Fanatec Beta Driver V352/356 [DD Performance Update] for Podium Bases ONLY (all steering wheels)

Today, we’re introducing the first Performance Update for the Podium Series, which includes some major driver optimizations and firmware updates for the DD1 (including PS4 version) and DD2 wheel bases and motors.
Changelog since the last public beta release (347):
- Fixed issue that steering angle in Function Test tab displays incorrect values.
- Fixed issue that Tuning Menu parameters (SEN, FOR, SPR, DPR & FEI) are displayed incorrectly when the DD Base is in Comp V2.5 mode.
- Added new DD Tuning Menu parameters LIN, INT, & NIN to the Tuning Menu tab.
- Fixed issue that steering angle in Function Test tab displays incorrect value when SEN is adjusted via FunkySwitch Encoder.
- Fixed issue that MPS Mode changes when adjusting the MPS Rotary switch (1 to 12).
- FFB commands now get send with increased resolution of 16-bit (65536 increments) instead of 8-bit.
- Podium DDs specifically:
- FFB effects are now resembled by the motor controller more accurately as before because the old method acted like a filter. The new method gives more details, but also more noise which is the reason we've added the new Interpolation filter to give you the choice and adjustability of how much detail and/or noise depending on the game you like.
- Fixed issue with Formula V2 wheels on a DD base sometimes causing two torque messages when booting instead of one.
- Fixed issue with 100% fan speed when booting the DD and showing 0°C.
- Maximum steering angle of the DD is now 2520° of rotation, Auto setting still has 1080° as default.
- DD display can now show information coming from a game or FanaLab as well. Button combination: Tuning Menu Button + D-Pad/Funky Switch UP.
- Button combination to change DD screens doesn't affect inputs to the game anymore.
- Peak torque value next to the FFB graph on the DD display is now displayed for an extended duration of 10 seconds instead of the previous 5 seconds.
- Added [LIN] Linearity Mode, [NIN] Natural Inertia, and [INT] FFB Interpolation to the Tuning Menu.
- New order of Tuning Menu Parameters: SEN, FF, LIN, NDP, NFR, NIN, INT, FEI, FOR, SPR, DPR, ABS, SHO, MPS, APM, BRF.
- Added dynamic tooltips in the Tuning Menu, which makes more effective use of the OLED display, and should make Tuning Menu adjustments more intuitive and less intimidating for beginners.
- Improved Natural Friction calculation.
- Fixed electrical end stop when reaching max steering angle building up too early.
- Improved latency of FFB effects going to the motor by ~20%.
- Fixed FEI setting at 0 disabling FFB when booting the base.
- When changing SEN the selected steering angle will be smoothly enforced within 5seconds to prevent rapid movements of the wheel.
- Podium Hub cluster buttons: Added PS Button input when Option button is pressed longer than 3s while base is in PS4 mode.
- Improved Spring Effect calculation
- Improved Damper Effect calculation
Explaining the new Podium DD features:
- Linearity Mode “LIN” reduces maximum FFB output by a small amount to guarantee a consistent output between peaks and holding forces. Improved general linearity between game output and torque output.
- Force Interpolation “INT” (similar to the ‘Reconstruction Filter’ on OSW/SimuCube) filters and smoothens the incoming rough game FFB signal and increases the refresh rate. For example a 60Hz FFB signal (e.g. iRacing) looks like rough steps on a graph and can also feel like this, but using Force Interpolation, the signal is recreated as a smooth curve. In comparison to FEI, this filter is a lot more powerful as it doesn't influence latency as much, has a better smoothing algorithm and doesn't eliminate effects completely. The default setting is 6 which should feel very close to older firmware version. The graph below shows how the Interpolation is working, red is the game output and green the result of INT. This also shows why true 1:1 FFB from the game can feel very noisy if Interpolation is turned off.
- Natural Inertia "NIN" simulates additional weight on the steering axis. This can be particularly useful when using light wheels like the P1 or McLaren GT3. It also makes the Natural Friction setting feel less ‘sticky’ on direction changes.
- New screen for Podium Display which shows telemetry from the game or third party application like on the steering wheel. This will be expanded soon. Button combination is: Tuning Menu Button + D-Pad/Funky Switch UP to show the Legacy screen and Tuning Menu Button + D-Pad/Funky Switch DOWN to go back to the usual DD screens.
Known Issues:
- FanaLab 1.12 is not compatible, you need to download 1.23 which is linked below as well.
- CSW V2.5: DRI settings are all acting like -5 which leads to too much dampening of the steering.
- CSL Elite WB (PS4): DRI settings 1 to 5 lead to overreacting steering, keep it OFF or with negative values.
- AUTO SEN issues on Xbox 1 using Podium DD, Steering angle needs to be set to higher than 1080 to feel right.
- Knock when powering off DD Base, nothing to worry about but we are looking into it.
- Some experience random Jolts/Knocks/Thumps while driving which seem not to come from the game, we are looking into it as well and are happy about every report giving detail about settings which influence it and so on.
- The arrow buttons on the tuning menu page of the driver might affect other values as well, use dragging the bar instead.
- It's normal and not a bug that after updating the base firmware the fan will run loud at 100% until you update the motor firmware as well.
- If your device is not shown in the gamecontroller screen, use the driver installers repair function while the base is on and connected.
- If you have a Xbox compatible steering wheel attached the base goes automatically into Xbox mode after the firmware update, the quick guide of your wheel mentions the button combination to switch back to PC mode.
- The new features have default settings which work right out of the box with all previously posted recommended settings.
- As always after a motor update don't forget to run the motor calibration on the settings tab in the driver to ensure it runs as smooth as possible.
- Race Room FFB: A user found out the following solution when he felt weird FFB in Race Room
- Delete the FFB profiles (rcs files) in the following folder: my documents/my games/simbin/raceroom racing experience/userdata/control set. Then Start Race Room, go to controller profiles and click detect. Now choose the DD profile of your base and start from scratch.
How to report issues:
If you report a driver or firmware issue, please make cross checks:
0. Update driver and FW separately to isolate an issue. Most likely it will be driver OR firmware.
1. Which driver OR firmware does show the issue
2. Which driver OR firmware does not show the issue
3. Check if you can reproduce the issue again if you go back to the version which seems to have cause the issue
4. Post the answers gathered from the questions above + a short description of the issue including the following information:
Wheel Base Model (product ID): ....
Steering Wheel Model (product ID): ....
Driver Version: ....
Base FW Version: ....
Wheel FW Version: ....
FanaLab Version: ...
Thank you very much! We hope for your positive feedback! Let us know how you like the new features like the dynamic tool tips, Force Interpolation and so on.
Download : (Only download if you've read everything above, especially the known issues!)
Changes between 352 and 356:
- The blue screen issue should be solved.
- Driver UI now shows correct position of the Multi-Position-Switches
- Fixed issue that Motor Firmware Updater not working.
- Fixed issue on Mouse Tab that emulation of button 1 and button 3 is inverted for steering wheel Formula V2.
- Fixed issue in the Tuning Menu Tab that changing the MPS mode affects the TM parameters Slider value.
- Fixed issue in the Tuning Menu Tab that adjusting the TM parameter Slider affects the other TM parameters value.
- Possible Fix of Property Page not showing after Driver installation.
Sorry no other changes regarding the Firmware yet, we are still working on them. I'll create a new discussion as soon as there are more significant improvements.
FanaLab 1.23:
Awesome, is this one gonna affect the bug that's causing my pedals and other fanatec add ons to not be detected and auto-calibrate correctly by my Dd1 for Ps4 on PS4.
All titles,
dd1 for ps4
v3i pedals
clubsport shifter
clubsport handbrake
Hey Marcel,
After updating to driver 669 Im getting the max fan bug and my wheel doesn't show up in the property page.
F1 2018 LE V2 + APM
Firmware 669
Edit: Fixed after deinstalling and reinstalling the driver to get to motor firmware update!
By Marcel
how does it feel worse?
maybe there is a new combination for the new DD tuning menu settings?
Have you fiddled with them?
hey Marcel, how about a starting point or an update to reccomended settings for the new tuning features as to not leave anything to chance and having this flop so fast.
Has Fanatec been acquired by Polyphony Digital and we not hear about it?
IMO the new v38 feels the best I have ever felt (with the correct settings!!!). The new Interpolation Filter makes a HUGE difference but is VERY noisy when turned too low or even off. Therefore this setting has a default value of 6 which should feel very similar to the old v30 firmware. In my testing I prefered a Interpolation Value of 4 combined with a FEI value of 80 in most sims. As said, gives the BEST ffb experience I have ever felt with a DD so really weird to read such a comment...
Hey Maurice, maybe abit overreacted from my side and abit too harsh, sorry for that. Im getting more noise from the motor than with v34. Will you update the recommended settings for the sims with the new functions?
I will give your recommendation a try.
What settings, especially for the Interpolation are you using right now? did you maybe load an old setup with FanaLab? Is it also noisy with just the default settings and not changing enything?
Yes after starting the game I loaded up an older setup from Fanalabs, will change that now. With Maurice's settings the noise is fixed. The Interpolation went to OFF after the Setup was loaded...
Again the issue was on my side and Im sorry for this! 😥
The new driver works great!👍️
Thanks good to know, I've put the FanaLab compatibility as a known issue in the post.
it would also be good to note there are DD's in use for consoles, ps4 in particular, how about a reccomended setting, acknowledgement or even a anything?
maybe 50% rebate ,as its always half working these days?
Don't get what you mean?
at least a reccomended setting for the new features, please.
you have tested it for ps4 and xb1?
my bad ,my manners escape me when i constantly here searching for ways to make my plug n play system for console, actually work for console.
recommended settings for the new features are the default settings (LIN OFF, NIN OFF, INT 6).
Not that I really care, because I haven't gotten too deep in fanalab, and dont like the interface, but...
why would you release a new driver, with a new feature on your flagship products and not have it be compatible with your new flagship software?
really just curious...
I did get everything loaded, and i do enjoy the feel, but as mentioned before the motor is definitely noisier. And with interpolation turned off it is incredibly loud. What if we don't want to use interpolation? It was not a pleasant experience with it turned off.
Just use the old recommended and leave the new settings at default, this will work perfectly fine. Can't help you more if you are not telling what issues you have, from just complaining I don't get the information I need.
to get the same FFB noise as you had before you have to use INT 6 or higher. That reduces the noise. Turning it down or even turning it OFF makes more noise which is what you dont want.
ok, the default settings will not be letting out wonky signal when combined with my current settings?
and turn me off like they did sascha?
ill have to add them all in 1 at a time ,as there is no feature to reload setups on a ps4. it is time consuming and if i have to reload 346, i may as well box it all up and send it to you bud.
I saw that, thanks for your earlier clarification. BUT what if someone doesnt want to use the new interpolation? they are stuck with a noisier motor?
When you turn INT off you feel the raw FFB like it's coming from the game, completely unfiltered, it is how it is, If you don't like keep Interpolation on.
I get that, im not talking about the feel. im talking about how audibly loud the motor is compared to the previous driver / firmware.
FanaLab is Beta, this driver is beta, so of course there can be compatibility issues. If we always time everything with each other we never end up releasing something.
the motor is not noisier... as Marcel said with Interpolation off the FFB comes unfiltered from the game. So the new motor firmware can create the FFB exactly how the game devs programmed the FFB - which is noisier, yes. But some people like to have the FFB completely unfiltered (as said, I also dont like INT off personally), but using a INT value of 6 should feel almost the same as the old v30 without more noise.
Got it, understandable. I knew they are both beta, was just curious.
Why should you not want it?
so was FFB int enabled silently on previous firmwares? because, for the 10th time, my motor is absolutely audibly louder after updating the firmware, than before. I would presume that ffb int set to off would be similar settings to the previous firmware.
Not trying to argue, trying to get an understanding.
So what he is saying is, forget ever getting what you actually thought you were paying for ,unless you actually thought you were paying for a work in progress
welcome to the Beta Dungeon!
me too.
as said, no, previous firmware was like INT 6 - therefore INT 6 is the default value. So when you turn INT off, of course you get a much noisier base now. Previous Firmware just wasnt able to recreate the FFB so unfiltered like the new INT filter can do.
Ok, I don't think that was made explicitly clear earlier, but thanks for the clarification. So if that is the case, there was some sort of silent interpolation happening previously, we now just have the ability to tune it?