F1 22 (PC) - Fanatec Recommended Settings

in F1 20xx
General Notes:
- The settings below are considered to be reasonable baseline values for F1 22 (PC). They might not suit all tastes and driving styles, but they are a good starting point.
- In order to apply the suggested settings correctly, it is important to assign both the Tuning Menu values AND the suggested In-Game settings together.
- These settings assume you have updated all firmware from the latest Fanatec Driver package (available on the front page of the Fanatec website).
- If you cannot access all the settings shown below, you are probably in the Standard Tuning Menu. To switch to the Advanced Tuning Menu, first enter the menu (short-press the Tuning button once), then press and hold the Tuning button for about four seconds.
- You may see additional Tuning Menu settings depending on your connected devices. These additional settings are not relevant to force feedback, and are not listed here.
- The settings for the CSL DD / Gran Turismo DD Pro are suitable for 5 Nm and 8 Nm (Boost Kit 180).
- The settings for the Podium Wheel Bases assume you are in High Torque Mode. In Low Torque Mode, the same settings can be used, but with a higher FF value.
CSL DD / Gran Turismo DD Pro
Tuning Menu Settings:
- SEN Auto
- FF 100
- FFS Peak
- NDP 30
- NFR 5
- NIN Off
- INT 3
- FEI 100
- FOR 100
- SPR 100
- DPR 100
In-Game Settings:
- Vibration and Force Feedback: On
- Vibration & Force Feedback Strength: 75
- On Track Effects: 10
- Rumble Strip Effects: 25
- Off Track Effects 25
- Wheel Damper: 1
- Understeer Enhance: Off
- Maximum Rotation (F1 & F2): 360
- Maximum Rotation (Supercars): 900
Podium Wheel Base DD1 / DD2 / Podium Racing Wheel F1
- SEN Auto
- FF 45
- FFS Peak
- NDP 15
- NFR Off
- NIN Off
- INT 3
- FEI 100
- FOR 100
- SPR 100
- DPR 100
In-Game Settings:
- Vibration and Force Feedback: On
- Vibration & Force Feedback Strength: 60
- On Track Effects: 10
- Rumble Strip Effects: 25
- Off Track Effects 25
- Wheel Damper: 1
- Understeer Enhance: Off
- Maximum Rotation (F1 & F2): 360
- Maximum Rotation (Supercars): 900
ClubSport Wheel Base V2.5
- SEN Auto
- FF 100
- DRI -02
- FOR 100
- SPR 100
- DPR 100
- FEI 80
In-Game Settings:
- Vibration and Force Feedback: On
- Vibration & Force Feedback Strength: 75
- On Track Effects: 10
- Rumble Strip Effects: 25
- Off Track Effects 25
- Wheel Damper: 1
- Understeer Enhance: Off
- Maximum Rotation (F1 & F2): 360
- Maximum Rotation (Supercars): 900
ClubSport Wheel Base V2
- SEN Auto
- FF 100
- DRI 005
- FOR 100
- SPR 100
- DPR 100
In-Game Settings:
- Vibration and Force Feedback: On
- Vibration & Force Feedback Strength: 75
- On Track Effects: 10
- Rumble Strip Effects: 25
- Off Track Effects 25
- Wheel Damper: 1
- Understeer Enhance: Off
- Maximum Rotation (F1 & F2): 360
- Maximum Rotation (Supercars): 900
CSL Elite Wheel Base V1.1 / CSL Elite Wheel Base +
- SEN Auto
- FF 100
- DRI -02
- FOR 100
- SPR 100
- DPR 100
- FEI 60
In-Game Settings:
- Vibration and Force Feedback: On
- Vibration & Force Feedback Strength: 75
- On Track Effects: 10
- Rumble Strip Effects: 25
- Off Track Effects 25
- Wheel Damper: 1
- Understeer Enhance: Off
- Maximum Rotation (F1 & F2): 360
- Maximum Rotation (Supercars): 900
CSL Elite Wheel Base (V1)
- SEN Auto
- FF 100
- DRI 005
- FOR 100
- SPR 100
- DPR 100
In-Game Settings:
- Vibration and Force Feedback: On
- Vibration & Force Feedback Strength: 75
- On Track Effects: 10
- Rumble Strip Effects: 25
- Off Track Effects 25
- Wheel Damper: 1
- Understeer Enhance: Off
- Maximum Rotation (F1 & F2): 360
- Maximum Rotation (Supercars): 900
I was under the impression, due to what Maurice has posted on this page:
that using SEN Auto is not recommended with the current drivers (and hasn't been for some time now, it seems). Are we to take this as confirmation that the issue has been fixed (or soon will be, in a pending driver release)? Or do the recommended settings you've posted not take this issue into account?
This is a bug I've never had and I struggle to understand.
Basically if you use a SEN = AUTO profile, when you quit the game, go back to the Windows desktop, and load another game, the rotation of the wheel remains affected by the previous game.
How is it possible?
When you change your game, don't you necessarily have to change the profile of the steering wheel?
Fanalab for example does it autonomously, those who do not use Fanalab just have to move the setup number on the steering wheel.
But shouldn't each loaded profile necessarily overwrite the profile previously stored in the wheelbase?
I have never noticed this problem.
I use SEN equal to the rotation value imposed by the game.
If the game says AUTO I also set AUTO on the steering wheel. If the game wants a number, I set the same number on the wheel. For example 1080 = 1080, 900 = 900, 540 = 540, 360 = 360 and AUTO = AUTO. Each time I change the game, the profile sets the degrees of rotation that I think are right for that game and overwrites the profile of the previous game.
It's incorrect?
Hi Gregg, the recommendation is specific to F1 22, and there is no issue with using SEN Auto on the PC version of this game. The issue with SEN Auto relates to the communication of a SEN value when switching to another game while staying on SEN Auto. Using the recommended settings for the next game automatically works around the issue. The issue will be addressed with an SDK fix in the near future, which developers will then need to implement into their games.
[Fanatec Community Manager]
I'm not sure I completely understand. You say, "using the recommended settings for the next game automatically works around the issue". The recommended settings for Raceroom and rFactor2, for example, both utilize SEN Auto. So is there no problem switching between games that use SEN Auto?
I'm confused as to the best course of action here. For someone like myself who plays multiple different sims (some of which use SEN Auto and some which do not), should I be going through my saved custom Fanalab profiles and replacing SEN Auto with something else e.g. 1080 or 900 just to ensure everything works as expected?
I am using the settings outlined above for the CSL DD / Gran Turismo DD Pro on PC and I am finding an aweful "clunk" or very sharp impact noise or shall we say "crack" coming from the base when I collide with another car or barrier.. its quite disconcerting as it almost sounds like something that could cause the base to break.. its a loud, sharp "crack" sound. Is there a setting to get rid of this please?
It's an issue of rhe game, introduced with latest Patch 1.10. Codemasters is aware and will fix it soon. In the meantime as a workaround you can set On Track and Off Track effects to 0 which will workaround the issue until Codemasters fixed it properly with a new game Patch.
Thank you for the quick reply.. I will do as you suggest.
the fix seems available : https://twitter.com/formula1game/status/1570444132275068929?s=46&t=UJGIHvO8lkSZWtGLpsYWQA
HI all, Having trouble with this game on my new PC. I have a CSL DD base and clubsport F1 V2.5 wheel (and pedals).
Switched from Xbox so have updated my drivers for the first time and tested FFB in Fanatec Hub and everything checks out and is working on tests.
In the game, everything else (lights, controls) is working well but no FFB at all.
Any ideas on how to tweak/fix?
Can we get some clarification on this please?
I've been playing some F1 2022, and had my settings in-game and on the wheelbase (CSL DD) at SEN 360. I then switched to play some AMS2, with the recommended setting of SEN AUTO.
Upon doing so, in the control panel, the image of the wheel is showing that it's rotating through 1080 degrees, but on the actual wheel itself, I'm only getting 360 degrees lock to lock.
Doesn't matter what I do, I can't get the CP to line up with the actual physical wheel anymore when SEN AUTO is active. Seems like the only way around it is to deliberately set the desired degrees. But this is obviously less than ideal when switching between cars with different amounts of steering lock.
Any idea how I can use SEN AUTO again and have the wheel's rotation actually match what's shown in the CP?
You have to reset your Tuning Menu by pressing the Tuning Menu Button for 10 seconds.
You also have to uninstall the driver, wipe the registry, restart the PC and then reinstall the driver and restart the PC again.
Then you need to hope that SEN AUTO is back to working normal again.
Otherwise there is nothing you can do to prevent this issue until Codemasters implemented the new Fanatec SDK which was provided to them back in September, which they unfortunately still did not implemented yet and tbh I dont know if they will ever do it for F1 22 when they already start advertising for F1 23...
In general it's best to avoid SEN AUTO anyway, AMS2 is not using that feature so no real need to use AUTO in that game, just use 1080 and you are good to go.
This is really frustrating. I purposely had avoided using SEN AUTO in F1 22 because I was worried something like this would happen.
So if I understand correctly, it sounds like what must have happened was, I was using SEN AUTO in AMS2 and then followed that by playing F1 22 where SEN was set to 360. The next game I played was AMS2 again, and now the SEN AUTO setting has become "stuck" at 360, and is now permanently stuck there, unless I perform the steps you've indicated above (which, tbh, I'm not exactly sure what "wiping the registry" entails).
I've played lots of other games that don't use SEN AUTO before and after playing AMS2, and I've never experienced this problem before. Is this specific to F1 22?
Yes. That's specific to F1 22 and up to Codemasters to fix by implementing latest Fanatec SDK, which they didnt yet even though they have it since half a year...
Ugh. I knew I should have avoided this game. Thanks Maurice. You mentioned wiping the registry... can you give me some guidance on how exactly to do that? I'm not really sure what I'm looking for (I tend to avoid mucking around in the registry for fear of messing something up).
Hello Maurice... your preset settings are different from the settings suggested by FANATEC in some points.
I would like to learn more about this to try to adjust according to my use, but I don't know exactly what these values represent in practice.
Could you explain what these changes are about:
- Linear FFS (in
FANATEC suggestion would be Peak)
- NDP 20 (in
FANATEC suggestion would be 15%)
- INT 5 (at
FANATEC's suggestion would be 3)
- FEI 100 (in
FANATEC suggestion would be 80%)
- SPR OFF (on
FANATEC suggestion would be 100%)
- DPR OFF (on
FANATEC suggestion would be 100%)
Thanks in advance for any help.
Hello Maurice... your preset settings are different from the settings suggested by FANATEC in some points.
I would like to learn more about this to try to adjust according to my use, but I don't know exactly what these values represent in practice.
Could you explain what these changes are about:
- Linear FFS (in
FANATEC suggestion would be Peak)
- NDP 20 (in
FANATEC suggestion would be 15%)
- INT 5 (at
FANATEC's suggestion would be 3)
- FEI 100 (in
FANATEC suggestion would be 80%)
- SPR OFF (on
FANATEC suggestion would be 100%)
- DPR OFF (on
FANATEC suggestion would be 100%)
Thanks in advance for any help.
Anyone seeing anything to update in these settings with F1 23? If you got early release. Thanks.