Sadly, I need to send my wheelbase to Fanatec workshop,
I cannot tell if it is working properly or it does not. So, I do not want to take any risk about it, it is quite expensive equipment to have doubts about its health.
All this comes from the first time It shut down. After that, the FFB was no longer the same. I cannot be 100% sure if it is in my mind or it is real but again, it is not a risk I am willing to take.
I would like to thank Marcel and Nikolay both of whom have been trying to help me solve my issues and have always understood how frustrating the situation has been to me.
I totally agree, I did the same with my new Podium Formula 1 (DD1 PS4). It was sent to me with v347, so I downgraded to v346, but just upgraded to v365 which is a massive improvement.
That was also what happened to me - sent back my bricked DD1 after using 356 and Fanalab. I was then sent a new DD1, but advised to use 346 and not 347, as Fanatec Support advised they had too many issues reported using 347.
If you read with attention, I mentioned PBME and Fanalab...
About the clutch bite point, the system works, you don't need Fanalab for that, I use it with or without Fanalab...
Fanalab even in beta is working for me since beginning flawless...
Clutch bite point software was first promoted, as I said ,very badly presented by SimRaceGirl as part of Fanalab. It never eventuated.
On your point that Fanatec are not obligated to produce new official drivers or firmware, they absolutely are! As I said 346 works well, but it is still not functioning without issues, this includes the clunk on turn off and some inconsistent behaviors, Even if you buy Thrustmaster, they continue to make updated drivers available. Same as Microsoft Windows updates to continue to improve and stamp out issues as new corresponding software and tools interact.
I would like to try 365, but obviously nervous to do so, in case it bugs the who system again.
Clutch bite point software was first promoted, as I said ,very badly presented by SimRaceGirl as part of Fanalab. It never eventuated.
On your point that Fanatec are not obligated to produce new official drivers or firmware, they absolutely are! As I said 346 works well, but it is still not functioning without issues, this includes the clunk on turn off and some inconsistent behaviors, Even if you buy Thrustmaster, they continue to make updated drivers available. Same as Microsoft Windows updates to continue to improve and stamp out issues as new corresponding software and tools interact.
I would like to try 365, but obviously nervous to do so, in case it bugs the who system again.
The Clutch Bite Point Mode was never promoted to be part of FanaLab.
It might be added sometime in the far future but that would take some time for sure but it was never promised to be part of FanaLab in the first place.
SRG showed the hardware Advanced Clutch Bite Point feature of the McLaren wheel which works independent of the driver and also independent of FanaLab.
Driver 346 btw also does NOT have the clunk on turn off...
The Clutch Bite Point Mode was never promoted to be part of FanaLab.
It might be added sometime in the far future but that would take some time for sure but it was never promised to be part of FanaLab in the first place.
SRG showed the hardware Advanced Clutch Bite Point feature of the McLaren wheel which works independent of the driver and also independent of FanaLab.
Driver 346 btw also does NOT have the clunk on turn off...
You need to go back and look at all the pre Podium release videos and you will see all the Fanalab promotions and SimRaceGirls confusing and badly communicated clips, including the on-screen Clutch Bite Point.
Also, my 346 has the Clunk on turn off! Do you want me to send you a video?
In any case, I don't have an interest in using Fanalab, as the Wheel base has adequate and good information on the base screen. I'm happy with, but let's get some stable driver corrections made available asap, but well tested prior to releasing. It's taking too long.
I've been stuck with 346 as 352 & 356 freeze my base, but I decided to try 365 after reading how much different the FFB feels and I have to agree it was like a whole new hardware setup. I had to downgrade back to 346 (due to the freezing) but 365 did make 346 feel like I was using a Logitech G29 again.
So keep up the great work team, I know it's slow diagnosing and fixing issues, but the difference is night and day in terms of FFB quality and once this freezing issue is sorted and I can finally race issue free again (346 still has annoying bugs for me that do not persist in later versions) it will have made the last 6 months of frustration worth it. Thanks.
You need to go back and look at all the pre Podium release videos and you will see all the Fanalab promotions and SimRaceGirls confusing and badly communicated clips, including the on-screen Clutch Bite Point.
Also, my 346 has the Clunk on turn off! Do you want me to send you a video?
In any case, I don't have an interest in using Fanalab, as the Wheel base has adequate and good information on the base screen. I'm happy with, but let's get some stable driver corrections made available asap, but well tested prior to releasing. It's taking too long.
What do you mean with on screen clutch bite point? There never was anything regarding clutch bite point in FanaLab, she never showed something like that. Please prove with a video.
And when you get a clunk on turn off with driver 346 then either you mean something different or you didn't downgraded your motor firmware back to v30.
I've been stuck with 346 as 352 & 356 freeze my base, but I decided to try 365 after reading how much different the FFB feels and I have to agree it was like a whole new hardware setup. I had to downgrade back to 346 (due to the freezing) but 365 did make 346 feel like I was using a Logitech G29 again.
So keep up the great work team, I know it's slow diagnosing and fixing issues, but the difference is night and day in terms of FFB quality and once this freezing issue is sorted and I can finally race issue free again (346 still has annoying bugs for me that do not persist in later versions) it will have made the last 6 months of frustration worth it. Thanks.
Thanks for sharing this. Looks like I may have to bite the bullet and go to 365 Beta. Just nervous about bricking the wheelbase again, but I guess it's still under warranty. It just take over 4 weeks turnaround.
Well, and where is she showing the bite point mode in FanaLab? That video is 2 years old, FanaLab wasn't even in development back then so she was not even able to show anything in FanaLab because there was no FanaLab :D
As I said, that's the advanced clutch bite point which is a hardware feature which works independent of driver or FanaLab!
Well, and where is she showing the bite point mode in FanaLab? That video is 2 years old, FanaLab wasn't even in development back then so she was not even able to show anything in FanaLab because there was no FanaLab :D
As I said, that's the advanced clutch bite point which is a hardware feature which works independent of driver or FanaLab!
First of all, where are your manners? Please provide common courtesy, particularly to customers. If you're part of the Fanatec team you should have more courtesy towards customer's points of view! Not being a smart ass! There are some very nice people at Fanatec Support, but some not so nice and very rude members of the development team! This needs to stop. I come to this forum to share and seek ideas, settings etc, not to be rude or rude to.
Now, as you can see in the video, there is software on screen. What happened to that? I haven't seen any thing like this since. If there is software of addtions to this they should be conveniently located on the website, as should be the latest Beta Drivers etc. Save us and yourself some time of having to troll through all these forums to find them. Bookmarks are not an answer.
Thirdly, this software was promoted at the same time they started promoting Fanalab. I don't care if this video was produced earlier than the first development of Fanalab, as it was mentioned in some of these clips. Now, at the same time when Fanatec started promoting the Podium Wheelbases, Fanalab was promoted as a feature of the new wheelbases. End of story and that's all I was saying.
In the mean time, if you work for Fanatec, can you please send a link to both the new 365 Beta, plus the other necessary wheel firmware etc. I'm going to try it. If it bricks the wheelbase, so be it - I can send it back.
First of all, where are your manners? Please provide common courtesy, particularly to customers. If you're part of the Fanatec team you should have more courtesy towards customer's points of view! Not being a smart ass! There are some very nice people at Fanatec Support, but some not so nice and very rude members of the development team! This needs to stop. I come to this forum to share and seek ideas, settings etc, not to be rude or rude to.
Now, as you can see in the video, there is software on screen. What happened to that? I haven't seen any thing like this since. If there is software of addtions to this they should be conveniently located on the website, as should be the latest Beta Drivers etc. Save us and yourself some time of having to troll through all these forums to find them. Bookmarks are not an answer.
Thirdly, this software was promoted at the same time they started promoting Fanalab. I don't care if this video was produced earlier than the first development of Fanalab, as it was mentioned in some of these clips. Now, at the same time when Fanatec started promoting the Podium Wheelbases, Fanalab was promoted as a feature of the new wheelbases. End of story and that's all I was saying.
In the mean time, if you work for Fanatec, can you please send a link to both the new 365 Beta, plus the other necessary wheel firmware etc. I'm going to try it. If it bricks the wheelbase, so be it - I can send it back.
Thank you.
I seriously don't get the part where Maurice was rude to you or anyone else.
Which software do you mean? The HUD is from iRacing, as Maurice wrote, there was no development of Fanalab when the McLaren Wheel was released.
Nothing was promoted at that time!
Fanalab was promoted later on with the Podium Bases, yes. But like before the first release of Fanalab, you can use your base with or without it.
You'll just miss some options without using it though.
For the 365 driver just look at the first page, all necessary firmwares are included.
Sorry but what software is on the screen? You mean the Clutch bar? That's iRacings HUD.
So long story short, she never showed a clutch bite point in FanaLab and it was never mentioned or even promised that such a feature will come to FanaLab. However, it's planned and on the list but will take some time but that would be a NEW feature and not a dropped one.
Driver 365 can be found in this thread on the first page, it included all firmwares.
Sorry but what software is on the screen? You mean the Clutch bar? That's iRacings HUD.
So long story short, she never showed a clutch bite point in FanaLab and it was never mentioned or even promised that such a feature will come to FanaLab. However, it's planned and on the list but will take some time but that would be a NEW feature and not a dropped one.
Driver 365 can be found in this thread on the first page, it included all firmwares.
I can't believe everyone is looking for a fight on this site! As I said, this was promoted at the same time at and with the release of Podium. If you know anything about marketing, you will also know that Marketing is all about perception - how things are links in the minds of potential customers etc and Fanalab was mentioned during and in Podium promotional campaigns.
And to Sascha's comment - the Podium wheel bases were first available to order in April 2019, the McLaren Wheel videos were in June 2018 and from that point on. Podium was well in to promotion, discussions and so on much earlier then that. I don't make things up and it wasn't even the point. And Sascha, don't say what part was rude. Look at the tone of comment.
Salve aggiornato con il csw 2.5 e volante formula 2 tutto ok, con mozzo Mozzo universale per volante ClubSport per XBOX ONE ho rriscontrato problemi elencati, perche non li renbdete compatibili per tutti e 2 , se no ogni volta che voglio usare il mozzo Mozzo universale per volante ClubSport per XBOX ONE devo rinstallare i driver 347.
Questa e una critica costruttiva.
Un consiglio alla fanatec prendete programmatori e ingegnieri seri e pagateli bene che vi risolvono i problemi.
Perche i vostri prodotti ve li fate pagare a caro prezzo e a livello di software fate pena, e ve lo dice uno che fa programmazione da 30 anni quando creo un software per un cliente lo testo per bene e quando glielo vendo il cliente non deve avere problemi perche ha comperato il software per risolvergli i problemi no per complicarglierli e regalarmi i soldi.
First of all, I want to thank the Fanatek team for the work that they do for us! This is a great job you do! And personally, I understand all your difficulties and problems that you work with every day!
Friends - all those who have products from Fanatek, you must understand that the guys from Fanatek have been working with Direct Drive for only a year! and their competitors on this product for several years! Yes, I understand disappointment, frustration, resentment, pain ... when your product does not work or does not work correctly, but I am sure that the whole Fanatek and Thomas team experiences this pain. I am sure that they are doing everything possible to make your product better!
I can say that no one writes on the forum here, that everything is good and everything works for everyone - everyone writes only bad, but I can tell you my experience!
I used fanatek dd1 version for pc. I tried all the drivers and everything worked well - I have all the wheels, and I had no problems including Fanalab 1.24. I played all the games that are! and it was a fantastic experience!
two weeks ago I sold my equipment completely! and now I'm buying a new one! - my budget for the construction of a new cockpit is 10,000 euros - for this money I can choose any equipment! but you know I chose Fanatek again! why?
because these guys make the best product and bring it to the end!
Yes, I read this forum and I'm scared) that I may have problems too - but I believe in them! And believe me, I have more problems than many of you, because I live in Russia and Fanatek still does not sell to us in Russia and I have no chance to use their guarantee - because it is very difficult!
but I still chose Fanatek!
The only thing I see is the problem in organizing this forum, because everything is in one heap - and it is very difficult to find information on beta drivers.
I recommend Fanatek to change the approach and divide topics into topics for DD2, DD1 PC, DD1 PS4, Club Sport 2.5 - this will help you manage the situation, and users will help each other - communication in such things is very important! and it turns out you sometimes answer the same questions several times - and look at 35-36 pages of unnecessary information when the user is offended, angry - this only adds negativity to you and others! Think about it! If you are doing beta tests on users who are consciously doing this, then simply solve this problem and it will be easier!
Moreover, I am sure that among the community you can find moderators of their sections who could help you!
and of course your forum is not very convenient! it’s very difficult sometimes to share something and leave a photo! - Take an example with a - this is the ideal forum! in my opinion - thanks!
In any case, I want to once again thank you and wish you patience and strength in order to finish what you started in the best way!
PS: In conclusion, I want to ask the Administrator Maurice or Marcel to help me:
1. where can I find information that if I install DD1 PS4, drivers 356 or 365 on my new base — while I update the base firmware and the motor firmware — how can I correctly roll back to the driver, to the base firmware, to Motor firmware - back to standard version? I will be very grateful!
2. is there an opportunity if something happens to me with the base then how can I send it to you for repair from Russia?
Non sono daccordo su questo punto <<<< Amici - tutti coloro che hanno prodotti Fanatek, dovete capire che i ragazzi di Fanatek lavorano con Direct Drive da solo un anno! e i loro concorrenti su questo prodotto per diversi anni! Sì, capisco la delusione, la frustrazione, il risentimento, il dolore ... quando il tuo prodotto non funziona o non funziona correttamente, ma sono sicuro che tutto il team di Fanatek e Thomas sperimenta questo dolore. Sono sicuro che stanno facendo tutto il possibile per migliorare il tuo prodotto!
Perche i loro prodotti ve li fate pagare a caro prezzo e a livello di software fano pena, e ve lo dice uno che fa programmazione da 30 anni quando creo un software per un cliente lo testo per bene e quando glielo vendo il cliente non deve avere problemi perche ha comperato il software per risolvergli i problemi no per complicarglierli e regalarmi i soldi. Scritto in Italiano.
Como con mi Wheel base: CSW 2.5 el v365 hace que se reinicie a cada momento baje al v347.
Wheel Base Firmware 664
Wheel Base Motor Firmware 22
Steering Wheel Firmware 28
Ahora parece que todo va bien
Le di otra oportunidad al v365 pero solo subiendo el firmware de la base sin subir el del volante y pasaba lo mismo, pantalla del logo distorsionada, detección del volante incorrecta sale el CSL Elite y reinicios casi sin parar, por si les sirve de ayuda para arreglar el problema.
Qué pena que no funcione con el v365 se nota distinto pero con más sensaciones, además que no funciona Fanalab , volveré a FanaLEDs hasta que se solucione esto.
As with my Wheel base: CSW 2.5 the v365 makes it restart every time it goes down to v347.
Wheel Base Firmware 664
Wheel Base Motor Firmware 22
Steering Wheel Firmware 28
Now it seems everything is going well
I gave the v365 another chance but only by uploading the firmware of the base without raising the steering wheel and the same thing happened, distorted logo screen, incorrect steering wheel detection, the CSL Elite comes out and restarts almost non-stop, in case it helps them to fix the problem.
Too bad it does not work with the v365 it shows differently but with more sensations, in addition to the fact that Fanalab does not work, I will return to FanaLEDs until this is solved.
I can't believe everyone is looking for a fight on this site! As I said, this was promoted at the same time at and with the release of Podium. If you know anything about marketing, you will also know that Marketing is all about perception - how things are links in the minds of potential customers etc and Fanalab was mentioned during and in Podium promotional campaigns.
And to Sascha's comment - the Podium wheel bases were first available to order in April 2019, the McLaren Wheel videos were in June 2018 and from that point on. Podium was well in to promotion, discussions and so on much earlier then that. I don't make things up and it wasn't even the point. And Sascha, don't say what part was rude. Look at the tone of comment.
I can't believe you're trying to win a fight/argue when clearly you can't understand the video...
None of what you say was ever mentioned...
Clutch bite point is working since it was announced, end of story.
Hi all installed 365 all ok firmare update ok but the new driver somehow made RF2 run slowly causing CPU to be at 100% also assetto corsa showed 99% CPU occupancy again cuasing stutter and slowing,reinstalled 356 left new firmware in place all was good again.
My system is i5 7600k,16 gb ram,nvidia rtx2600.DD1 PS4
I can't believe everyone is looking for a fight on this site! As I said, this was promoted at the same time at and with the release of Podium. If you know anything about marketing, you will also know that Marketing is all about perception - how things are links in the minds of potential customers etc and Fanalab was mentioned during and in Podium promotional campaigns.
And to Sascha's comment - the Podium wheel bases were first available to order in April 2019, the McLaren Wheel videos were in June 2018 and from that point on. Podium was well in to promotion, discussions and so on much earlier then that. I don't make things up and it wasn't even the point. And Sascha, don't say what part was rude. Look at the tone of comment.
I think you are mixing your interpretation and expectation of features with Fanalab what in reality was not shown. The mentioned feature are all available and functioning.
If you like to use the shown SW do it and start iRacing. Clutch byte point is working as long you have a wheel with a thumb encoder.
Fanalab itself is working in some parts but you have to read what's stable to use and where it's beta or early access.
Regarding Maurice I have to say that he really is helping and also reacting and not only writing some marketing drivel. He brings it to the point.
good. After a few days testing the 365 controller I have not had any freezing. but if I notice much more the shaking. they are constant in iracing. to not appreciate it I have to download FEI. but I have to lower it so much that the details are very slight and I like to feel the details. Another thing that I have noticed is that to feel good the details are related to the FFB. I mean..the more FFB increase the more details I perceive. but also much more hardness and I don't like that. There is some configuration where you can have aggressive details but not a rock-hard direction. Thank you
Driver 365
Fw 672
Motor 38
You can lower interpolation, that gets you more fine details but won't increase overall strength
I think you are mixing your interpretation and expectation of features with Fanalab what in reality was not shown. The mentioned feature are all available and functioning.
If you like to use the shown SW do it and start iRacing. Clutch byte point is working as long you have a wheel with a thumb encoder.
Fanalab itself is working in some parts but you have to read what's stable to use and where it's beta or early access.
Regarding Maurice I have to say that he really is helping and also reacting and not only writing some marketing drivel. He brings it to the point.
Next time don't call people rude, if you can't stay by the facts and start insulting ppl. Well played mate.
No one tried to pick up a fight with you, but rather showed you, that your points are wrong.
What! I'm wrong! Go and have a look at all the youtube clips from Fanatec on the release of both Fanatec and Fanalab and then tell me I'm wrong. And yes, there are a lot of rude people, like yourself on this site who just troll and make meaningless comments on other people's conversations. You are mean and another trouble maker. Where is this site about trying to prove people wrong. I thought it was about sharing ideas, helping each other and so on!
What! I'm wrong! Go and have a look at all the youtube clips from Fanatec on the release of both Fanatec and Fanalab and then tell me I'm wrong. And yes, there are a lot of rude people, like yourself on this site who just troll and make meaningless comments on other people's conversations. You are mean and another trouble maker. Where is this site about trying to prove people wrong. I thought it was about sharing ideas, helping each other and so on!
I thought it was about sharing ideas, helping each other and so on!
Yes it is!
But you called one of the most helpful members here a smart ass. Also called another member a dick head.
That makes you to look like rude and trouble maker.
Please do not accept my post as an attack on you, I'm just saying what the situation looks like from the side.
I thought it was about sharing ideas, helping each other and so on!
Yes it is!
But you called one of the most helpful members here a smart ass. Also called another member a dick head.
That makes you to look like rude and trouble maker.
Please do not accept my post as an attack on you.
No problem Hristo, I understand what you're saying. I just felt really bullied by these same guys who seem to be trolling on this site for anyone who wishes to state something. You can't be called rude for calling out people for being rude. I just lost it in the end as they just keep pestering and unfortunately I displayed the same behaviors as them and I'm sorry for that. I'm sure some of the members, which I think you are mentioning are in fact beta developers with Fanatec, but the tone came across very dismissive and rude, in stead of helpful and constructive.
Sadly, I need to send my wheelbase to Fanatec workshop,
I cannot tell if it is working properly or it does not. So, I do not want to take any risk about it, it is quite expensive equipment to have doubts about its health.
All this comes from the first time It shut down. After that, the FFB was no longer the same. I cannot be 100% sure if it is in my mind or it is real but again, it is not a risk I am willing to take.
I would like to thank Marcel and Nikolay both of whom have been trying to help me solve my issues and have always understood how frustrating the situation has been to me.
Will update when this gets resolved, cheers!
Miguel / Nikos
That was also what happened to me - sent back my bricked DD1 after using 356 and Fanalab. I was then sent a new DD1, but advised to use 346 and not 347, as Fanatec Support advised they had too many issues reported using 347.
Clutch bite point software was first promoted, as I said ,very badly presented by SimRaceGirl as part of Fanalab. It never eventuated.
On your point that Fanatec are not obligated to produce new official drivers or firmware, they absolutely are! As I said 346 works well, but it is still not functioning without issues, this includes the clunk on turn off and some inconsistent behaviors, Even if you buy Thrustmaster, they continue to make updated drivers available. Same as Microsoft Windows updates to continue to improve and stamp out issues as new corresponding software and tools interact.
I would like to try 365, but obviously nervous to do so, in case it bugs the who system again.
The Clutch Bite Point Mode was never promoted to be part of FanaLab.
It might be added sometime in the far future but that would take some time for sure but it was never promised to be part of FanaLab in the first place.
SRG showed the hardware Advanced Clutch Bite Point feature of the McLaren wheel which works independent of the driver and also independent of FanaLab.
Driver 346 btw also does NOT have the clunk on turn off...
You need to go back and look at all the pre Podium release videos and you will see all the Fanalab promotions and SimRaceGirls confusing and badly communicated clips, including the on-screen Clutch Bite Point.
Also, my 346 has the Clunk on turn off! Do you want me to send you a video?
In any case, I don't have an interest in using Fanalab, as the Wheel base has adequate and good information on the base screen. I'm happy with, but let's get some stable driver corrections made available asap, but well tested prior to releasing. It's taking too long.
I've been stuck with 346 as 352 & 356 freeze my base, but I decided to try 365 after reading how much different the FFB feels and I have to agree it was like a whole new hardware setup. I had to downgrade back to 346 (due to the freezing) but 365 did make 346 feel like I was using a Logitech G29 again.
So keep up the great work team, I know it's slow diagnosing and fixing issues, but the difference is night and day in terms of FFB quality and once this freezing issue is sorted and I can finally race issue free again (346 still has annoying bugs for me that do not persist in later versions) it will have made the last 6 months of frustration worth it. Thanks.
What do you mean with on screen clutch bite point? There never was anything regarding clutch bite point in FanaLab, she never showed something like that. Please prove with a video.
And when you get a clunk on turn off with driver 346 then either you mean something different or you didn't downgraded your motor firmware back to v30.
Here it is:
It was also promoted at the lead up to Fanalab and the release of Podium wheelbase release.
Thanks for sharing this. Looks like I may have to bite the bullet and go to 365 Beta. Just nervous about bricking the wheelbase again, but I guess it's still under warranty. It just take over 4 weeks turnaround.
Well, and where is she showing the bite point mode in FanaLab? That video is 2 years old, FanaLab wasn't even in development back then so she was not even able to show anything in FanaLab because there was no FanaLab :D
As I said, that's the advanced clutch bite point which is a hardware feature which works independent of driver or FanaLab!
First of all, where are your manners? Please provide common courtesy, particularly to customers. If you're part of the Fanatec team you should have more courtesy towards customer's points of view! Not being a smart ass! There are some very nice people at Fanatec Support, but some not so nice and very rude members of the development team! This needs to stop. I come to this forum to share and seek ideas, settings etc, not to be rude or rude to.
Now, as you can see in the video, there is software on screen. What happened to that? I haven't seen any thing like this since. If there is software of addtions to this they should be conveniently located on the website, as should be the latest Beta Drivers etc. Save us and yourself some time of having to troll through all these forums to find them. Bookmarks are not an answer.
Thirdly, this software was promoted at the same time they started promoting Fanalab. I don't care if this video was produced earlier than the first development of Fanalab, as it was mentioned in some of these clips. Now, at the same time when Fanatec started promoting the Podium Wheelbases, Fanalab was promoted as a feature of the new wheelbases. End of story and that's all I was saying.
In the mean time, if you work for Fanatec, can you please send a link to both the new 365 Beta, plus the other necessary wheel firmware etc. I'm going to try it. If it bricks the wheelbase, so be it - I can send it back.
Thank you.
I seriously don't get the part where Maurice was rude to you or anyone else.
Which software do you mean? The HUD is from iRacing, as Maurice wrote, there was no development of Fanalab when the McLaren Wheel was released.
Nothing was promoted at that time!
Fanalab was promoted later on with the Podium Bases, yes. But like before the first release of Fanalab, you can use your base with or without it.
You'll just miss some options without using it though.
For the 365 driver just look at the first page, all necessary firmwares are included.
Sorry but what software is on the screen? You mean the Clutch bar? That's iRacings HUD.
So long story short, she never showed a clutch bite point in FanaLab and it was never mentioned or even promised that such a feature will come to FanaLab. However, it's planned and on the list but will take some time but that would be a NEW feature and not a dropped one.
Driver 365 can be found in this thread on the first page, it included all firmwares.
I can't believe everyone is looking for a fight on this site! As I said, this was promoted at the same time at and with the release of Podium. If you know anything about marketing, you will also know that Marketing is all about perception - how things are links in the minds of potential customers etc and Fanalab was mentioned during and in Podium promotional campaigns.
And to Sascha's comment - the Podium wheel bases were first available to order in April 2019, the McLaren Wheel videos were in June 2018 and from that point on. Podium was well in to promotion, discussions and so on much earlier then that. I don't make things up and it wasn't even the point. And Sascha, don't say what part was rude. Look at the tone of comment.
Salve aggiornato con il csw 2.5 e volante formula 2 tutto ok, con mozzo Mozzo universale per volante ClubSport per XBOX ONE ho rriscontrato problemi elencati, perche non li renbdete compatibili per tutti e 2 , se no ogni volta che voglio usare il mozzo Mozzo universale per volante ClubSport per XBOX ONE devo rinstallare i driver 347.
Questa e una critica costruttiva.
Un consiglio alla fanatec prendete programmatori e ingegnieri seri e pagateli bene che vi risolvono i problemi.
Perche i vostri prodotti ve li fate pagare a caro prezzo e a livello di software fate pena, e ve lo dice uno che fa programmazione da 30 anni quando creo un software per un cliente lo testo per bene e quando glielo vendo il cliente non deve avere problemi perche ha comperato il software per risolvergli i problemi no per complicarglierli e regalarmi i soldi.
Non sono daccordo su questo punto <<<< Amici - tutti coloro che hanno prodotti Fanatek, dovete capire che i ragazzi di Fanatek lavorano con Direct Drive da solo un anno! e i loro concorrenti su questo prodotto per diversi anni! Sì, capisco la delusione, la frustrazione, il risentimento, il dolore ... quando il tuo prodotto non funziona o non funziona correttamente, ma sono sicuro che tutto il team di Fanatek e Thomas sperimenta questo dolore. Sono sicuro che stanno facendo tutto il possibile per migliorare il tuo prodotto!
Perche i loro prodotti ve li fate pagare a caro prezzo e a livello di software fano pena, e ve lo dice uno che fa programmazione da 30 anni quando creo un software per un cliente lo testo per bene e quando glielo vendo il cliente non deve avere problemi perche ha comperato il software per risolvergli i problemi no per complicarglierli e regalarmi i soldi. Scritto in Italiano.
Como con mi Wheel base: CSW 2.5 el v365 hace que se reinicie a cada momento baje al v347.
Wheel Base Firmware 664
Wheel Base Motor Firmware 22
Steering Wheel Firmware 28
Ahora parece que todo va bien
Le di otra oportunidad al v365 pero solo subiendo el firmware de la base sin subir el del volante y pasaba lo mismo, pantalla del logo distorsionada, detección del volante incorrecta sale el CSL Elite y reinicios casi sin parar, por si les sirve de ayuda para arreglar el problema.
Qué pena que no funcione con el v365 se nota distinto pero con más sensaciones, además que no funciona Fanalab , volveré a FanaLEDs hasta que se solucione esto.
As with my Wheel base: CSW 2.5 the v365 makes it restart every time it goes down to v347.
Wheel Base Firmware 664
Wheel Base Motor Firmware 22
Steering Wheel Firmware 28
Now it seems everything is going well
I gave the v365 another chance but only by uploading the firmware of the base without raising the steering wheel and the same thing happened, distorted logo screen, incorrect steering wheel detection, the CSL Elite comes out and restarts almost non-stop, in case it helps them to fix the problem.
Too bad it does not work with the v365 it shows differently but with more sensations, in addition to the fact that Fanalab does not work, I will return to FanaLEDs until this is solved.
Greetings and thank you . Sorry for my English
I can't believe you're trying to win a fight/argue when clearly you can't understand the video...
None of what you say was ever mentioned...
Clutch bite point is working since it was announced, end of story.
Hi all installed 365 all ok firmare update ok but the new driver somehow made RF2 run slowly causing CPU to be at 100% also assetto corsa showed 99% CPU occupancy again cuasing stutter and slowing,reinstalled 356 left new firmware in place all was good again.
My system is i5 7600k,16 gb ram,nvidia rtx2600.DD1 PS4
I think you are mixing your interpretation and expectation of features with Fanalab what in reality was not shown. The mentioned feature are all available and functioning.
If you like to use the shown SW do it and start iRacing. Clutch byte point is working as long you have a wheel with a thumb encoder.
Fanalab itself is working in some parts but you have to read what's stable to use and where it's beta or early access.
Regarding Maurice I have to say that he really is helping and also reacting and not only writing some marketing drivel. He brings it to the point.
You can lower interpolation, that gets you more fine details but won't increase overall strength
Mate, you're a dick head and a trouble maker and you don't even know the full story. Piss off.
Mate, your comments are not helpful.
No point continuing arguing with you...
You see you loose the reason and star offending people, you should be banned, comments like yours should at least give a suspension.
But hey be happy!
You're a sad case if you want to keep picking fights. I think you should be banned, but hey, be happy!
Next time don't call people rude, if you can't stay by the facts and start insulting ppl. Well played mate.
No one tried to pick up a fight with you, but rather showed you, that your points are wrong.
okay. I will look to play around with interpolation. thanks for your reply!!
What! I'm wrong! Go and have a look at all the youtube clips from Fanatec on the release of both Fanatec and Fanalab and then tell me I'm wrong. And yes, there are a lot of rude people, like yourself on this site who just troll and make meaningless comments on other people's conversations. You are mean and another trouble maker. Where is this site about trying to prove people wrong. I thought it was about sharing ideas, helping each other and so on!
I thought it was about sharing ideas, helping each other and so on!
Yes it is!
But you called one of the most helpful members here a smart ass. Also called another member a dick head.
That makes you to look like rude and trouble maker.
Please do not accept my post as an attack on you, I'm just saying what the situation looks like from the side.
No problem Hristo, I understand what you're saying. I just felt really bullied by these same guys who seem to be trolling on this site for anyone who wishes to state something. You can't be called rude for calling out people for being rude. I just lost it in the end as they just keep pestering and unfortunately I displayed the same behaviors as them and I'm sorry for that. I'm sure some of the members, which I think you are mentioning are in fact beta developers with Fanatec, but the tone came across very dismissive and rude, in stead of helpful and constructive.