Forza Horizon 4 (PC) - Fanatec Recommended Settings

General Notes:
The settings below are considered to be reasonable baseline values for Forza Horizon 4 (PC). They might not suit all tastes and driving styles, but they are a good starting point.
In order to apply the suggested settings correctly, it is important to
assign both the Tuning Menu values AND the suggested In-Game settings
- While Forza Horizon 4 offers relaxed handling and forgiving physics, these settings are intended for players who want the most realistic driving experience possible with their Fanatec hardware in this game. Cockpit view is recommended.
- 'Steering' and 'Damage & Tyre Wear' should be set to 'Simulation' in the Difficulty Menu.
- Please ensure you are using the latest firmware for all Fanatec devices.
Podium Wheel Base DD1 / Podium Racing Wheel F1® PS4™ (V2.5 Compatibility Mode)
Tuning Menu Settings:
SEN 1080 (shown as 108 on some displays)
FF 40
SHO 100
ABS User Preference
FOR 100
SPR 100
DPR 100
NDP 20Tuning Menu Settings:
SEN 1080 (shown as 108 on some displays)
FF 40
SHO 100
ABS User Preference
FOR 100
SPR 100
DPR 100
BRF User Preference
FEI 100
BRF User Preference
FEI 100
In-Game Settings:
Vibration: On
Invert Force Feedback: Off
Steering Axis Deadzone Inside: 0
Steering Axis Deadzone Outside: 100
Steering Linearity: 50
Vibration Scale: 1
Force Feedback Scale: 50Invert Force Feedback: Off
Steering Axis Deadzone Inside: 0
Steering Axis Deadzone Outside: 100
Steering Linearity: 50
Vibration Scale: 1
Centre Spring Scale: 100
Wheel Damper Scale: 0
Force Feedback Understeer: 10
Wheel Damper Scale: 0
Force Feedback Understeer: 10
Force Feedback Minimum Force: 0
Steering Sensitivity: 50
Podium Wheel Base DD2 (V2.5 Compatibility Mode)
Tuning Menu Settings:
SEN 1080 (shown as 108 on some displays)
FF 40
SHO 100
ABS User Preference
FOR 100
SPR 100
DPR 100
SEN 1080 (shown as 108 on some displays)
FF 40
SHO 100
ABS User Preference
FOR 100
SPR 100
DPR 100
NDP 20
In-Game Settings:
BRF User Preference
FEI 100
BRF User Preference
FEI 100
In-Game Settings:
Vibration: On
Invert Force Feedback: Off
Steering Axis Deadzone Inside: 0
Steering Axis Deadzone Outside: 100
Steering Linearity: 50
Vibration Scale: 1
Force Feedback Scale: 50Invert Force Feedback: Off
Steering Axis Deadzone Inside: 0
Steering Axis Deadzone Outside: 100
Steering Linearity: 50
Vibration Scale: 1
Centre Spring Scale: 100
Wheel Damper Scale: 0
Force Feedback Understeer: 10
Wheel Damper Scale: 0
Force Feedback Understeer: 10
Force Feedback Minimum Force: 0
Steering Sensitivity: 50ClubSport Wheel Base V2
SEN 900
FF 100
SHO 100
ABS User Preference
FOR 100
SPR 100
DPR 100
BRF User Preference
In-Game Settings:
In-Game Settings:
Vibration: On
Invert Force Feedback: Off
Steering Axis Deadzone Inside: 0
Steering Axis Deadzone Outside: 100
Steering Linearity: 50
Vibration Scale: 1
Force Feedback Scale: 50Invert Force Feedback: Off
Steering Axis Deadzone Inside: 0
Steering Axis Deadzone Outside: 100
Steering Linearity: 50
Vibration Scale: 1
Centre Spring Scale: 100
Wheel Damper Scale: 0
Force Feedback Understeer: 10
Wheel Damper Scale: 0
Force Feedback Understeer: 10
Force Feedback Minimum Force: 0
Steering Sensitivity: 50ClubSport Wheel Base V2.5
SEN 900
FF 100
SHO 100
ABS User Preference
DRI -02
FOR 100
SPR 100
DPR 100
BRF User Preference
FEI 080
In-Game Settings:
Vibration: On
Invert Force Feedback: Off
Steering Axis Deadzone Inside: 0
Steering Axis Deadzone Outside: 100
Steering Linearity: 50
Vibration Scale: 1
Force Feedback Scale: 50Invert Force Feedback: Off
Steering Axis Deadzone Inside: 0
Steering Axis Deadzone Outside: 100
Steering Linearity: 50
Vibration Scale: 1
Centre Spring Scale: 100
Wheel Damper Scale: 0
Force Feedback Understeer: 10
Wheel Damper Scale: 0
Force Feedback Understeer: 10
Force Feedback Minimum Force: 0
Steering Sensitivity: 50CSL Elite Wheel Base
Tuning Menu Settings:
SEN 1080 (shown as 108 on some displays)
FF 100
SHO 100
ABS User Preference
DRI 003
FOR 100
SPR 100
DPR 100
BRF User Preference
FEI 100
SEN 1080 (shown as 108 on some displays)
FF 100
SHO 100
ABS User Preference
DRI 003
FOR 100
SPR 100
DPR 100
BRF User Preference
FEI 100
In-Game Settings:
Vibration: On
Invert Force Feedback: Off
Steering Axis Deadzone Inside: 0
Steering Axis Deadzone Outside: 100
Steering Linearity: 50
Vibration Scale: 1
Force Feedback Scale: 60Invert Force Feedback: Off
Steering Axis Deadzone Inside: 0
Steering Axis Deadzone Outside: 100
Steering Linearity: 50
Vibration Scale: 1
Centre Spring Scale: 100
Wheel Damper Scale: 0
Force Feedback Understeer: 10
Wheel Damper Scale: 0
Force Feedback Understeer: 10
Force Feedback Minimum Force: 0
Steering Sensitivity: 50CSL Elite Wheel Base V1.1 / CSL Elite Wheel Base + / CSL Elite Racing Wheel PS4™
Tuning Menu Settings:
SEN 1080 (shown as 108 on some displays)
FF 100
SHO 100
ABS User Preference
DRI -03
FOR 100
SPR 100
DPR 100
BRF User Preference
FEI 060
In-Game Settings:
SEN 1080 (shown as 108 on some displays)
FF 100
SHO 100
ABS User Preference
DRI -03
FOR 100
SPR 100
DPR 100
BRF User Preference
FEI 060
In-Game Settings:
Vibration: On
Invert Force Feedback: Off
Steering Axis Deadzone Inside: 0
Steering Axis Deadzone Outside: 100
Steering Linearity: 50
Vibration Scale: 1
Force Feedback Scale: 60Invert Force Feedback: Off
Steering Axis Deadzone Inside: 0
Steering Axis Deadzone Outside: 100
Steering Linearity: 50
Vibration Scale: 1
Centre Spring Scale: 100
Wheel Damper Scale: 0
Force Feedback Understeer: 10
Wheel Damper Scale: 0
Force Feedback Understeer: 10
Force Feedback Minimum Force: 0
Steering Sensitivity: 50
I'm having the exact same problem. FH4 also binds to "Device 1: Axis 1" immediately for me with the DD1.
Has anyone found a solution for this?
Enter in compatibility mode, search how do in your manual of the wheel.
On the display, show "Comp 2.5v" instead "PC"
Here in italian ""
Same issue here, even in COMP V2.5 Mode: every time I try to bind a key or axis it immediately detects Device 1: Axis 1
Need a solution or workaround please.
Even if the game detects DD2, you still have to switch the wheel bas to Comp V2.5 to be able to assign any controls.
Will CSL DD settings be listed here anytime soon?
no one can say something for those who own csl dd ?? i think it is the only game not fixed for this new fantec engine thanks
Here's what I've been using for FH4 on PC with my CSL DD and McLaren GT3 v2 wheel. Probably could still use some adjustment, but I don't think we're ever going to get ACC-quality FFB out of this game, so all things considered, this feels pretty decent to me:
Wheel Settings -
SEN 420
FF 100
NDP 60
NFR 25
NIN 40
FEI 70
FOR 100
SPR 100
DPR 100
In-game Settings:
Steering NORMAL
Steering Linearity 50
Vibration Scale 50
Force Feedback Scale 80
Center Spring Scale 175
Wheel Damper Scale 50
Force Feedback Understeer 10
Force Feedback Min Force 0
Steering Sensitivity 50
hi Dominic
For the tuning menu settings not listed here like INT and Linear/Peak am I to assume your recommendation is to leave those at the factory defaults the wheel was shipped with ?
thank you
Hi Michael,
Yes, these settings were posted/tested before the Tuning Menu changed to include more filters. Using the recommended settings combined with the default values for the newer filters would work fine, but of course you should experiment to find the right values for you. INT is a particularly valuable filter, and should be used in preference over FEI. In other words, you should turn INT up before considering the need to turn FEI down.
[Fanatec Community Manager]
Thanks Dominic these were a great starting point for me but after some long hours tweaking I think I've settled on a combination of settings IMO that has a very realistic driving feel both at slower speeds and at faster speeds although a bit challenging, but not unmanageable by any means
Would love for anyone to try these out and let me know your thoughts or suggestions. I'm still continuing to tweak here and there but think I've found a good balance so far.
Podium Wheel Base DD1 / Podium Racing Wheel F1® PS4™ (V2.5 Compatibility Mode)
Tuning Menu Settings:
SEN 900
FF 35
SHO 100
ABS User Preference
FOR 100
SPR 100
DPR 100
NDP 25
BRF User Preference
FEI 100
In-Game Settings:
Vibration: On
Invert Force Feedback: Off
Steering Axis Deadzone Inside: 0
Steering Axis Deadzone Outside: 100
Steering Linearity: 50
Vibration Scale: 10
Force Feedback Scale: 35
Centre Spring Scale: 135
Wheel Damper Scale: 25
Force Feedback Understeer: 100
Force Feedback Minimum Force: 50
Steering Sensitivity: 50
some updates after further tweaking:
Podium Wheel Base DD1 / Podium Racing Wheel F1® PS4™ (V2.5 Compatibility Mode)
Tuning Menu Settings:
SEN 900
FFB 40
SHO 100
ABS User Preference
FOR 100
SPR 100
DPR 100
NDP 50
BRF User Preference
FEI 100
In-Game Settings:
Vibration: On
Invert Force Feedback: Off
Steering Axis Deadzone Inside: 0
Steering Axis Deadzone Outside: 100
Steering Linearity: 50
Vibration Scale: 10
Force Feedback Scale: 50
Centre Spring Scale: 200
Wheel Damper Scale: 50
Force Feedback Understeer: 25
Force Feedback Minimum Force: 50
Steering Sensitivity: 50
Hi All
Any recommendations for settings for the CSL DD?
Thank you for your time,
Scroll up a few posts and I've posted my settings. YMMV of course, but they work well enough for me.
Thanks Gregg! I have a WRC wheel would I need to change any of the settings you listed or keep as is?
With a round (non-formula-style) wheel, you'd probably want to increase SEN to maybe 900 or 1080 since it's easier to quickly apply large amounts of rotation. Along those lines, you might want to have a look at reducing any or all of the settings for NDP, NFR, or NIN to make the wheel easier to turn.
Hi everyone... I have updated my Podium DD2 and Fanalab to the latest available versions of drivers and software (PC driver 429 / Fanalab v1.60.2) but now, when I try to use it in v2.5 compatible mode with Forza Horizon 4 both, motor basis and steering wheel (BMW M3 GT2) are no longer recognized by the program... Is there any explanation for this? Is it possible to fix it somehow?
Are you able to go into your input options in game, and remap your controls? You may need to select "custom wheel profile" (something like that, I forget exactly) and manually re-bind everything.
Many thanks, following your advice I solved the problem.
Unfortunately, now I have an even bigger problem to fix...!
After configured the game with my Fanatec Podium DD2 (in v2.5 compatible mode) thanks to your advice, now, however, every time I launch the game from Steam, during its use, after a few minutes (the time can vary and does not always happen at the same time) while I am intent on driving the screen freezes (but I hear the music keep playing) and there is no way to solve it except by closing the game itself through the use of the CTRL + ALT + DEL keys, enter the task manager and close the application.
My computer has Windows 10 Pro operating system, AMD Ryzen 9 3950X CPU, 32 Gb Ram, nVidia GeForce RTX 2070 GPU, Fanatec Podium DD2 driving system + BMW M3 GT2 steering wheel, Clubsport V3 pedal board and I play with AOC C32G1 triple screen with all drivers updated to the latest versions (for hardware and software too)... but I have freeze problems when playing this game only.
Maybe someone else has complained about my same problem and found a solution, so I ask for help from those who are more experienced than myself if ever there was a way to fix it.
I thank in advance who want to help me.
Can I ask if you are experiencing any crashing with this setup? I'm running the GT DD Pro with Boost Kit and McLaren GT3 wheel and the game crashes almost every time after a race (see post by Stefano, music keeps playing etc.), similar in Forza 5. I've tried both PC and Compatibility mode, using Fanatec Driver 4.29
I've actually uninstalled FH4 now that 5 is out, but prior to that, I didn't experience any crashing like that. (I think I was on driver 415 the last time I played 4? Maybe slightly older, I don't remember exactly.)
So far, I've only played FH5 with a controller. I don't feel like going through the headaches of crashes that people have been describing, so I figure I'll wait until the devs say they've fixed it and player reports start coming in to confirm it.
Thanks, Gregg. Maybe the issue in Forza 4 is unrelated to what's going on in 5 then.
I already clocked over 40 hours in Forza 5 on a T248 before receiving the GT DD Pro, which is why I picked up Forza 4 on Steam (had played it on GamePass with a controller back then) - but I actually only played that version a few minutes with the T248. Maybe I'll try 4 without the DD Pro to see if it still crashes, or install Forza 4 from GamePass again and try that with the DD Pro.
Hi Stefano,
I was experiencing similar problems with Forza Horizon 4 Ultimate on Steam and my GT DD Pro. After trying many of the sometimes bizarre solutions the game developers and other players suggest to prevent crashing (closing/uninstalling GHub, running as admin, etc.) I decided to download the Standard version of FH4 on Xbox Game Pass for PC. Where the Steam version crashed after almost every race, I was able to complete 3 races in a row on the Game Pass/Windows version of the game.
Since you have purchased the Steam version, like me, this obviously is not a great solution and we'll both have to wait for the developers to fix the Steam version, but maybe this will save you some troubleshooting headaches and attempts to prevent the game from crashing. By the way, if you never had Xbox Game Pass for PC, I think they're always running an offer where they give new users 3 months or so for $1, just in case you want to verify for yourself.
One last thing to note, I haven't extensively played the Game Pass version on my system yet, but after an hour of permanent crashing with the Steam game the Game Pass version ran for 30 minutes without any crashes, and I didn't even restart my computer.
Hope that helps a bit.
FWIW, my copy of FH4 was from Game Pass and like I said, I didn't experience any crashing issues with my CSL DD setup in probably 20 hours or so of play time.
Yeah, I jumped to conclusions because the behavior exists as a known issue with Fanatec wheels in Forza 5.
What really bothers me though, after looking at the Steam forums and contacting Forza Support, is how the developers of FH4 recommend all these excessive troubleshooting steps (closing or uninstalling GHub, Precision X etc.), when the issue somehow is just related to the Steam version. But that's another topic.
Here's to hoping they'll soon fix the Steam version, because I don't want to buy it on 2 platforms.
Excellent settings, especially the Linear settings makes all the difference here. Thanks for posting!