Fanatec Beta Driver V361 (now V365) for CSL, CSW and Podium Bases (all wheels)



  • One last thing I want to add, then I won't bother you anymore. Im not a trouble maker nor am I rude to anyone.

    The clip you showed us, was the first introduction of the CBP which first came with the McLaren wheel. You asked about the "on screen" software and both Maurice and I told you, that it was the HUD from iRacing.

    In your same message, you asked for all firmwares required to run driver 365, yet again both Maurice and I wanted to help you and told you it is all included in the driver package.

    No need to think anyone wants to fight you. There is a reason we are in this forum, we all made the same choice in this regard :)

    Have a good evening!

  • Guy's GUY's Please, the last thing this forum needs is a war...Just take it easy...Just saying :)

  • I'm really sorry but I can't be nice to that guy...

    He clearly just came here to insult anything and anybody... English isn't my native language and I fully understand all Sim Racing Girl videos, he says she has terrible pronunciation and communication, bla bla bla...

    Than he takes a post I made saying that no brand is obligated to improve driver's, to start offending me and other members when everyone can see he doesn't know anything about what he's talking about, he talks about something never mentioned, mix that with something he thinks he has seen on a video he can't understand and starts firing to every direction.

    It's just a pointless discussion because he just don't want to understand nothing and obviously doesn't want to be wrong. But... Like I said let him be happy...

    Maurice is one of the nicest guys from Fanatec, he's always available and wanting to help and even him had to put up with this guy...

    It's just not worthy, and I really think that offensive posts should at least give a suspension from forum...

  • Hugo, If I should be band, so should you! You have been constantly pestering and pestering, which really is a form of bullying. - for something that did not need to include you to the point of it being antagonizing. I stand by what I have seen and what I believe as a view and it wasn't even a big drama! As I said to one friendly member, "you can't call someone rude for calling out people for being rude" and of course I'm going to loose it if pestered to the point. Sorry to anyone else who has been offended.

  • this forum needs some moderation. This post is full of non useful information for the real topic

  • Hey Fanatec team,

    I've been using Version 347 for a while on both PC and XBox without no problems, the setup is:

    Wheel Base Model: CSL Elite Wheel Base (PS4 version)

    Steering Wheel Model: ClubSport Steering Wheel Formula V2

    Driver Version: 347

    Base FW Version: 664

    Wheel FW Version: 28

    Motor FW Version: 22

    However, I tried to update to this new version V365 and I'm getting a weird behavior when trying to use on XBox (see video). After upgrading to V365, I have:

    Wheel Base Model: CSL Elite Wheel Base (PS4 version)

    Steering Wheel Model: ClubSport Steering Wheel Formula V2

    Driver Version: 365

    Base FW Version: 672

    Wheel FW Version: 34

    Motor FW Version: 22

    As you can see on the video, wheel gets weird and does not respond on XBox. Also, after some time it either gets stuck or does not go to XBox mode anymore.

    I did a rollback of the Base FW to 664 again and everything is working fine. Is this a known issue? Did someone else face the same problem?


  • So here is the proof. Everyone is saying Fanalab wasn't even around when the Podium Wheel bases were first developed. Fanalab was actually mentioned, as I stated by Sim Racing Girl in the attached. Fanalab was promoted as Podium Software if you look at approximately 4.15 minutes on the clip. Yes, in my opinion it was very vague and badly presented. That may not be entirely Sim Racing Girl's fault as it may be all she had to work with, but it did exist and would have been in the making much earlier on. I don't have to be a fan of her style and that's my opinion. The other part was about a Clutch Bite Point Mode, which I'll explain below.

    And, all my point was, that here we are almost 2 years down the track from first development and Fanalab is still incomplete and in Beta. Just an opinion. And for this I get attacked left right and centre and told I'm wrong, I know nothing about anything, can't learn anything and Fanalab had nothing to do with Podium etc etc! I spent around $3,000 dollars based on the Fanatec software differentiation against competitors like Simucube and a few others. So when my DD1 first bricked, I was angry and frustrated that everything any good was still on Beta and caused damage. I had to wait almost 6 weeks I think for a new one to return, so you can imagine someone in my position not having that escape, like many, it's all we have. Many people use sim racing as an escape, not just the young, but returned soldiers, former Police, people with disabilities or suffering trauma like myself, so being ignored, which I have been on this site, just to ask a question, or even attacked on end for making a statement or a point of view, should not result in multiple attacks. And yes, I then lost it.

    Maurice, I recall in the past you have actually responded to a question I had and I appreciated that. I am deeply sorry if you did not intend to be rude or laugh me off, as that was just how the answer appeared, if you take a look. I felt like a dumb idiot. Yes, there was another part to this about the Clutch Bite Point and it was commented by another person on I think it was BSIM RACING site. The comment was that they couldn't wait for the Fanalab Clutch Bite Point to be released and they pointed this out to the screen, so I saw this and agreed it would be great. I can't at this time find any other clips, as to why others made the connection. That's it and that's what I got attacked by many for - saying I didn't know what I was talking about.

    So, I'm deeply sorry, if you weren't trying to be rude and laugh me off, or as I put it, "A smart ass".

    I hope some of those who criticized me have the ability to say sorry, as I didn't make anything up, was wrong or making out I was stupid, which was a bit mean.

    For what I have done in life, I don't think I am a hard person, or try to hurt anyone.

    All the best in this difficult time.


  • Luna LLuna L Member

    Has there been any new firmware for the ClubSport pedals lately?

  • edited May 2020

    The CSP v3 never got any new firmware since it's release 5 years ago.

  • Marcel PfisterMarcel Pfister Member, Administrator

    Please watch your language, didn't you just said to someone else he should? Your discussions are totally off topic btw.

  • Marcel PfisterMarcel Pfister Member, Administrator

    Everyone stop discussing off topics here, go somewhere else or do it via PM. Others try to contribute useful information or get feedback and what you guys are doing here is just a distraction.

  • I have noticed and definitely not a placebo . Whilst using Rfactor 2 o latest driver and firmwares if I tab alt out to Fanalab and adjust settings then the wheel can become notchy almost rough .

    I then restart game and it is back to normal . Obviously i cant do this via the wheel base as if i leave the fanatec logo screen it will freeze.

    This can only be an issue if i wish to tweak try different ffb settings . It currently means i.ahve tp restart this particular game.

    Has not been tested in other sims yet so not sure if software or hardware related.

    Apart from the already mentioned no other issues to report. Overall good FFB feel !!

    Any news on potential updates to drivers or firmware or how your own testing is going ?

  • Si , a mi y al compañero Clint Bergman nos pasa lo mismo , desde que se sube el firmware de la base CSW 2.5 a la v365 ya no detecta bien el volante y te sale como un CSL Elite , el fallo aparece sin subir el Firmware del volante .

    Por lo que parece la culpa es del firmware de la base .

    Un saludo

    If the same thing happens to me and my partner Clint Bergman, since the firmware of the CSW 2.5 base is uploaded to v365 and the steering wheel no longer detects well and it comes out as a CSL Elite, the failure appears without raising the firmware of the steering wheel .

    From what seems like the fault is the firmware of the base.

    a greeting

  • Luna LLuna L Member
    edited May 2020
    • Wheel Base Model (product ID): DD1 PS4
    • Steering Wheel Model (product ID): Xbox Hub (with or without PBMP, Formula V2 wheel, no wheel, ...)
    • Driver Version: 365
    • Base FW Version: 672
    • Motor FW Version: 38
    • FanaLab Version: 1.24

    Installed everything and it worked at first, got everything updated and testing in the Windows driver worked.

    Now whenever I try to start the windows driver i get the error: "There is a problem setting up the wheel control panel. Please reconnect the device and try again."

    If I only connect the pedals the driver works and I can test them.

    Uninstalled, reinstalled, repaired ... nothing works.

    Everything gets detected fine in Fanalab though.

  • Luna LLuna L Member

    Tried further: full uninstall of the driver and Fanalab, deleted all leftovers manually, cleaned the registry manually, ran some registry cleaners, reinstalled only the driver without Fanalab, reboots for everything, same problem:

    "There is a problem setting up the wheel control panel. Please reconnect the device and try again."

  • edited May 2020

    I don't know if this is a known issue, but if I enable Mouse Emulation on my BME the mouse pointer moves up as I turn the steering wheel

    it does not happen with the 918RSR only with the BME.


    Podium 911GT3

    Driver 365





  • edited May 2020

    This may be because you use newer firmware than the one available in driver 356. Firmware 672/38/11/2 belongs to driver package 361 and 365. Driver 356 includes 670/38/9/2.

    Please only use the firmware which is supposed to come with the respective driver and don't mix things up.

    So please try with the included firmware again if the issue is still there.

  • Luna LLuna L Member

    Found the problem: it my gear can't be connected to the USB 3.1Gen1 port it has always been connected to anymore, it has to be connected to a USB 2.0 port now. If I remember correctly it used to not work on the USB 2.0 port which is why I had to change it to the USB 3.1Gen1 port.

    Why the change?

  • Tried and can reproduce this issue also on a matching combo, thanks for the issue!

  • For issues with the wheelbase not working on particular usb port, you could try Device Cleanup Tool ( in safe mode to remove device enumeration from windows registry.

  • Luna LLuna L Member


    Only in safe mode?

    And won't the tool mess up my other USB devices? I have a bunch of them installed ...

  • edited May 2020

    Actually I have used it a couple of times and only in safe mode (have not tried otherwise). It is easier to remove all devices, instead of trying to find the correct one :) So I remove all except the GPU and on the next boot everything is there and eventually only have to change the default sound output to correct one.

    But hey, please use on your own risk :)

  • hi guys do you think its a better idea if I downgrade again to v346 and wait for the official update? I have a DD1 and I updated it to v356 but I don't like the knock thing when I turn it off. thanks in advance

  • The knock when turning the Base off is absolutely harmless, you shouldn't be worried about it, it won't damage your base.

  • so I keep the v356 or I update to v365? @Maurice Böschen

  • sorry for bugging you but I want to know what's the best for my base.

  • Luna LLuna L Member

    Bloody hell! (pardon my French)

    I tried that tool, cleaned up a gaming device COM3 port and my Fanatec setup works on the USB 3.1Gen1 port again.

    Thanks my friend!

    I didn't use safe mode but ran it as an admin.

  • So i just got my DD1, and updated to this driver.

    Worked fine and the DD1 was found in windows, when i open the settings it asked for firmware update wich i did.

    And it went trough it all and said done.

    How ever when it was done the Fan on the DD1 went to max, and now i cant find my dd1 at all on my computer.

    The DD1 still works, and the displays on the DD1 and my CSW FW2 works.

    It asked for a calibration wich i did, but my computer still dont find the DD1 and the fan is still running on max speed.

    Ive tried restarting and all that ofcourse, and if i restart the DD1, it does its initalating, and then the fan ramps up to max, and it asks for a new calibration every time.

    What do i need to do to fix this?

  • edited May 2020

    Sounds like you are in xbox mode which is the default mode after a firmware update. Simply switch to PC mode (or detach the Formula v2) and then everything should work again and you can update the motor which is the reason why your fans are at 100%.

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