Fanatec Driver 381 Release Candidate for CSL, CSW and Podium Bases (all wheels)



  • Marcel PfisterMarcel Pfister Member, Administrator

    Did you also downgrade all firmware versions after going back to driver 346?

  • Marcel PfisterMarcel Pfister Member, Administrator

    Purple mode is a PS4 compatibility mode and doesn't offer any function on PC including checking it through the property page, similar for yellow mode.

  • Marcel PfisterMarcel Pfister Member, Administrator

    are these double inputs only happening on the drivers test page or also in-game? Yes there are button combinations to change the mode, I would suggest to use the view and Y rubbered buttons on top of the UHX to switch modes back.

  • Marcel PfisterMarcel Pfister Member, Administrator

    what are your settings? Heard this from someone else before as well but then he added that there was an ACC update as well and they changed game FFB slightly. You can also try going back to the previous driver you were happy with to double check if its the same as before or also different.

  • Marcel PfisterMarcel Pfister Member, Administrator

    is it maybe in PS4 mode? Then press the mode button to change to PC mode (red)

  • Marcel PfisterMarcel Pfister Member, Administrator

    thanks for that information, could you zip and send me the logfiles from this folder please: C:\Users\Public\Fanatec Logs

  • richEditor.externalEmbed.description

    Νο Marcel it was not in ps4 mode. The led was red and I was sure that it was in pc mode. The installation of the 381 driver was ok but then when we tried to update the wheel base's firmware to 680 (from 672) it stacked saying that a hex file was failed. I tried to delete everything that has to do with fanatec and reinstall it but that didn't help the wheel base's firmware update was stacked. Also when we unplugged the USB the led remained changing colors like it was updating. He decided to disconnected the base from the electrical outlet and then when he plug it back in, the base could not open at all. We have already send a message support to Fanatec and we are waiting for an answer. I have also a characteristic video but I can't upload it due to its extension. Thanks for answering, if you have understand my problem please say something! Thanks again!!

  • richEditor.externalEmbed.description

    Please try to upload the video on youtube then and mark it as hidden. The problem we have with the picture you shared with us, is the fact the base shows the purple LED, which is the compatibility mode. Did you try to press and hold the power button for approx. 10 seconds to get it in bootloader mode and flash the fw again?

  • richEditor.externalEmbed.description

    Yes I tried that Sascha but I think that the problem is in the "inside" of the base cause IT IS NOT OPENING AT ALL. I tried to get it in booloader but I can't because it cannot open at all..

  • Maybe I could have your emal Sascha so that I can send it to you or not??

  • richEditor.externalEmbed.description

    Also forget the compatibility mode, the led was changing colors in that time and I just took the photograph when it was purple..

  • richEditor.externalEmbed.description

    What do you mean by opening? Open it in the driver? You need to start the base. Power it on.

    And no I can't give you my e-mail, Im not working for Fanatec. 😅

  • richEditor.externalEmbed.description

    I mean that I AM PRESSING the power button and the base is not starting. This is why I send a message to the support. I think that if you see the video you are going to understand many more things than me and analyze it better..

  • During the firmware update of the wheel base: 1 2 3 HEX FILE WAS FAILED,I then unplug the usb and the base's led continues to flash. By open I mean: I press the power button and the wheel cannot calibrate because the base cannot start working..

  • Sascha KaymerSascha Kaymer Member
    edited December 2020

    Okay if the wheelbase is completely dead no one here can do anything about it I fear.

  • richEditor.externalEmbed.description

    That's for sure man, but would the Support give me a new wheel or not? I bought everything a week ago..

  • richEditor.externalEmbed.description

    That's not a question you can answer, thanks anyway..

  • richEditor.externalEmbed.description

    settings from "FanaLab - Share your favorite profiles - Page 5 — Fanatec Forum" with -2 DRI and FF 100. I'll wate for a FFB update in ACC or eventually revert to driver 347 and give it a try.

  • Hi,

    I've got the same problem. I use CSL Elite V 2.5 with PS4 twice and the base switch off. Impossible to switch on the power button.

    I wrote to support team last friday but no news. For information firmware was updated for a week and I played Asseto Corsa and Grid 3 on PC without problem. Then I played on PS4 (Gran turismo) about 1 hour and the base switch off. Strange for a new product.

  • edited December 2020

    He means turn on the base. It was directly transleted from Greek which we have 2-3 different expressions about it.

    He cannot even turn on the base on bootloader mode apparently to try and redo from scratch the firmware update.

    If I understood correctly from the comments here and fanatec's owner FB page.

  • Barry MontenyBarry Monteny Member
    edited December 2020

    ClubSport Steering Wheel Formula V2: 

    • Fixed: Thumb Encoder Inputs inconsistent / missing. Adjusted PS4 Thumb Encoder handling, because detection was worse after last release

    After I done this update yesterday on my Clubsport F1 2020 wheel my thumb wheels aren't doing anything...if I roll up it takes 3 clicks before something happens and down is most of the times in 1 click. Before this update it was working perfectly ! Is it possible to remove this update from my wheel and install the previous one ?


    CSL Elite

  • richEditor.externalEmbed.description

    Hey Carl,

    thanks also for your workaround :)

    After i going back to 380 i got the same problem back after one Week, now i solved it again with installing 381. Again it works for me 2 Days and then the pedals stop working again. Changing the port on the Base worked for me also .

    I hope this problem would be fixed ! Because i got the problem randomly , last time the brake pedals stop working at the begin from a 6h Race ! :( It needs some time to unmount the Base from the setup for changing the cable !

    Serioisly, just the brakes stops working. Throotle works well all the time.

  • Sascha KaymerSascha Kaymer Member
    edited December 2020

    Did you check if all plugs going from each pedal to the circuit board and from the circuit board into the base are correctly plugged in?

  • richEditor.externalEmbed.description

    Yes, i looks pretty well. Pedals and Base mounted on the Speedmaster wheelbase and cables are fixed to get no damage. I think not that they get slack while driving.

    An Example: I drive my quali , go in box, waiting 2min to start the game, i dont press the brake or other pedal in this time or pulling on the cable. I Down - or upgrade the driver and all works fine again for some times or so .

  • richEditor.externalEmbed.description

    I don't know what a speedmaster wheelbase is so I'm assuming the pedals are plugged in via USB? Are you using an USB hub? My guess is maybe the USB ports are overloaded or maybe the USB cable going bad? Doesn't sound like a driver issue at this point.

  • Hi Marcel, Given the other thread got closed, I wondered if you had found any time to look at the reoccuring notchyness with CSW v2.5 with motor firmware 22?

  • GammahGammah Member
    edited December 2020

    I have installed the latest drivers/firmware for my CSL Elite Base V1.1 with P1 rim but somehow when i turn my wheel left in iracing the wheel on the car turns right i can also see it happening with the wheel image in options (iRacing)

  • richEditor.externalEmbed.description

    you need to re-assign the steering in the iracing options as you did it wrong during calibration.

  • edited December 2020

    Question: I´ve got the base model from CSL ELITE PS4, and I kind of "lost" the capability of setting the wheel on Compatibiity (purple) mode!!!

    Is that still possible? If yes.. how???

  • richEditor.externalEmbed.description

    Nope, they plugged in with RJ12 on Base, but i will order the USB Adapter when it happens again,maybe it will help.

    FW381 feels pretty well, just the Brakes sick sometimes. Maybe the connection from RJ12 rly get loosing connection because the FFB, i dont know.But i will check

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