Fanatec Driver 447 (Prev. Official Release) (Prev. 445-446) for CSL, CSW and Podium WB (all wheels)

How to report issues:
If you report a driver or firmware issue, please make cross checks:
- Update driver and FW separately to isolate an issue and find out if caused by driver OR firmware.
- Which driver OR firmware shows the issue
- Which driver OR firmware does not show the issue
- Check if you can reproduce the issue again if you go back to the version which seems to have caused the issue
- Check if the issue is related to specific settings of for example the tuning menu. Is it happening more or less with a specific setting raised or lowered?
- Post the answers gathered from the questions above + a short description of the issue including the following info:
- Wheel Base Model (product ID): ...
- Steering Wheel Model (product ID): ....
- Driver Version: ....
- Base FW Version: ....
- Motor FW Version: ....
- Wheel FW Version: ....
- FanaLab Version: ....
- Tuning Menu settings
- Driver/FanaLab installed on C: drive or else?
- With driver related issues collect log files and zip them from C:\Users\Public\Fanatec Logs
You can check the previous changelog with the following links or check the full changelog.txt from the driver zip-file.
- Previous driver 442 brought several fixes and improvements to the Podium DD, Load Cell Pedals and more.
- Changelog of driver 442:
- Previous driver 443 brought several improvements to the driver and Firmware Manager UI like a new downgrade feature for the P DD.
- Changelog of driver 443:
Changelog of driver 446 (since 444 incl. hotfix changes since 445)
Firmware versions included
(Same firmware versions as in 443 and 444)
- Podium DD1 / DD2 Base:
- Podium DD1 / DD2 Motor:
- CSL DD / GT DD PRO Base:
- CSL DD / GT DD PRO Motor:
- CSW V1 Base: 691
- CSW V2 Base: 691
- CSW V2.5 Base: 691
- CSL E Base: 691
- CSL E Base PS4: 691
- CSL / CSW Motor: 22
- Podium BMW M4 GT3: 8
- Podium HUB : 6
- Podium BME: 21
- CS SW Formula V2(X), V2.5(X): 45
- CS SW RS: 3
- CS SW BMW V2: 2
- CS UH V2 / UHX V2: 1
- CS SW F1 Esports V2: 4
- CSL SW McLaren GT3 V2: 45
- CSL SW McLaren GT3: 35
- CSL UH: 3
- CS P V3: 1.35
- CSL EP LCK: 1.13
- CSL P LCK: 1.8
Control Panel
- Fixed some Tuning Menu values getting transferred to Auto Setup when switching from Advanced Tuning Menu Mode to Standard Mode.
- Added button to reset auto calibration of pedal inputs.
- Made it easier to switch USB Adapter Modes by directly opening the firmware update window instead of just the Firmware Manager.
446 hotfix changes:
- Fixed buttons "Mouse Emulation" and "Steering Wheel" in SW page getting stuck after page change/close/reopen.
- Fixed Mouse Emulation toggle switch where it fails to work after page change.
- Fixed not working driver update notification by updating to new communication protocol.
- Improved Pedal Calibration UI
Fanatec Mobile App (optional)
Please use the following thread for reporting feedback or issues about the Fanatec Mobile App and to learn more about it.
Optional part of the driver installation, still in alpha stage. Doesn't get installed by default, you have to check the box if you want to give it a try.
- Exchanging tuning menu settings between base and Fanatec Mobile App.
- Forwarding game telemetry to the Fanatec Mobile App.
- The rest of the Mobile app features are independent of the PC side application included in the driver.
- When installed the App will be shown in the system tray next to the clock as a black Fanatec logo on white background.
- The main function of the application is to work as the connection between the PC/hardware and our new mobile app for Android and iOS via the same WiFi network.
- It has a few additional functions via right click
- If FanaLab is not running it will forward telemetry data to ITM of the Button Module Endurance and P DD. The benefit of FanaLab is still the additional customization of ITM and being able to switch pages from the FanaLab UI.
Known Issues
- When entering a game menu while driving it can happen in some games that the FFB effect doesn't get canceled which results in the wheel turning to one side. (this got now fixed for the Podium DD but can still happen on the CSL DD. We will now apply the fix for the CSL DD as well)
- Natural friction can start to feel weird after some time of driving. In case you experience issues with NFR, we suggest to turn it OFF for now. (this got now fixed for the Podium DD but can still happen on the CSL DD. We will now apply the fix for the CSL DD as well)
- Some still report having steering input jumps with the Podium and CSL DD, we are working on solving it for the next version.
- Driver Update notification is not working anymore, also with older drivers. We have to update how the driver checks the version number and will provide a hotfix driver 446 soon.
- With some games using SEN AUTO it can happen that after closing the game, SEN AUTO is not set back to default. For example after closing F1 22 it can happen that the steering angle is still limited to 360. This can be worked around by using SEN 1080 in a game launched afterwards.
Compatible FanaLab Version
The driver is will soon also be available on until overwritten by a new public release driver version.
Thanks, just a headsup that waiting for next CSL DD firmware that fixes the jolts that are happening. Also would like to be able to dial in a little friction.
I there any reason not to use 100% FFB in driver and game and just dial per car the FFB to not to clip (ACC). I really like the feeling or just placebo?
I seem to enjoy per car rotation angle as the generic 1080 seems more “floaty” and not as precise.
There is no reason to not use 100% FFB in driver for a CSL DD. In fact, I would highly recommend to use 100% FFB strength in the driver and then adjust FFB strength in game to not cause clipping (which means in game gain below 70 for ACC for example).
When setup correctly (1080 on the wheel and 1080 in the game) the sateering is 1:1 with the in game steering wheel and not more or less floaty. Only benefit of per car rotation is that you get a proper lock at the end of the sensitivity range because Kunos did not implemented an automatic soft lock feature into ACC. Downside is that you need to adjust the SEN value on the wheel and also in game then when changing in game car. Feeling is otherwise the same.
100 in driver for sure but now tried also in game at 100 and adjust via binding each car FFB separately.
Good Morning,
I've been practicing Dallara LMP2 at Belle Isle this week and a few times now I've found that if I miss my turn and run into the off lane where I can then go into reverse gear to back onto the track and then resume my lap the wheel gets very very stiff and hard to turn. If I exit car back to pits the stiff feeling remains and I have to turn off / turn on the base to reset the feeling. At first I was wondering if I picked up rubber from the off track and it was simulating the dirty tires but resetting the car didn't resolve the issue so I was wondering if it was a bug when kicking the car into reverse gear that it caused an issue with the force feedback and wanted to see if anyone had a similar issue using reverse gear?
Podium DD2
Formula V2.5 X
Driver 445
Fanalab 1.66
Maurice's Dallara LMP2 Profile
Do you use my profile with exactly my settings or did you maybe changed DPR value to something which is not off? In the past such a Feeling could be caused by the DPR channel, therefore all my profiles dont use DPR so the issue should not happen with them.
Thanks for the quick response. I used your settings exactly only change I made was turning off the ITM option. As a double check I will recheck the DPR setting and advise.
DPR is off:
I use Maurice's profiles and I have exactly the same feeling when I use the reverse gear. When I go back to the track normally the steering is abnormally stiff. I also have to turn off the base to reset the FFB. Reloading a new preset does not work.
I don't change anything in Maurice's profile.
I just tested reverse gear and can not reproduce this issue at all.
What in game Damping setting are you using? The in game Damping works even when the DPR is set to OFF on the wheel and the in game damping can let the wheel feel heavy. Should be set to 0%.
Hello support,
I'm going to try it for 3rd time. No feedback before...
please, could you give me advice about this? My CSL DD with McL V2 wheel was running properly on 434 driver, when I've tried to update 439 driver I'm getting "USB Disconnected" error (error is shown on the wheel display after start - whell base make "start procedure" - wheel is turning around and when it should display fw versions on display, it shows USB disconnected). I've tried to update 445 driver now with same result. What I've recognized, issue is happening after update of wheel base firmware update. Interesting is, when the wheel base firmware is updated, I see immediately "USB Disconnected" on the wheel. Even if I've got this error after wheel base firmware update and automatic update is continuing to steering wheel update, steering wheel is updated successfully.
This issue is causing that the FFB test in Fanatec driver app is not working and ffb in games is not working also. All buttons on the steering wheel and pedals connected to the wheel are working properly.
I will be really happy to install newer drivers and firmware than 434. Thank you!
What I've tried:
Wheel base motor FW:
Wheel base FW:
Mcl V2: 45
Did you tried a different USB cable? It sounds like its either a broken USB cable or a broken USB port on the Base itself, which would mean you need to contact the support (hint: this here is not the support).
See attached in game settings and here is a listing of my forcefeed back from app.ini
[Force Feedback]
allowXBoxOneOnWindows10=1 ; Set to 1 to talk to xbox one game pads on windows 10, warning the driver is buggy
alwaysRestartFX=0 ; Always restart force when updating it, set to true if wheel goes limp after a while
calibUsingRawData=0 ; Use raw joystick position over windows calibration data when detecting new joysticks
centerSpringPct=-1 ; Percent (0-100) of static centering spring force to apply, -1 is off. Not reccomended for use.
damperMode=0 ; Set damper effect type 0 = Damper 1 = Inertia 2 = Friction
damperSaturation=10000 ; Set damper saturation from 0 to 10000
dampingSliderSetsFriction=1 ; True if damping slider adjust friction effect, false to adjust wheels built in damping effect
debounceSeq_Ms=80 ; Add delay in Milliseconds to sequential shifter to reduce double shifts
disableAutoCenter=1 ; Turn auto center off on all force feedback devices
displayLinearInNm=1 ; Display the force level in peak Nm when using the linear mode
enableHotPlug=1 ; Set to 0 to turn off usb hot plugging in case you have usb disconnect issues
enableWheelDisplay=0 ; Enable the use of steering wheel displays
enableWheelDisplayBlink=1 ; Enable the display lights to blink when at the rev limit
FFBUseForceLimiter=1 ; 1 - limit force of impacts and oscillations
FFBUseSimpleMinForce=0 ; 0 - Use smoothed min force, 1 - use old sharp min force
forceNoiseSuppression=0 ; Remove noisy joystick axis, even if they are calibrated by hand
forceResetBeforeStartup=0 ; Force a reset of the whole FFB system every time we create or destroy a FFB effect
initOnlyNewDevices=1 ; Set to 0 to force all devices to reinitialize when a device change is detected
invertFFBForce=0 ; Reverse the force feedback effects, if your wheel is spinning the wrong way
joyEnableVibrateAllXInputWithPedal=0 ; Vibrate all XInput devies when pedals vibrate, or just the one used to steer
joyEnableVibratePedal=0 ; Enable physics based vibrations in some pedals
joyEnableVibrateThrottleWithPedal=1 ; Enables throttle vibration when brake pedals vibrate
joyEnableVibrateWheelWithPedal=1 ; Enables wheel vibration when pedals vibrate
joyVibratePedalMaxPct=90 ; Maximum threshold of lockup when pedal vibrates at 100%.
joyVibratePedalMinPct=10 ; Minimum threshold of lockup before pedal starts to vibrate.
reinitFanatecWheelDisplay=0 ; reinitialize the fanatec wheel display when reconnecting devices this may cause issues
resetWhenFFBLost=1 ; Attempt to reset device when force feedback interrupted by SteamVR or another application, may cause a momentary loss in steering
seperateXBox360Triggers=1 ; Set to 1 to seperate the XBox 360 joystick triggers into there own axes
steerAverageSteeringTorque=0 ; True averages 360 Hz data down to 60 Hz, false uses last sample
steeringBumpStop_Deg=180.000000 ; degrees into bump stop before max force
steeringDampingFactor=0.050000 ; Damping factor adjust down if damping becomes unstable, defautlt to 0.05
steeringDampingMaxPercent=0.000000 ; Maximum amount of damping to apply, adjust this to set damping level, values between 0.05 and 0.2 are best, overriden by damping slider
steeringDampingParkedMaxPercent=0.200000 ; Maximum amount of damping to apply when parked, adjust this to reduce wheel oscilation when parked, values between 0.05 and 0.30 are best
steeringFFBSmooth=1.000000 ; Percent of current FFB force to use vs average force, 1.0 = no average 0.001 = max average
steeringForceParkedPct=0.500000 ; Reduce FFB force by percent when parked, to help reduce oscilations
I also notice the stiffness, I did not correlate it to reverse, more to post impact cases. Will check if reverse also triggers the effect. Had it a couple of times during a race. Not so funny, feels like to former bug related to the nfr/ndp. Restart of base fixes it, however during a race that's quite challenging. I can confirm it's there and occurring once every 6-7 hours of racing in my case.
F3.5/F1 - Iracing - DD1, Driver version n-1
I end up resetting the base during a pit stop but interesting you see if after an impact. I also noticed it after some oscillations.
I am experiencing momentarily FFB lost in game on my CSL DD using driver 442, 443 and 444. It does look like the steering input jump issue as described in the change log. Do you need a video capture of the issue to help with your investigation?
If it looks like this, then it's the steering input jump issue, yes.
However, the steering input jump issue means you get a sudden big heavy Jolt, so quite the opposite of a FFB loss.
FFB losses in general are caused by usage of USB Hubs or bad connections (either bad USB connection or bad connection between the wheel and the base).
Can anyone tell me why would I update? I got a brand new replacement DD2 wheelbase on August 15th, 2022. I got driver 439 from the website and it updated and everything is working fine. My first DD2 I recieved on July 26th, 2022 worked for one day and then I got "Update Mode: Wireless Quick Release" error and had to send it back. So, if everything is working good on the new one is there a reason to ever update it? The only games I'm playing are Forza on X-box one.
If you're happy with the way things are for you currently, then no need to upgrade. If it ain't broke...
Hey Maurice just came to report the frightening jolt we’ve seen reported on iracing. I don’t have video of it but it was a horrendous jolt to the left for a split fraction of a second. I’ve been using your recommended Fanalab profiles for the MX5 on driver 443 on the Podium F1. Also sometimes when you restart the base the ‘torque key enabled’ message doesn’t go away when clicking the ok button, I have to restart the base again to get it to work.
Anyway I’m really enjoying your profiles, they’re top notch. But I wanted to ask you if I should reduce the ffb on the base from 100% down to 70 or something (80 x 1.25 = 100) because I fear a jolt like that if happens again could maybe snap the pins off my steering wheels QR? I live in Asia and support will not be easy if the worst happens so Id really appreciate your input on this. Thanks in advance and have a great weekend ahead.
A Jolt could not harm the pins, No need to lower the FFB strength.
Because the new Driver (or more the new included Firmware) is a Gamechanger and more or less completely transforms the Podium DD into a whole new device.
I've had the same problem of Raymond with the quick release issue and at the moment i have just received my repaired DD1 from Fanatec. that work perfectly with Driver 439.
I'm interested in this update but I've never known what have caused the problem with the quick release, nobody in Fanatec has explained it on the official channels or by email so I understand the fear of Raymond (is my same fear) to update a product that it works with the risk to brick the Podium again.
Can we have more details about what have caused the QR issue? A previous Update maybe?
Ok, I Have received my product repaired but in this case there were a big loss o comunication about the causes.
Thank you very much
WQR issues are a sleeping hardware issue of the WQR module and can get triggered after a base Firmware update.
Nobody can tell if one base is affected or not, as its a "sleeping" issue.
This can btw happen with EVERY Base Firmware update for every old driver as well and is nothing special to the newest Drivers which MASSIVELY imrpove the FFB.
Imo its worth to give the update a try as the risk is extremely minimal.
Thank you Maurice, I have appreciated your answer but on an Hardware of € 1.500 we can't have any "sleeping" issues due to the updates...I had for years wheel of the low and medium range and i have never had this kind of my opinion a software problem must be solved with a software solution not with the assistance that required a shippment of the product and the huge waste of time and energies that this required.
Moreover if the product is not in warranty we have to pay to repair a problem due to a productor update?? This is crazy.
BTW i'll wait for the update and i''ll surf the internet to undestand if are there any sleeping issue with this 465 driver.
have a good day
As said, there is no sleeping issue with this Driver 445 as its not a software problem so there cant be a software solution. Its a sleeping hardware issue which can be triggered with every FIrmware Update - from past Drivers and future Drivers as there is nothing which can be done to prevent this.
You can fix the hardware in order to avoid the problem....or give a life assurance for the product for example fot his kind of problems..are there many things to do.
I know only one thing...if the problem came back i'll buy another wheel base...i repeat, a normal person can't spend € 1.500 for the wheel base and € 800 for the rim and have the fear to update the product.
Do you ever had written what you have just said in the site or in the prodcut page? Probably if i had known this problem i would buy another product and i think that is the reason about "fanatec's silence" about this issue.
Sorry for that but it is my opinion...the opinion of a dissatisfied customer.
This is not just a problem for fanatec, these problems affect all brands that update regularly and add new functions. I have already had this kind of problem with other products than Fanatec, in particular on a popcorn hour at more than 350 €, which after an update with new functions revealed a hardware problem on standby.
unfortunately there is a luck factor
fanatec guarantees DD1 for 3 years, for example simucube guarantees 2 years. I think you can do the updates without worries
would it be possible to get the maximum range of assetto corsa 1180° in the the csl dd driver ? only 1170 or 1260 can bet set !
thank you !
446 hotfix available
Was mainly done because the communication protocol used to check the version number and get the download link for the new driver was not working anymore and we had to update the driver to support a new communication protocol. Some other smaller fixes were ready as well, so we've included them.
Updated first post as well. Will be uploaded to as well soon. Sadly we can't workaround the issue that drivers before 446 won't get driver update notifications anymore.
Above 1080 its only possible to increase in 90° steps, so no.