Fanatec Driver 439 (Public Release) (435-437 before) for CSL, CSW and Podium WB (all wheels)



  • Marcel PfisterMarcel Pfister Member, Administrator

    We think its related to NFR and I have a test export with a potential fix, let me know if it works for you.

    107.14 KB

    1. Open Control Panel
    2. Open Firmware Manager on the update page
    3. Choose manual update in the top right
    4. Start motor firmware update
    5. Use the 3-dots-button to browse the correct file for your base (.zip contains a file for DD1 and DD2)
    6. Flash firmware.

  • Marcel PfisterMarcel Pfister Member, Administrator

    The end stop not being there in AC is a game issue, they never implemented a good soft lock which is why they didn't put the option into the game settings. They could have used our soft lock by using the SEN AUTO function, but they didn't.

  • Marcel PfisterMarcel Pfister Member, Administrator

    Thanks, when doing so, are you on the default P DD screen with Fanatec logo or on an ITM or analysis screen?

  • Marcel PfisterMarcel Pfister Member, Administrator

    Which wheel base do you have and which FanaLab version?

    Did this issue come with a firmware update or FanaLab update? For example if you go back either with firmware of FanaLab, does it get solved and if yes with which?

  • Marcel PfisterMarcel Pfister Member, Administrator

    Hm, I think the message is always shown when booting and is no indication for the issue.

    I've tried two bases and two p1 wheels and had them on for several hours but they still worked fine after that. Also because no one else seem to have reported it so far I think this might be a hardware related issue and you should contact support by opening a ticket on the my products page in the shop when being logged in.

  • Marcel PfisterMarcel Pfister Member, Administrator

    Thanks, mostly the jolts seem to be related to the load on the chip and communication inside the base which is why we are re-building the firmware in this regard. With changes on the display and other things there seem to be random, very short hickups in the FFB communication and calculation which is why it helps most people to stay on the standard page. I agree that it is mostly noticible with very high FFB settings because it maxes out the FFB for ~1ms for no reason and then goes back to what it should perform at the moment.

  • Marcel PfisterMarcel Pfister Member, Administrator

    We've now also had the case internally while testing, the message seems to come more rare now but it can still happen. We are investigating for another fix.

  • Marcel PfisterMarcel Pfister Member, Administrator

    But we did response to many of such posts and we also tried to fix it in the last firmware, however it only seemed to have improved it slightly and did not fix it completely. because of that we are now again investigating and working on the next fix. If the message comes too often, you can go back to driver 415 where the message wasn't implemented yet.

    Sorry for the inconvinience and that it can appear that nobody responses.

  • Marcel PfisterMarcel Pfister Member, Administrator

    Sounds like a hardware issue as if the wheel looses connection to the base, I would suggest to contact support.

  • Marcel PfisterMarcel Pfister Member, Administrator

    Do you use the new damper feature of ACC?

    When it happens next time, can you turn DPR off to see if its gone?

    Does it fixes itself when you stand still and start driving again?

  • Marcel PfisterMarcel Pfister Member, Administrator

    The new driver 436 I've posted here and on the first page a couple of minutes ago has a new McLaren V2 firmware to solve the issue.

  • Hi MArcel,

    Is new firmware expected to solve the wheel keeps turning after pause issue?

  • Marcel PfisterMarcel Pfister Member, Administrator

    I remember that the rFactor 2 FFB can get very noisy the more you go back to pits and on track over and over again, even when not really driving. If this is still the case I need to contact them again, I only know this behavior from rFactor 2

  • Marcel PfisterMarcel Pfister Member, Administrator

    The no FFB thing is normal in ACC when you restart the base or start the base after the game. Instead of re-starting the game you can also go into the controls menu and hit the refresh button, then it should work again.

    However the not working shifters indeed sound like a hardware problem of the hub your shifter is connected to. I would suggest to check the cables and if nothing is obvious, contact support like Maurice suggested.

  • Marcel PfisterMarcel Pfister Member, Administrator

    I gave this a try as well and can't reproduce the issue, like suggested earlier, please contact support.

  • Marcel PfisterMarcel Pfister Member, Administrator

    Did the issue came with a specific driver?

    Does it help to go back to the driver which did not have the issue?

    What exactly do you mean with it looses 50% of FFB configuration. do the actual settings change or does it just get weaker?

    Which steering wheel do you have?

    Have you noticed if the display shows low torque or high torque when the issue happens?

  • Marcel PfisterMarcel Pfister Member, Administrator

    The thing is that it has physically exactly 900° but to prevent damage on the physical end stop there was an electric end stop added slightly before that which is why you can't (at least not as easily) turn to the full 450° on each side.

  • Marcel PfisterMarcel Pfister Member, Administrator

    which pedals?

  • Marcel PfisterMarcel Pfister Member, Administrator

    sadly not, if it did I would have written it in the change log

  • richEditor.externalEmbed.description

    thank you for your enthusiasm

    But I'm asking again what I wrote

    I listed all the settings and you said you would do a 50%/51% ffb test comparison

    I used a screen with the fanatec logo

    This happens randomly in game when you step on a collision effect or curb.

    This is similar to the shock that occurs at the [FFB] intensity of 51% or more in the fanatec software force feedback test.

    [FFB] If the strength is less than 50%, the test is very smooth.

    This happens regardless of PEAK or LINEAR

    Just 1% difference causes sharp jols and rattles. I think there is definitely a problem with this.

    I am using dd2 and using Torque Key

    I believe in fanatec. I ordered the v3 pedals, damper kit and SQ1.5 shifter yesterday....

  • richEditor.externalEmbed.description

    Exactly, it happens more often during practice session, when I go to setup and track again and again. And an occasion when I go to track from setup, it comes.

  • Hugo Santos2Hugo Santos2 Member
    edited February 2022

    Hi marcel!! answered above.

  • richEditor.externalEmbed.description

    Hi marcel!! Thank you so much for the help!! I appreciate that someone of the Fanatec team are trying to help.

    1- I´m using the last compelte driver, 434 think, from the fanatec website.

    2- This is the unique driver I install, since I have bought it in November, and installed it in December.

    3- Settings stays the same, nothing happens to the settings. What I tried to mean in that the wheel get weaker, a lot weaker, from my actual FFB configuration.

    4- I have Fanatec Podium DD bundle for Ps4/Ps5 - With the actual wheel, the F1 wheel.

    5- That I remember, it always shows me low torque.

    Yesterday night, as I related here... I changed my base from the mode "PS4/PS5" to "COMP PS4", but I only played for 30 minutes, doing stuff in online lobby, that normally would give the problem that makes the wheel/base to get a weak sense of my FFB configuration. Today, im going to play a lot more, and in the weekend too, so Ill post here what happens, If changing the mode to "COMP PS4" will help me to kill this problem.

    Please, be here to help us, and get the notice if changing the mode works for me.

    See you, and thanks again.

  • Hi!

    My Wheel: CSL DD 8NM

    My Driver: 434

    Haven't update to driver 435/436 yet because the weird NFR FFB feeling comments.

    Some quick questions about that:

    1- Is CSL DD affected by this? Test firmware looks like is for Podiumt bases right (

    2- Should I keep NFR=0 on driver 434 to prevent this issue?


  • richEditor.externalEmbed.description
    1. yes. Avoid NFR as there is no testexport Firmware available for it yet, only for Podium DD there was this testexport Firmware released today which should fix the NFR issues. Once the fixes are confirmed by the community the same fixes will be made available for CSL DD as soon as possible.
    2. also yes.
  • richEditor.externalEmbed.description

    OK, I understand better, thank you for your answer.

  • richEditor.externalEmbed.description

    Ok thanks,

    I'll stick to 434 with NFR=0 until the fix is out for CSL DD

  • Hi. I Just need a bit of clarification here. Just went got my DD2 happy for it no doubdt. but.

    • Under known issues when you say : Podium wheel base jolts can happen ....

    are we speaking of these physical like a "hammer" klongs ? can they hurt the base?

  • edited February 2022

    Yes, exactly that. Its jolts which come out of nowhere for no reason and is basically a big FFB spike for around 1ms with full strength.

    And no, they dont hurt the base.

  • richEditor.externalEmbed.description

    I would not be so sure about that. It is a force that acts on one side of the axle and can therefore damage the bearings. Like a glow ignition in the combustion engine that damages the connecting rod bearings and then it still runs, but rattles.

    I've had these "jolts" from the start on my DD1 and they accompany me in all games, AC, ACC, DR, DR 2.0, rFactor 2, Race Room Racing Experience, Automobilista 2, WRC 10, regardless of FFB strength they sometimes appear and that with the standard Fanatec logo on the screen. So it's not a fix for me.

    I'm really curious if I can get a new base if the bearings are damaged!?

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