Fanatec Driver 444 (Release Candidate) for CSL, CSW and Podium WB (all wheels)

How to report issues:
If you report a driver or firmware issue, please make cross checks:
- Update driver and FW separately to isolate an issue and find out if caused by driver OR firmware.
- Which driver OR firmware shows the issue
- Which driver OR firmware does not show the issue
- Check if you can reproduce the issue again if you go back to the version which seems to have caused the issue
- Check if the issue is related to specific settings of for example the tuning menu. Is it happening more or less with a specific setting raised or lowered?
- Post the answers gathered from the questions above + a short description of the issue including the following info:
- Wheel Base Model (product ID): ...
- Steering Wheel Model (product ID): ....
- Driver Version: ....
- Base FW Version: ....
- Motor FW Version: ....
- Wheel FW Version: ....
- FanaLab Version: ....
- Tuning Menu settings
- Driver/FanaLab installed on C: drive or else?
- With driver related issues collect log files and zip them from C:\Users\Public\Fanatec Logs
You can check the previous changelog with the following links or check the full changelog.txt from the driver zip-file.
- Previous driver 442 brought several fixes and improvements to the Podium DD, Load Cell Pedals and more.
- Changelog of driver 442:
- Previous driver 443 brought several improvements to the driver and Firmware Manager UI like a new downgrade feature for the P DD.
- Changelog of driver 443:
Changelog of driver 444 (since 443)
Firmware versions included
(Same firmware versions as in 443)
- Podium DD1 / DD2 Base:
- Podium DD1 / DD2 Motor:
- CSL DD / GT DD PRO Base:
- CSL DD / GT DD PRO Motor:
- CSW V1 Base: 691
- CSW V2 Base: 691
- CSW V2.5 Base: 691
- CSL E Base: 691
- CSL E Base PS4: 691
- CSL / CSW Motor: 22
- Podium BMW M4 GT3: 8
- Podium HUB : 6
- Podium BME: 21
- CS SW Formula V2(X), V2.5(X): 45
- CS SW RS: 3
- CS SW BMW V2: 2
- CS UH V2 / UHX V2: 1
- CS SW F1 Esports V2: 4
- CSL SW McLaren GT3 V2: 45
- CSL SW McLaren GT3: 35
- CSL UH: 3
- CS P V3: 1.35
- CSL EP LCK: 1.13
- CSL P LCK: 1.8
Control Panel
- Implemented USB Adapter (Shifter, Pedals and Handbrake Mode)
- Removed Old UI
- Implemented solution for issue with SW FW sometimes showing 0
- Fixed wrong title for Shifter Calibration screen
- Improved option to activate/deactivate rev stripe of P1/WRC
- Included new images (welcome page and banner) for driver package installer
Firmware Manager
- Included firmware update or switching modes of ClubSport USB Adapter (Shifter, Pedals and Handbrake Mode)
Fanatec Mobile App (optional)
Please use the following thread for reporting feedback or issues about the Fanatec Mobile App and to learn more about it.
- Optional part of the driver installation, still in alpha stage. Doesn't get installed by default, you have to check the box if you want to give it a try.
- When installed the App will be shown in the system tray next to the clock as a black Fanatec logo on white background.
- The main function of the application is to work as the connection between the PC/hardware and our new mobile app for Android and iOS via the same WiFi network.
- Exchanging tuning menu settings between base and Fanatec Mobile App.
- Forwarding game telemetry to the Fanatec Mobile App.
- The rest of the Mobile app features are independent of the PC side application included in the driver.
- It has a few additional functions via right click
- If FanaLab is not running it will forward telemetry data to ITM of the Button Module Endurance and P DD. The benefit of FanaLab is still the additional customization of ITM and being able to switch pages from the FanaLab UI.
Known Issues
- When entering a game menu while driving it can happen in some games that the FFB effect doesn't get canceled which results in the wheel turning to one side. (this got now fixed for the Podium DD but can still happen on the CSL DD. We will now apply the fix for the CSL DD as well)
- Natural friction can start to feel weird after some time of driving. In case you experience issues with NFR, we suggest to turn it OFF for now. (this got now fixed for the Podium DD but can still happen on the CSL DD. We will now apply the fix for the CSL DD as well)
- Some still report having steering input jumps with the Podium and CSL DD, we are working on solving it for the next version.
Compatible FanaLab Version:
This discussion has been closed.
Thank you so much Marcel!
Just tried the new update and everything is working as it should. Good job devs!
Hello Team Fanatec! 🏋️
I have three questions.
1) I can only upgrade the pedals to 444 (CSL P LCK: 1.8) without upgrading the base and steering wheel
2) Does this problem only happen in version 444? Never happened to me on the 439.
{ When entering a game menu while driving it can happen in some games that the FFB effect doesn't get canceled which results in the wheel turning to one side. (this got now fixed for the Podium DD but can still happen on the CSL DD. We will now apply the fix for the CSL DD as well) }
3) Do you already have a resolution forecast for GT DD PRO (Playstation) problems?
Thanks a lot for your amazing support. 👏👏👏
I am on driver 440 and have a CSL DD with the load cell pedals and formula v2.5 wheel - is there much need or advantage to me going with driver 444 or is it perhaps advisable to wait until there is something more significant for the CSL DD?
Thanks in advance.
Read the Changelogs from 442, 443 and 444 and judge for yourself :)
I would definitely say its worth it.
Thanks for the replies.
3) answered.
A nice weekend.
Thank you, and great timing, I will be getting my DD2 today : )
I have not had any issues with drivers on my previous Podium F1, save for random disconnects in GT7 that were investigated at the time according to Maurice.
DDPro Formula V2 and CSP v3 all updated fine from driver 440. Only thing noticed was the clutch bite point setting was lost, but other settings were restored. Thx
That's normal as CBP is no Tuning Menu setting which could be restored so it will always reset back to 100 after a Firmware Flash.
Coming across an issue when.starting the base, the wheel won't accept a button press to acknowledge the torque key.
Wheel and base is also not recognised by fanalab.
It is as if the wheelbase is not accepting any inputs.
I need to turn the wheel off and on again.
Using a DD2 and fv2 wheel.
Yes that can happen from time to time. Can happen with any Wheel, especially with Formula v2 Wheels. Reason is still unknown. But this is since forever and not new with Driver 444.
I only noticed it on driver 443.
I will do some ACC later and see if that DD2 lcd freeze on the itm readout keeps happening.
I think that may be fanalab related?
I only notice it on ACC. In AMS2, it doesnt seem to happen.
ITM freeze (most likely) would be FabaLab related but can also be Firmware related. Its being investigated.
I'm having an issue with the message "Attention enable torque" appearing after a few minutes into racing. Also the ITM freezes and a buttons on the PBME are inoperable. It happens everytime I race at this point. Is this new to the latest firmware. I have the DD2.
This sounds like a typical connection issue, especially the "Enable Torque" message is typical for a connection loss between the Steering Wheel and the Base.
As above, try the optional locking screw on the QR to eliminiate any kind of flex and make sure to not use a USB Hub.
If nothing helps then you should contact the support.
Hello!!. I see that this v444 update is more focused on the mobile app. If you don't use it, do you think it's convenient to update???!!. Thank you very much!!
This update is not more or mainly focused on the mobile app at all.
It just added the option to install the Tray App during the Driver install. That's all. No other changes regarding the app compared to driver 441 which was the only Driver with app support until now.
So yes, it is of course convenient to update also when you dont use the App.
I had that same issue with my DD1 and F1 2021 wheel where the buttons wouldn't activate high torque mode, but turning the wheel would. It would happen every other time I turned on the base and I'd have to restart it too. After updating to driver 443 that has stopped happening completely and the buttons always work to enable high torque now. I haven't updated to 444 so I don't have experience with it on this driver.
Hopefully that's useful info that can maybe help you guys with figuring out the cause.
Forgiveness!!. I accidentally repeated the message!!!.. Thanks Maurice for the answer!! ;)
Hello everyone!!! Help!!! The DD1 base driver was 439, the electricity was turned off during the update, now I turn on the base, the steering wheel is on the right and the fan is constantly running, and nothing happens...
Ouch. An electricity cut during a FIrmware update is very bad...
At which state did the electricity cut happened? Did it happened during Motor Firmware or Base Firmware Update? Thats very important for the next recovery steps, which are btw explained in the PDF file you can open by clicking on the blue text in the Driver. Because a base firmware update can be forced by pressing the power button for 10 seconds to start the base even if the base is not recognized by the driver (but plugged into the PC). This is very helpful for recovering the base, but the correct driver needs to be installed so the right base firmware which will match the current motor firmware of the base gets flashed.
Wow!!! Thank you very much!!!! Should I update the database and engine?
Ah good, its resurrected :)
You can now proceed with the regular Firmware update by opening the Firmware Manager and click the green update Button. It will update everything automatically in the correct order (1st Motor, 2nd Base, 3rd Wheels).
I updated everything, now when starting the steering wheel looks to the right, and writes: CAL in menu press dpad and XBOX
then do what it tells you to do... press Dpad and Xbox Button while being in the Tuning Menu or click the Calibrate button in the Driver (of course with the wheel centered as that the wheel center CALibration )........... Also all explained in the Manuals :)
That's it! It worked! Thank you again very much!!! I wish you health and prosperity!)