ogul Thank you - a little peace of mind was needed here...

    My biggest concern is how it was working flawlessly, and all of a sudden no more

    Cheers Gokhan

  • This might be a dumb question but I can't find any real clear answer

    is the DD Extreme base Included in this whole fiasco? I'm assuming when talking about the DD+, that it also includes the 15nm base as well?

    Also, I just downloaded all 456 on my brand new setup. Should I be downgrading the base and V2.5 and GT rims back to 455 immediately?

    Or should I just run the full 456 and see what happens first?

    I haven't even used my new setup yet, and I'm already concerned. LoL

  • edited April 2024

    Affects EVERY CS DD base. CS DD Extreme uses the regular CS DD+ Base, so yes, its affected by this fiasco as well (and due to the wheel using a lot of features on the GT Extreme wheel the issue actually happens a lot more often than on for example the McLaren which just uses a Display.

    I would not downgrade but wait for 457, coming very soon, maybe even later today depending on some things, but otherwise should be tomorrow.

  • Corrine BakerCorrine Baker Member
    edited April 2024

    BTW- @Maurice Boschen

    I definitely don't envy your job right now. Its alot of weight for one person bare.

    Keep up the good work though Bruv!

    Definitely noticeable and much appreciated.

  • @Maurice Böschen Agreed with Corrine - thanks for keeping us in the loop.....WE REALLY APPRECIATE YOU.

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