Fanatec Beta Driver V361 (now V365) for CSL, CSW and Podium Bases (all wheels)



  • Hello,

    My F1 2020 LE formula wheel's vibromotors don't work on PS4. attached to a csl elite base. playing ACC and F12020 games. vibromotors work on pc at function test page. firmware is V365 beta. Is this a known issue or game related?

    Thank you for your asnwers.

  • richEditor.externalEmbed.description

    for acc

  • i guess we must have different understandings of "very soon"

  • richEditor.externalEmbed.description

    Agreed. This "soon" has been going on for months. This is ridiculous.

  • richEditor.externalEmbed.description

    Meanwhile, I think the problem is not the software and I remember statements that the Direct Drive steering wheels are delivered and the problems that still exist can be remedied with a firmware update. Almost a year has passed and the problems are changing but are not being resolved. I bought a new handbrake 1.5 because my 1.0 on the DD1 base did not work and the support ignored it and only stopped me from checking my system because my Formula V2 steering wheel was not recognized correctly. After countless emails, system checks and my assurances that everything is OK, the beta driver V352 finally came. Now the V2 is recognized, but problems also appear here and the driver V361 / V365 provides a remedy. Unfortunately I can not use this, because I mostly drive with my GT steering wheel ClubSport Universal Hub and here only the X and B buttons work the rest is not send. Since I supported the support for my part and at my own expense an actually working hardware, which brought handbrake 1.0 to work with the DD1 by buying a new version 1.5, I can also show my disappointment.

    Just talk to us, we want to know where we are! I aimed my racing equipment at them, should that be wrong?

  • ClubSport Universal Hub issues:

    • Only X and B buttons work the rest is not send.

    Is this ever going to get fixed?

  • Friends, the base dd1 again does not see wheel. If the steering wheel is left without movement from the initial to the AC, it does not see the gearshift paddles, and then all the buttons in general.

    First, I concluded that the steering wheel perceives usb 2.0 more adequately than usb 3.0;

     Secondly, through the ccleaner program, it appears in the registry obsolete software key fanatec MSI (HKLM\Software\Fanatec MSI; Now the configuration is 346, 662/30.

    What to do?

  • Tomaz HocevarTomaz Hocevar Member
    edited July 2020

    There is no communication on what is happening anymore and no eta when things will get fixed. Just saying "soon" for months. Latest firmware is buggy. If i donwngrade to the less buggy then i can't use all of the hardware. This is a joke seriously. Can i return the hardware because i will not wait god knows for how long for things to get fixed?

  • I also reported that when i use my Formula limited edition 2018, shifter2 on the base inverts. Up is down and down is up. We went thoroughly through this bug to confim it. I reported this bug over a year ago (february 2019 to be exact) and is still not fixed tho it was said it will be fixed with the next firmware update?

  • richEditor.externalEmbed.description

    Maurice - you are not helping with these flippant replies; if i was Fanatec community manager I would be giving serious consideration as to whether you are the right man to do whatever you are meant to do on this forum - some empathy for legitimate concerns would be appreciated by Fanatec customers.

    Can the UHX issue be fixed in the next week please? Many of us have waited over four months to be able to use more than one of the many wheels we have bought. This is an unacceptable length of time to fix such a small error that was accidentally introduced to the last beta by Fanatec developers. This should have been resolved immediately by a hot fix.

    If it can' t be fixed this week - can you commit to a date by when this issue will be fixed - you have sarcastically been claiming 'soon' for three months with no other information.

  • Uhm guys, I don't want to act like a mod here but this is a beta driver topic, not a general rant topic for all your frustrations. I'm receiving a notification every time someone posts (offtopic). Can we please stick to the topic and please do open your own topic for your support questions. Thanks!

  • richEditor.externalEmbed.description

    You can create infinitely many new topics, that's not the question !! When will the decisions be made?!?!?!?

  • To be honest, I have been wanting to purchase a universal hub and a podium hub for different uses ( mainly third party steering wheels because fanatec can't get in gear and produce a real top level GT3 / GTe wheel themselves ) for a while, but I have pushed and pushed the purchase because I can see which problems people are having with drivers, and therefore not spending money on more wheels than I already have ( am using a DD2 btw ) at the moment my brother in law is looking to purchase a complete wheel and pedal set and he kind of likes the plug and play ability of the set he has tried at my place long time ago, which I also do, but I am at that point that I am concidering switching to another brand, eventhough I will miss the funkyswitch and the extra paddle on the PAPM and I am telling him that there are problems with the drivers so he has the option to spend 1500,- euros plus minus one place or another...

    Only reason for writing this is that I would love to purchase the above mentioned things instead of having to start allover with a new manufacturer wheelbase, but I am slowly getting tired of using my F1 2018 le because I think it is to small in diameter, and I am not buying a new fanatec wheel of any kind before we have some stability in the drivers, or a driver that isn't beta

    so what does soon mean in terms of driver availability?

  • richEditor.externalEmbed.description

    Gary, Maurice is only beta testing and helping for users reporting issues how to fix them.

    he is not responsible for the announcements or date releases and also he cannot provide the info that he may have (it is called confidentiality clause).

    The info you are seaking can only be provided from the dedicated channels and not the beta testers or even the software developers.

  • richEditor.externalEmbed.description

    Can you try 356?

    been using this driver on my CSL elite, and Podium F1 wothout any issues so far.

  • I've had this on and off issue concerning the Podium Hub and my DD2, it will run happily with my F1 2020 Rim or Formula V2 rim attached, but when I try to run it with the Podium Hub, it will start throwing out errors whenever I try to access the Fanatec Wheel Properties.

    Usually involves me having to reinstall everything and hard rebooting the DD2 to get it to recognize the Podium hub and allow me to access the properties page.

    "There is a problem setting up the wheel control panel. Please reconnect the device and try again."

  • richEditor.externalEmbed.description

    He is also forum moderator and his help for users with having issues is welcomed. But he oversteps this role. He should not make claims that software will be released soon if it is not his role to answer questions on release dates. Likewise he should not intervene in threads where users have asked from help from FANATEC - a recent example -

    As a moderator and a beta tester it can understandably appear that he is Fanatec's representative on this forum - whether he intends it to look like that or otherwise. I would suggest it would be better if he focused on helping people with their issues and left the announcements on releases and official support to the professionals.

  • As I didnt really asked for Mod rights I just asked to get them removed again, now I am just a normal member and no organ of speech of Fanatec and I can - and will - continue posting and helping people - including intervene in threads where a user wants to get a different answer just because he is making an issue public which was already refused by Fanatec directly.

    However, I wont say anything regarding any possible ETA of anything in the future so if no Fanatec official is answering about ETAs in the future then you wont hear anything.

    Now lets get back on topic please and discuss driver related issues here.

  • I have been using the special test software for the V2 for about a month and no freezing any more. I did have about three times that after start up the V2 wheel is recognized as an Elite P1 and multiple buttons are activated. A power cycle fixes that.

    So it isn't solved completely but it is drivable again

  • Oooof. I've been racing with a bugged driver (365) for 2 months. Lol. Somewhere I really really thought I was driving Dri -2, but it was OFF all the time. So I downgraded back to 347. Guess false memories or so.

  • When will the Clubsport Universal Hub issue be fixed?

  • richEditor.externalEmbed.description

    This Software from Page 20?

  • richEditor.externalEmbed.description

    Friends, the base dd1 again does not see wheel. If the steering wheel is left without movement from the initial to the AC, it does not see the gearshift paddles, and then all the buttons in general.

    First, I concluded that the steering wheel perceives usb 2.0 more adequately than usb 3.0;

     Secondly, through the ccleaner program, it appears in the registry obsolete software key fanatec MSI (HKLM\Software\Fanatec MSI; Now the configuration is 346, 662/30.

    What to do?

  • How can i use the base without jolting and with BME then? And like i said there is still a bug where Shifter2 inverts up and down shifts when base is used with F1 2018 wheel which was said it will be fixed over a year ago?

  • edited July 2020

    Which driver and firmware are you using?

    There is currently no driver available which doesn't have Jolts and is compatible with the BME.

    For the time being you could use only the default FANATEC screen on the DD, that one doesn't have Jolts and is compatible with the BME (best is most recent driver 365 with Firmware 672)


  • About the ClubSport Universal Hub for PC (the first one) and the Funkyswitch not working as it should with Podium DD... my ticket was open May 7th... 2019. lol.

    (FYI, You have sometime to rotate the funckyswitch 10 times or more to have a click)

    On 7 May 2019, at 09:27, Fanatec Support <> wrote:

    Thank you very much for your reply and the testing.

    We could reproduce the issue with several DD Wheelbases and with different steering wheels. It seems that the newest wheels that have a steering wheel firmware, like the Formula V2X or the McLaren GT3 are not affected. Only the older rims, like Formula Carbon and the UH show the malfunction.

    We are pretty sure this issue can be solved with a firmware update and we are already working on it. For now I have to ask you to be patient and wait for the next update. Check our Beta Driver Forum from time to time to see if there are any new versions available for testing.

    Best regards / Freundliche GrüßePhillip Moering

    (Fanatec Support Team)

    14 months... Still waiting... And I'm afraid that this bug will never been resolved because there is no firmware in the first UH.... or maybe the solution is a Podium electronics upgrade?

    Like a lot of you I stopped to invest in Fanatec products because there is no drivers today that supports all products... old and new. I'll not buy a new product if i can't use anymore an old one (who is still on the compatibily product list today... before disappearing silently one day for sure).

  • Tomaz HocevarTomaz Hocevar Member
    edited July 2020

    Fanatec Support <>

    8. feb. 2019 15:08

    Dear Tomaz,

    I apologize for the delayed reply. I did some testing with two shifters on a CSW V2.5 with and without the F1 2018 steering wheel and I can confirm that there actually is a firmware issue.

    We will look further into that and hopefully be able to solve this before the next firmware update.

    Thank you very much for providing the information. I wish you a great time and a lot of fun and success with your races!

    Shifter 2 inverts with F1 2018 wheel attatched to 2.5 CSW or DD2. Still not fixed after 15 months.

  • BRF is only available if you have non-loadcell pedals connected to the wheelbase. The loadcell-kit comes with its own controllerbox that connects to the computer by usb.

This discussion has been closed.