FanaLab 1.54.4 Download - Post your Feedback here

Changelog since version 1.53
First we want to wish everyone great holidays and a happy new year!
New Feature: Rev LEDs adjustable with raw RPM Values & adjustable RPM Flash
Additionally to adjusting the rev LED thresholds in percent, you can now use raw RPM values as well. This should make it easier and quicker to find the correct thresholds for each car. We've also introduced an Interval slider which controls the flashing speed of the RPM LEDs when the Flash threshold is reached which also makes it possible to have the flash pattern light up constantly. In the download you will find the “RPM Values + Adjustable RPM Flash.pdf” which describes the new feature and it's functions in detail. Please read this carefully.
Your profiles will be automatically converted to support the new RPM feature! Please make a backup before starting V1.54.2 for the first time, just in case. FanaLab may take a while to start, as the profiles will get converted right away (I already told you to make a backup, haven't I)
This will be the case as well when you switch the game in the Game Profile Tab for the first time.
Improvements and fixes
- Fixed: Changing between mph and kph doesn't show instantly on UI.
- Fixed: Pedal vibration not saved to profile
- Improved: Renamed "Dampening" to "Damping"
Hotfix changes since 1.54.2
- Added CSL Universal Hub Support
- Fixed issue of FanaLab not starting
- Updated ITM support document
- Fixed iRacing related FanaLab crash
Download (only if you've read everything above!):
Link to compatible driver version:
How to report issues:
- List which hardware, driver and firmware you are using
- Cross check with other settings, games and wheels to see if it's a general issue or specific with to a game, wheel or setting.
- Is it happening with just one game (which one) or all you tried.
- Go into detail how we can reproduce the issue.
- Post screenshots or videos if needed.
- In case of a FanaLab crash, use the "Collect Logs" feature under "Settings" and upload them here.
Nice work Fanatec, good inclusion!
Yummy. Very nice features. Thank you all very much!
Hopefully RPM per gear and Orange come in Q1..
To give you a small glimpse, in the last days I gathered the data (exact RPM value of every LED in every gear) for every affected car in iRacing which uses different RPM ranges per gear..
I forwarded this to the FanaLab Dev. Lets hope he can cook something tasteful out of that data rather sooner than later because as you might see from the picture we REALLY need this feature as otherwise such a car would be impossible to dial in the LEDs properly..
So.. I would be ready. :)
But I dont know if this will already come in Q1.. I REALLY hope so though..
Legend Maurice!!!
seasons greetings :)
Maurice, that's fantastic, great news!
Now, we just have to stop iRacing from changing the RPMs all the time (as happened already for the 718 GT4 with the last update...).
With 1.54.2 this will be much easier to adjust. Maurice, how do you get your RPM numbers? I've just loaded Daytona or Indy Oval and got round and round..., which is a little annoying....
Maurice, another question: what is your philosophy, when the number of shift lights in game doesn't match the number on the wheel, e.g. as with the 718 GT4.
This car has 8 lights in iRacing, 3x green, 3x yellow and 2x red, immediately flashing after the 2nd red light.
I've tried it with 4x green with the first green light on the wheel lightening up a little before the first green in game (which is then 2x green on the wheel), but it looks a little arkward. Maybe going to try two reds on the wheel at the same time as the last red in game....
For the 718 GT4 I just used 3 x green, 3 x yellow and 3 x red and made the last two reds light up at the same time together with the Flash.
For me this gives the best looking sync to the in game LEDs.
Alternatively, if some prefer, you could also just make the 9th LED black so then you also only have 8 LEDs lighting up on the wheel..^^
just install work full
Hello the update is really good.
Do you think that one day the notions of "Car Ahead" and "Car Behind" will work for games like Asseto Corsa competizione? This is information that ACC sends because we retrieve it in the SIMHUB software for example.
For ACC this COULD be possible as this data was recently added to their telemetry output, for other games not because otherwise only pC2 and rF2 supports these Data, nothing Fanatec can do.
First off, I hope you've had a nice Christmas!
I've just installed my Podium Shifters to my Formula V2 Rim on a CSL Elite base.
But for some reason Fanalab no longer recognises the device. I Have the wheel turned on, but it doesn't say that the device is active, nor does it show up!
I have the latest driver installed, and all firmware updated, but now Fanalab won't recognise my devices.
It also won't let me see the properties in the Fanatec Wheel Property software, as it keeps saying that there is an error.
If there is any reason or solution to this problem, could you please let me know?
I guess one of the last things to get sorted for the LEDs in fanalab now will be getting the pit lights to match and flash like the ones on the actual car?
same problem here in PC mode.
But if I swith to comp 2.5 mode, the device is well recognized as Fanatec wheel base V2.5 in the properties.
So, I can't use PC mode anymore since the update of fanalab.
My base is a DD1, porsche wheel and PBME, drivers 381, latest firmwares installed.
Thanks in advance for a little help, and keep safe.
Thats on the list as well as flash control for FlagLEDs including the option to let the FlagLED sides alternating.
But not 2020 anymore ;)
This is not an issue of FanaLab but a driver issue.
Try the driver repair, or better, uninstall the drier, reboot the pc, install the driver again, restart the pc again (all with the base powered on).
This should fix that issue.
Device repair didn't work but deleting the driver and reinstal it fixed the issue here.
Thanks a lot for your quick and efficient solution Maurice.
I installed this version and still can't launch Fanalab with this latest version. Same problem as before: as soon as it started, the logo and main menu popped up for a few seconds then disappeared by itself...
don't work asseto corsa
work raceroom
Working fine for me and everyone else.
Leds don't work on asseto corsa....
Working fine for me in AC.
Make sure to turn off native in game LEDs and adjust the LED % or RPM to match the car you drive.
But more Info would be very helpful to help you. With so little Details you cant really expect to get much help...
I installed v1.53 I had to repair asseto with steam and the leds working again
I would do it again tomorrow
- no podium folder to delete
- couldn't generated log file because fanalab did not run
- found 2 empty log files in /users/public
- found 2 windows log "fanalab application error" after fanalab failed to run
Technical questions for fanalab:
- which Microsoft vc runtime version does it need?
- which .NET version does it require?
Just had a look in VS-2020, Fanalab will need DotNET 4.5.2 or higher.
You mentioned 2 windows log entries when Fanalab crashes, can you sent 'em to me?
After the latest windows update (dec 23) fanalabs does not see either my Formula V2 wheel, Porsche rim OR my DD2 motor. Motor/wheel work fine in iRacing. Updated to this version on fanalabs, still does not work. Any ideas?
This is not an issue of FanaLab but a driver issue (or better an issue caused by the Windows Update). Pretty sure when you try to open the driver itself you would also get an error message. This is because Big Windows Updates screw up driver installations which mean you always have to reinstall drivers after a big Windows update. Without a working driver of course FanaLab also cant see the devices.
Try the driver repair, or better, uninstall the driver, reboot the pc, install the driver again, restart the pc again (all with the base powered on).
This should fix that issue.
Thanks Maurice will do, THANKS for the fast reply!!!
Awesome Maurice!
Please fix the fact that Fanalab will open from using Alt-Tab, despite being in the system tray.
Please also fix the fact that once opened, it is impossible to get it to actually minimize completely back to the system tray without a small window still being open on the bottom-left of the primary monitor.
This is basic stuff. :/