A New Product - 7-6-5-4-3-2-1

edited August 2014 in Blog


  • Pedals??? wheel base??  :-O @-)
  • Think it is the new Direct base...a high end Clubsport base?? tell us Thomas..is it??ready to ordre at any time ;) With a base like that and the Hub + all the new wheels....Fanatec will..with no doubt..be the top supplier for us Simracers :)
  • edited August 2014
    Motion setup for Rennsport cockpit?  :x comming 7 September?
  • Think it is the new Direct base...a high end Clubsport base?? tell us Thomas..is it??ready to ordre at any time ;) With a base like that and the Hub + all the new wheels....Fanatec will..with no doubt..be the top supplier for us Simracers :)
    Absolutely agree it has to be the new base unit - this will be heaven  :D
  • Think it is the new Direct base...a high end Clubsport base?? tell us Thomas..is it??ready to ordre at any time ;) With a base like that and the Hub + all the new wheels....Fanatec will..with no doubt..be the top supplier for us Simracers :)

    I am none too happy with Fanatec at the moment I also found they do not offer a way to cancel a Pre-Order which I think is required by law here in the US. If this is a new base and Thomas wants to give me one I'll take it. I have spent $2800.00 with Fanatec since being a customer but No More.
  • It must be a wheel for the xbox one because it has leather for the rim and since the cs hub is designed for ps although it is technically possible for the cs hub to work on all their wheel bases.
  • I am none too happy with Fanatec at the moment I also found they do not offer a way to cancel a Pre-Order which I think is required by law here in the US. If this is a new base and Thomas wants to give me one I'll take it. I have spent $2800.00 with Fanatec since being a customer but No More.

    Have you e-mailed them saying you want to cancel your preorder? Did they answer no? Not having cancel button doesn't necessarily mean you can not cancel it.
  • Orders can be canceled at any time before the shipment is out so no need to rush ;)
  • Hoffe es ist ne neue Wheel Base für die PS4!!

    Die Hoffnung stirbt zuletzt!!
  • Hope it is a new direct drive wheel! :)
  • Guiot ClementGuiot Clement Member
    edited August 2014

    Its been 3 months I'm down with my clubsport, I contacted suport several times and again Monday.
    I have no answers. The support still exist?
  • Ich hoffe auch auf ein neues Konsolenlenkrad. Wenn es eine neue Sim-Base wäre, warum sollte Fanatec dann den Stoff besonders hervorheben. Will einfach Forza mit Lenkrad fahren und nicht auf Thrustmaster zurückgreifen. Bin mal gespannt.
  • Orders can be canceled at any time before the shipment is out so no need to rush ;)

    This is not the case I emailed the US webshop with interest in cancelling my order for a GT Wheel rim the webshop never responded with regards to that order and a few days later I re-contacted them that I basically when I ordered it had every intent on receiving the item and cancelling was not what I really wanted to do however I did try to see if I could cancel my order through the purchasing system on your site and there is no option for that. Also the fact the wheel rims don't have serial numbers makes it basically impossible to create a support ticket on items without serial numbers.

    I am none too happy with the GT Rim and the fact the seam is only glued and not stitched and evidence right out of the box that there is a good chance the seam will fray and start to come apart. Along with the fact the suede bleeds and turns your hands black. It's ridiculous that even an Item like this can be of substandard quality that has no moving parts or electronics. If you by chance saw the wooden Alfa Romeo Rim I put together with the Uni Hub That rim was $80 and $10 for the Alfa Wheel Badge shipped still $25 less than the GT rim and is of better quality.

    The CS USB adapter I purchased is now useless since the new drivers and FW's have created an adverse effect to the FFB on a good portion of my older gMotor2 games. I need the adapter  to map my Shifter to those games that were limited to only mapping 16 buttons.

    For the most part Customer Service has been pretty good with replacing or repairing defective items that I have purchased which is more than half of the items I have purchased from fanatic and I consider myself to be one who is easy on their equipment. My 1st CSS Sq failed in two months my first CSWB failed in about 7 mos. my 2nd wheel base had to be RMA'd for repair in less than a year and I was suspecting issues with the base in less than 3mos. after the repair. Knowing that my base is out of warranty I offered to purchase the items it would take to rebuild the base with no reply from Customer Service or the Web Shop. Even after you Thomas stated that you would be offering a replacement parts service for your out of warranty products or an extended service plan that has never been available to US customers.

    How can I purchase anymore of your products with a sound mind knowing your Chinese partners would even find a way to make a Kollmorgen(top of the line servo motor) fail.

    Your mechanical designs are the best in the mass wheel market industry and your products have the most curb appeal however fall short electronically and durability. I have spent a lot of money with your company and I can't see myself doing anymore of it with a sound mind. It's sad because while I have never been the perfect customer I feel I have done a bit to promote your products. How can I talk others into buying your gear when there is a good chance that will come back on me with the failure rate of your goods. I have no plans to start a crusade against Fanatec on the internet and am only voicing these things here since this is somewhat closed forum.

    I still wish you success however I cannot continue with sound mind.

  • Ich hoffe auch auf ein neues Konsolenlenkrad. Wenn es eine neue Sim-Base wäre, warum sollte Fanatec dann den Stoff besonders hervorheben. Will einfach Forza mit Lenkrad fahren und nicht auf Thrustmaster zurückgreifen. Bin mal gespannt.
    Hoffe es ist ne neue Wheel Base für die PS4!!

    Die Hoffnung stirbt zuletzt!!
    Ich weiß nicht, wieso ihr immer nach neuer Hardware (Lenkräder) kräht. Momentan geht durch diverse Foren. dass Sony überhaupt keine anderen Lenkräder zulässt als den Thrustmasterschrott. Wenn die "alten" Wheels nicht funktionieren, wieso sollten dann die neuen laufen? Ist doch völlig unlogisch. Oder glaubt ihr, dass Sony jetzt zu Fanatec gesagt hat, baut mal ein neues Lenkrad, dass wird dann unterstützt. 
    Ich denke, die Petition die momentan gegen Sony läuft wird wenig ändern, schließlich gab es auch eine Petition gegen MS. Und wie lange der Lizenzvertrag mit TM läuft weiß auch niemand. Aber wenn der eines Tages ausläuft, und nur dann, gibt es vielleicht eine Chance, dass die G25/27 und Fanatecs wieder funzen. Bis dahin sind Spiele wie Pcars oder Driveclub wahrscheinlich Schnee von vorgestern. Ich werde mir jedenfalls nicht eher etwas neues für mein CSW kaufen, bis die volle Unterstützung auf der PS4 gewährleistet ist. Der Kram war teuer genug und auf der PS3 habe ich genug Rennspiele. Und sollte die alte Hardware in Zukunft gar nicht mehr ihren Weg zur PS4 finden, sind die Verlierer die Softwarehersteller, zumindest was mich betrifft. Denn dann werde ich keine Rennspiele mehr kaufen und zocke weiter auf der PS3. 
  • Think it is the new Direct base...a high end Clubsport base?? tell us Thomas..is it??ready to ordre at any time ;) With a base like that and the Hub + all the new wheels....Fanatec will..with no doubt..be the top supplier for us Simracers :)

    I am none too happy with Fanatec at the moment I also found they do not offer a way to cancel a Pre-Order which I think is required by law here in the US. If this is a new base and Thomas wants to give me one I'll take it. I have spent $2800.00 with Fanatec since being a customer but No More.
    Glad I did't push through pre-ordering the base. I will wait after the announcement. 

    Cannot wait!
  • My guess Is that It's going to be a direct Wheel Drive for Xbox one and PC, compatible with all the line of existing wheels, wooh hoo!!! In that case I will order mine right away!
  • What's a "direct wheel drive"?
  • edited August 2014
    What's a "direct wheel drive"?

    Guy In another forum explained, Direct drive is where the wheel shaft goes directly into the motor meaning you have no gears or belts. This means the feedback is very precise and accurate. 

  • edited August 2014

    I know very well that reliability is our vulnerable point and we need to focus on that. You will see in the coming months that we did exactly that and focused on all weak spots of the products.

    Regarding the GT rim I would highly recommend to purchase a rim of SPARCO, MOMO or OMP and you will see that they use exactly the same seam without stitches and your hands get black even sooner. This is the nature of suede leather and this is the reason why we used Alcantara on the BMW rim. Although Alcantara is artificial leather it is much more expensive but is also much more suitable for use without gloves.

    I will find out why the sales team did not respond to you. This is very unusual.
  • What's a "direct wheel drive"?

    Guy In another forum explained, Direct drive is where the wheel shaft goes directly into the motor meaning you have no gears or belts. This means the feedback is very precise and accurate. 

    And no more loose "dead zone" in the center I guess eh? Sounds great!

    I'm throwing money at the screen but nothing happens! :-(
  • and all of a sudden its just a usb stick!
  • Andrew,

    I know very well that reliability is our vulnerable point and we need to focus on that. You will see in the coming months that we did exactly that and focused on all weak spots of the products.

    Regarding the GT rim I would highly recommend to purchase a rim of SPARCO, MOMO or OMP and you will see that they use exactly the same seam without stitches and your hands get black even sooner. This is the nature of suede leather and this is the reason why we used Alcantara on the BMW rim. Although Alcantara is artificial leather it is much more expensive but is also much more suitable for use without gloves.

    I will find out why the sales team did not respond to you. This is very unusual.
    The web shop sent me a response to the email I sent them in question and I was able to re-read what I wrote(which was done in an emotional state of mind) and if I were to put myself in the shoes of who received that mail it might be considered questionable as to what my overall intent was by how it was worded. Still a reply could have been made to seek clarity in the matter. However I would not be surprised if your staff may have been desensitized to some of the stuff they may deal with on a day to day basis combined with a heavy work load the mail may have been selectively overlooked. We're all human. As for me I am a spoiled American consumer where the customer is always right.
    :)>- :)>-
  • I hope it's just a wheel base for pc, xbox and ps4 one something like forza elite
  • Andrew ClarkAndrew Clark Member
    edited August 2014

    It's a Clubsport Line Product maybe Thomas is creating the Clubsport Elite line of products who knows?

    If it was just a standard line product it would have been revealed in the 1st posting.

  • good that i got the 40% discount, if it is a new wheel base, otherwise i'd be mad xD
  • Patiently waiting for 1. Although the idea of a wheel called the Fanatec 7-6-5 was kind of cool sounding. ;) Still... I am just going to follow the countdown and be surprised as to what the mystery product is.

    Bring on that "3" Thomas!
  • With that new post, it just confirms that we will have a new base. 

    Glad, I waited a bit.
  • Ich hoffe auch auf ein neues Konsolenlenkrad. Wenn es eine neue Sim-Base wäre, warum sollte Fanatec dann den Stoff besonders hervorheben. Will einfach Forza mit Lenkrad fahren und nicht auf Thrustmaster zurückgreifen. Bin mal gespannt.
    Hoffe es ist ne neue Wheel Base für die PS4!!

    Die Hoffnung stirbt zuletzt!!
    Ich weiß nicht, wieso ihr immer nach neuer Hardware (Lenkräder) kräht. Momentan geht durch diverse Foren. dass Sony überhaupt keine anderen Lenkräder zulässt als den Thrustmasterschrott. Wenn die "alten" Wheels nicht funktionieren, wieso sollten dann die neuen laufen? Ist doch völlig unlogisch. Oder glaubt ihr, dass Sony jetzt zu Fanatec gesagt hat, baut mal ein neues Lenkrad, dass wird dann unterstützt. 
    Ich denke, die Petition die momentan gegen Sony läuft wird wenig ändern, schließlich gab es auch eine Petition gegen MS. Und wie lange der Lizenzvertrag mit TM läuft weiß auch niemand. Aber wenn der eines Tages ausläuft, und nur dann, gibt es vielleicht eine Chance, dass die G25/27 und Fanatecs wieder funzen. Bis dahin sind Spiele wie Pcars oder Driveclub wahrscheinlich Schnee von vorgestern. Ich werde mir jedenfalls nicht eher etwas neues für mein CSW kaufen, bis die volle Unterstützung auf der PS4 gewährleistet ist. Der Kram war teuer genug und auf der PS3 habe ich genug Rennspiele. Und sollte die alte Hardware in Zukunft gar nicht mehr ihren Weg zur PS4 finden, sind die Verlierer die Softwarehersteller, zumindest was mich betrifft. Denn dann werde ich keine Rennspiele mehr kaufen und zocke weiter auf der PS3. 

    Ganz einfach, weil es Leute gibt, die gern auf der PS4 mit ihrem Fanatec Lenkrad fahren wollen. Wenn du weiterhin PS3 spielen möchtest, bitte. Aber ich möchte neben meinen PS3 Games auch gern PCARS zocken und mir dafür eben kein Thrustmaster kaufen, weil ich es von der Haptik nicht so schön find wie mein CSW. Wenn also Fanatec evtl. doch eine Lizenz für eine neue Base bekommen hat, werde ich diese gern kaufen. Und darauf kann man eben auch hoffen!
  • Wir warten wohl alle auf eine PS4 bzw. One Kompatible Base. Thrustmaster ist nicht schlecht, aber wenn man einmal ein Fanatec in der Hand hatte...
    Für die PS4 gibt es ja wohl noch ein Hintertürchen, was sich Thrustmaster ja auch zu nutzen macht mit dem T500. Funktioniert zwar nicht zu 100% (die Menue Steuerung geht wohl nicht) aber so lange es im Spiel als Wheel erkannt wird und dort Funktioniert, nehme ich das gerne in Kauf.
    Hoffe das Hintertürchen kann auch von Fanatec genutzt werden.
    Noch gibt es aber kein Spiel auf der PS4 um das ausprobieren zu können und so ist weiterhin abwarten angesagt.
  • Can't wait to see it, already sorting out which organs I don't need for a sale on the black market :)
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