SARS Co-V2 status UPDATE More regions stop delivery of parcels

Dear Simracers
Nature just sent us a little reminder who the real boss is. We realize how vulnerable our system and society is. Stupidity, selfishness and ignorance are the assistants of the virus. I am guilty as well as I did not realize the impact on our health system and did not understand in the beginning that the virus itself might be as deadly as the flue but the impact will be dramatic just because humans have zero immunity and it takes time to prepare human mankind to a new species of virus.
Now we need to avoid the collapse of our health system by changing our habits and give up a lot of our freedom and the things we love for a while. And we need to stay reasonable and calm. Panic helped to get awareness so even the simple minded understood the danger but I am not afraid of getting Covid-19. Most of us will get it sooner or later and will be just fine.
So what is the impact on our business and on you as a customer of Fanatec?
Demand is strong and gets stronger every day as Simracing is apparantly the only motorsport you can perform at the moment
Our inventory situation is still ok and our factories are working on a reduced level but of course we do not know how long our supply chain will work as in some critical areas the delivery services already stopped working. Therefore we recommend that you get whatever you need until supply lasts. We might need to raise our prices if demand is higher than supply.
Our team is mostly working from home office or took a holiday as some of them need to take care of children which cannot go to school or simply stay at home to reduce the spread of the disease. This means that it can take longer until you get a response and repair times will take longer as well. Please be patient. Thank you.
Development is affected as well so a few prodcts might be delayed. The good thing is that I did not tell you about the upcoming goodies yet so I don't have to justify any delays. 😜
It is a very special time and we all can learn and get stronger if we use the time of slow motion and limited possibilities for good. Take care about the elderly and protect them. Be responsible so that our doctors can do their jobs without beeing overloaded. Give your favourite small businesses, bars and event organizers etc. your financial support if you can. Help your neighbours and stay together. Stay at home or places where you can keep some distance and follow the new rules. Reduce contacts as much as you can IRL. This is certainly not the end of the world. It can be the awakening of humanity.
And of course enjoy simracing at home 😉
Take care
More and more regions are affected heavily so that delivery services like UPS will stop delivering our products. Some shipments already have been returned to us.
Before you place an order, please make sure that your region is not affected. Thank you!
English -
Deutsch -
Please place your order in time if you plan an upcoming purchase.
My curiosity about the new products has skyrocketed!
"We might need to raise our prices if demand is higher than supply."
Don't like the sound of this though.
Shipping prices increased as capacity is limited due to a lack of workers. Other shortages cause price increases as well as everybody is trying to produce as much as possible with the reduced manpower.
Well Thomas, thank you for the heads up. Nevertheless Im blaming you for the delays of the products we don't know yet now :P
One of those mystery products is already in our warehouses and will be announced today ;)
Yes I saw the mysterious product yesterday, but then it disappeared again, but now it's back :)
Wash your hands frequently, wear a mask, goggles,75% Alcohol
Be safe. Only survival has a future.
We'll finally beat the virus.
Unfortunately - the shipping is €20.99. For stickers. That's crazy.
Puuh, I thought the price of the Kill Switch was tough, but 30€ for some caps and stickers really is crazy o_O
I think the price of the caps and stickers is reasonable. The shipping is not - surely these could be sent Deutschepost for about €7?
Would you have an idea of how much of a delay there would be shipping to Australia?
My first concern is that the Fanatec staff is healthy.
"We might need to raise our prices if demand is higher than supply."
I think Fanatec customers are like can milk them at any time...but at some point the best cow won't give milk anymore if the quality doesn't match the price...
Just put in a big order. Excited to get everything and get the new caps and stickers! What is the shipping situation for the USA?m Anticipating any delay? I payed for overnight shipping.
raise the price? this does not sound good ... especially for someone like me who is about to make a purchase ... you have increased the price of the csw 2.5 xbox one bundle by 100 euros without giving explanations and now you are still talking about price increases ... I want fanatec but if you increase the prices again I will start looking elsewhere
How about doing the world favor and stop doing business in China. Move manufacturing to Germany. At this point there is no excuse!
its ok to not give time frame with what happened with the DDs but as for the new products would be nice to have a bit of info on products that will come in less than a year. I know nothing about any products and I don't know if it will be worth to wait because i don't know what is coming.
I'm buying Ultimates pedals and other stuff this summer and I don't want to bother anymore of waiting but especially not knowing. High end hardware is not something you buy like that and every buy deserve thoughts and preparation and research. understand the decision behind but not for me anymore :)
being a little more open about products that come out in a year would be nice. especially with telling a bit of feature.
TLDR: for first time non fanatec products are on the line and won't wait and wait in the dark.
I'm hoping that "upcoming goodies" includes Podium pedals... I'm looking intently for an upgrade from the CS v3.
At a time when people are losng their jobs and not able to work, the few who do have money and are buying your products still, are going to "force" you to raise prices?! So those of us who want a Fanatec product and lost our jobs or are on unemployment or have saved up to get your products are going to have to spend more because during a pandemic while everyone is stuck at home there's more people buying your product? Not even that, its because you have your workforce cut down during the pandemic and therefore cant keep up with demand, so your going to punish us?!! I thought businesses were trying to help and show their humanity during this pandemic not trying to make more money off it. Like Fanatec as a whole doesn't make Millions as it is.
Any new F1 wheel (e.g. 2020 LE) in the pipe...? :-)
I just dropped $700 on a set up and can’t even get in contact with anyone to see if my order is being shipped or what?! Endor LLC is apparently a joke and I’ve read several posts about how they have taken money and never shipped out products! Is this how Fanatec does business?! If this is the case I have made a grave error is believing that this is the best there is to offer in sim racing.
Jake, it can take a few days for you to get notified. I believe the 14th and 16th were German Holidays, so......
Hello Thomas, Thomas here :)
Today I just placed my first complete SIM Rig order - very excited! ... Two things, please ...
1) Could you please advise if orders marked "Preorder - Availability Date June 7, 2020" are on track?
2) The wheel in my bundle (Club Sport GT Rim Forza Motorsport Edition) says "August 7th" Really :O ?? Could we PLEASE substitute any other GT Rim so I don't have to wait 2 months to use my new setup?
I have a question for support, I've reached out to support, the question relates to returning a product which your company has a two week or 14 day policy for returns.
How can you expect us to follow your company policy if you're asking us to wait 2+ weeks for a response from your customer service team? Your request to us, doesn't allow us to follow your own policies.
You are good if you send the message to withdraw from the order within 14 days, its not neccessary toi get an answer/confirmation within this 14 days time frame.
The main issue being that cancelling the order is dependent on the answer I submitted to customer service.
I placed the original order based off the contingency of another order that they displayed on their website, however after placing that order they changed some of the information without notifying me (and others) so I need their response on the matter before I want to return the products.
You and others may think that's dumb, but another example for this would be if you received a brand new rim and one of the knobs was cracked. If the knob could be replaced it would be better for everyone if Customer Service could just send a replacement one, but if we're expected to wait 2+ weeks for an answer from Customer Service, that doesn't exactly help the end user that only has that time window to go out of their way and send it back.
I understand delays due to the worlds current state. I ordered 3 items on June 12th, that were showing either in stock, or expected by mid July. I can handle that. The V3 pedals, arrived shortly, no word on the rim and Clubsport. I then ordered a handbrake with an expected delivery date of July 10th. I paid in FULL for all items in advance, yet I cannot get any response from anyone at Fanatec on the items now having a delivery date of August 28th. I need some communication, and soon, otherwise I will be forced to cancel all of my outstanding orders. Once again, I paid in full faith up front based on your times given, then I get ghosted. I understand the virus can push back some production, but ignoring the customer, after paying in full at order, will cost you customers and reputation, no matter how good the product is.