Steering wheel stops working while clubsport base still on

Hi, I was playing rFactor 2 with the wheel, it was working all well when suddenly the steering wheel stops working but the base is still on. The rim just completely shut off, buttons and shifters do not work at all. Anyone has an idea what could be the issue? Thanks
Had the exact same experience like 15 minutes ago, but on my DD1 wheel base.
Have you verified the screws inside the wheel and base are not loose or damaged? Also making sure the wheel is fully pushed in ?
@Luca Which steering wheel are you using?
@Christian Which steering wheel are you using and was it while using Fanalab?
I'm using the clubsport V.1 and the rim is the formula V1... Also I did check the screws and they looked fine and also checked that the wheel was pushed in and it was fully in.
I would open a ticket with support.
Did you check the pins in the QR?
Also check for damaged wire coming out of the rear of the steering wheel shaft:
Nope, I'll check them out.
I've had just the same problem the paddle shifters don't work
Windows 10 pro 1909 v:18363.836
Fanatec driver: 346 DD1 Ps4
Hi, here is a beta firmware which should solve the issue of the steering wheel not working from time to time.
If you have a Formula V2, choose the file from the RFORMV2 folder before flashing the firmware.
Any luck on this? i am having the same issue. also i can not figure out how to load the hex file. keeps saying hex file failed in the boot loader.
How do you update it?
Had the same issue, and glad I came here to check. Symptoms were similar (DD1 + Formula v2). Happened to me twice. First time was at Spa a couple days ago after the last chicane, buttons and shifters died while keeping the steering intact. Second time happened this evening, after a bit of sawing the steering wheel to successfully prevent a spin, shifter+buttons died. Both times revived again after shutting off the base and restarting. Never had this problem before, and steering wheel's been fastened tightly onto the base.
Fingers crossed. Thank you for the proposed (hopefully permanent) solution, @Marcel Pfister
Hi All,
i have the same problem. Another Fanatec wheels working correcly. I opened a support ticket. Any update please?
Base: CSL Elite PS4
PC Driver: 346
Wheel Base Firmware: 662
Wheel Base Motor: 22
I had exactly the same issues on my new v2.5 base and bmw rim, turns out it was the steering wheel was not fully locked on the quick release and not making full contact with pins although the locking bolt was in
How did you fix it? Same issue here
How was it arranged?
It happens to me in: