Steering wheel angle in sim

in RaceRoom
Currently when driving in Raceroom with my CSL DD (8nm) I do not get the same angle as in my rig. Let's say I turn my wheel 90° the wheel in the car is only turning 60°. Any ideas show to fix that?
This has been tested at Swedish tracks and in the Porsche GT3
Thanks in advance!
by default i not really care about game animation self, but looked like at one random car what i tested you need manually set the steering wheel to 180 if you want match the game animation self
i just uninstalled that game as i figured out that i cant play anymore even a leaderboard as free, soo cant really help you about the porsche gt3
you know what is best about this? i just won myself over 50GB hdd space
From the Graphics - Advanced - Steering Animation menu select "Match Setup".
On the steering wheel select "SEN=AUTO" to get the real rotation for each car.
However, if from the Graphics - Advanced - Animated Driver menu you also select "Wheel & Hands" the graphic rotation of the steering wheel will stop at 180° on each side so as not to cross the arms of the virtual driver. I select "Wheel Only".
Thanks for the feedback, maybe I should have been more clear but it is also the feeling from driving that I dont get the right car reaction.
Thank you! I will certainly try this.