FanaLab 1.47 (Hotfix) Download - Post your Feedback here

FanaLab 1.47 Changelog (Hotfix)
- Driver 370 or higher is needed for this FanaLab version to work properly
- Added: When starting for the first time, a process will convert all old profiles to be compatible with the new version. This might take a while depending on how many profiles you have.
- Added: Links to Fanatec social media, blog, forum and more
- Added: Clubsport Steering Wheel F1 2020 picture selectable for Formula V2
- Added: Language option under settings which will affect the mouse hover hints only (German, French, Italian, Spanish)
- Added: Celsius / Fahrenheit option to Settings. Applicable to ITM Page 3: Oil Temp and Page 5: all tires
- Added: "collect logs" feature under settings. Log Folder opens automatically after collecting logs. Please add logs when reporting a crash.
- Added: New slider for Dynamic Dampening to set the speed where max dampening will be achieved. Set the Speed Threshold Max value to 250 if loading the old saved Game Profile without the Speed Threshold Max.
- Changed: [ABS] to BLI (Brake Level Indicator) in Tuning Menu, setting still works the same
- Fixed: Resizing sections of FanaLab not getting saved
- Improved: New game pictures with higher resolution
- Improved: Vibration Tab Titles
- Improved: Tuning Menu, Dynamic FFB, and Vibration Tab layout and presentation
- Improved: Enable/Disable options got a new look to make it more clear when the toggle is set to enabled
- Fixed: Analogue pedals always visible
Game support
- Added: Automobilista 2 support
- Added: F1 2020 Support
- Added: Dirt Rally 2.0 telemetry support
- Added: GRID 2019 - currently without telemetry
- Updated ACC SharedMemory to latest version
- Enabled Green Flag telemetry for ACC
- Fixed: iRacing crash when loading Renault 3.5 or Formula Renault 2.0
- Fixed: Wrong description for activating/deactivating Fanatec Features in iRacing
Game Profile
- Added: Notification for unconvertable profiles
- Added: "Recommended Tuning Menu" feature
- Recommended FFB profiles for each base and game are listed on the top and are marked with a thumbs up icon. The profiles only contain Tuning Menu settings and don’t overwrite other settings of your already loaded setup.
- New “Recommended FFB Settings” button on the Game Profile page links to the forum thread of each game where the correct in-game settings can be found to match the recommended profiles.
- Fixed: Issue that US/CA users couldn’t properly load profiles from EU users.
- Improved: Checkboxes for saving and loading
- Improved: Profile Preview layout and presentation
LED and Display
- Added: Wheel Base Rev LED support for CSL Elite Bases
- Added: Option to disable Pit limiter and Pit Lane LEDs
- Fixed: Pit Limiter LEDs not lighting consistently
- Fixed: BME Rev LEDs colour defaulting to non RGB default when hot swapping
Intelligent Telemetry Mode (BME and DD)
- Added: ITM Page selection via FanaLab
- Added: ITM “auto page switch” feature. A favourite page can be defined to which the ITM will always go back to. Automatic page change can be triggered by a value change or if a value passes a defined threshold, for example if fuel goes below a set value.Only implemented on DD ITM for now, PBME to follow next
- Added: DD Analysis screen selection in ITM tab
- Fixed: ITM random values on Lap Time, Last Lap Time, Car Ahead, Car Behind, DRS Active, DRS Zone, and Fuel
- Fixed: ITM Brake Bias incorrect display in several games
- Fixed: ITM Fuel display in several games
- Fixed: ITM Resetting of Max Fuel display in all games
- Fixed: ITM Oil Temp display in pC2
- Fixed: ITM clearing of values when changing page when BME and DD ITM are available at the same time
- Fixed: Sync between BME and DD ITM when changing page
- Fixed: iRacing ITM Laps shows 000/0 on DD, 001/0 on BME
- Current Lap is now always showing the correct Lap of the F1 Black Box (Total Laps always 0 because not supported by the game)
- Fixed: ACC suspension travel vibration not working
- Fixed: ACC Wheel Spin/Lock not in sync with the in-game LEDs
- Updated ACC Brake Bias values for GT4 cars
- Changed: OLED display handling
- Improved: Sync between BME and DD ITM when changing page
How to report issues:
- List which hardware, driver and firmware you are using.
- Cross check with other settings, games and wheels to see if it's a general issue or specific with to a game, wheel or setting.
- Go into detail how we can reproduce the issue.
- Post screenshots or videos if needed.
- In case of a FanaLab crash, use the "Collect Logs" feature under "Settings" and upload them here.
Changes of the Hotfix:
- Fixed: BRF setting stuck at MIN if CSL LC pedals are connected to the base.
- Fixed: AMS2 is missing the explanation how to disable the game LEDs and Display support to prevent conflicts with FanaLab. You have to disable this inside the game options.
- Fixed: AMS2 wheel spin LEDs constantly triggered.
- Fixed: When chosing MPH as speed value in FanaLab settings the speed is shown only shown as 000
Known Issues / Workaround:
- If FanaLab doesn't start this can be fixed by deleting the Fanalab folder in C:\users\[username]\AppData\Local\PodiumControl and then restarting Fanalab.
Download (only if you've read everything above!)
Link to compatible driver version:
This discussion has been closed.
Nice list of improvements!
Really nice looking, will update this afternoon.
For those using my profiles for the LEDs, here are the new profiles which work best with this new version :)
hello !! and for podium d1 ps4? thanks
Ehm...... What?
Yes, FanaLab 1.47 works with the DD1 for PS4 on a PC (not on console, obviously)
Thanks a lot Maurice.
Please ask a question, what does ITM mean ?
Intelligent Telemetry Mode (the one from the BME images where you see a lot of telemetry data on the OLED)
ITM = Intelligtent Telemetry Mode
Its the pages of the DD and BME display which show multiple telemetry data of the game.
should I put it on the ps4 podium? Thank you.
What? You cant put it on a DD Base, its not a Firmware. You can only use it with the DD Base and yes, its a powerful tool.
Thanks a lot for the update, but i have one question. Is it possible to set the wheel base rev lights too off in F1 2020?
I am on a CSL Elite ps4, With the formula v3 wheel.
Thanks in advanced!!
You can't use Fanalab on the PS4, it is a programm ONLY for PC.
When you drive on PC: Yes, this should be possible with this new version when you make the Base LED colors all black (or click the red x to disable them).
Thanks Maurice.
Thanks Marcel.
hmm i tried it but the rev's are still on!
so you changed the color of the Base Rev Leds to black and disabled the leds by clicking the x but they still light up? Mhm, not for me so something is wrong..
Hi, I am having issues with brake force setting constantly resetting to MIN. value when running fanalab 1.47.
I have csw v2.5 + xbox universal hub + CSL elite LC pedals. Wheelbase has the recently released beta driver v372 (wheelbase fw v674 + motor fw v22).
This is my first time using the fanalab sw so I could be missing something here. But no matter what I do, when fanalab starts or is running, it constantly resets the brake force setting to min. making brake pedal over sensitive in iRacing.
I have tried setting the value from:
-fanalab with the slider, it always just immediately jumps back to MIN.
-wheel base tuning menu "brF", it always just immediately jumps back to MIN.
-tuning menu tab in fanatec wheel properties, same story - jumps to min when I try to adjust "[BRF ] Brake Force" slider.
Loading/saving different game profiles don't seem to help either. Same with all 5 tuning profiles in the wheel/fanalab.
If I close fanalab, I can set the brF from wheel and everything works normally, immediately after starting fanalab again the problem starts.
I can't think of any other details I could provide here, please ask for more if something is missing (or preferably: tell me what I am doing wrong).
i have the same problem like Liro
DD2 + 918rsr or MclarenGT3 + CSL Elite LC
the brf silder jumps back to 0 everytime i try to move, all other sliders work like they should
Fanalab 1.47
PC driver 372
wheelbase fw 674
wheelbase motor fw40
steering wheel fw 31
wireless qr fw 6
Same problem like Lira. Wheel is a V2 on CSW 2.5. With new beta driver.
I had a series of profiles imported which did not convert (too old), this was solved by downgrading to the prior Fanalab and saving those profiles then upgrading to the new Fanalab again. In addition I found Fanalab very slow to load new profiles, or really anytime I clicked on anything in the profiles window, this was solved by removing all unconverted (old) profiles.
Edit for clarity: When I say slow, the window became completely unresponsive (window cannot even be resized) for 30 to 60 seconds after clicking on a profile, then when the window became available again, clicking on anything else would cause the window to become unresponsive again. Clicking worked, there was just a very long processing pause before the window became available again. There seemed to be a relationship between the length of time the window was unresponsive and the number of unconverted profiles as the delay became slightly shorter as I deleted each unconverted profile.
You mean the Brf issue? Which pedal set?
You are overcoming each day more and more.
Thank you very much for all the work that is being done and for all the improvements.
i can't change the base rev lights! I can change the rev lights of the wheel, but that's not what i want!
I am able to select the ITM page for the DD2 base in Fanalab but I cannot select a page for the PBME. It shows all of the pages but I don't have any "radio" button to select the active page. Am I doing something wrong or is this a bug? I can select the ITM page directly through the wheel with the funky button but I'd rather use Fanalab as it should be able to save per profile that way.
DD2 with a Porsche GT3+PBME
Fanalab 1.47
PC driver 372
Wheel Base FW 674
Wheel Base Motor FW 40
Steering Wheel fw 13
Podium Hub FW 3
Wireless Quick Release FW 6
Please have a look at the Changelog, that feature is exclusive for the DD ITM pages for now, BME to follow next.
CSL Elite LC . Directly connected to the base. And yes the brf jumps back to min. Also on the wheel menu. Fanalab must be out. Then it works again. (In the Wheel menu)
Very good. This issue seems to be isolated to the CSL E LC Pedals only it seems which helps identifying the root cause.
Wait, with Fanalab closed the Brf is working fine for you when adjusting it in the Tuning Menu of the base or in the driver?
Yes absolutely. In the driver too.