notchy feeling in my CSW 2.5 wheel

I run the NASCAR circuit in iracing, and I get a notchy feeling (feels like a belt slipping into a grooves) in the center of the steering wheel. The longer the straightaway is the worse the notchy feeling get. When I come to a stop, you can still feel it slightly turning the wheel a few degrees in each direction from center. If I quickly steer the wheel back and forth several times past the notchy sensation, it's just about goes away, till I start racing again.
I did update the driver and firmware last night. I don't get the notchy sensation as much if I turn down the FFB, but then I don't get the action I'm looking for. It's a pain trying to go straight, (click I go slight to the left, click I go slightly to the right). Any help in resolving this would be great.
It could be an issue with the wheel, but also of the game. It would help if you could test with a different game (demo).
i Will try that and see what happens. thank you.
I have the same issue your are describing and I have yet to figure out a solution. Someone please let me know if they find a solution.
the base make this sound ?
I haven't been able to try a different game yet. No sounds from the wheelbase. Everything works great except this notchiness while driving. However, I have now noticed more that this notchy feeling is also there when I turn the wheel to go around a corner. I just raced at Daytona and the Daytona road course and I had a heck of time getting around the large sweeping turns of the high banks. It locks in what feels like a groove or cog, and I have to fight it to move the wheel. When i'm sitting at idle I can work the notchiness out, till racing again. This is so frustrating. I am currently running an older driver. I saw a thread somewhere about trying v346 driver. I will give that a try tonight if I can find it, and I will update here.
I've tried a bunch of diferent drivers, F/W's and even reloaded windows and iracing. Nothing has seemed to help with this.
Franklin did you find a solution? I've also had this issue and have contacted support.
That is exactly what mine is doing. I did try NASCAR Heat 5, and it does not seem to do it in that game. I believe it to be something with the feedback from Iracing, but I can't be 100% sure. I contacted support and they want me to send the wheel base in for them to look at it. The only problem is, I really don't want to be without a wheel for 2 months... :(